A review of the genus Bietia with a description of a new species from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Goliathini) Author Jákl, Stanislav Lamačova 861, CZ- 158 00 Praha 5 - Hlubočepy, Czech Republic; e-mail: stanley. jakl @ seznam. cz Author Král, David Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology, Viničná 7, Author Kubáň, Vítězslav Department of Entomology, National Museum, Golčova 1, CZ- 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice, Czech Republic; e-mail: vkuban @ volny. cz text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2010 2010-12-15 50 2 517 528 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5326150 0374-1036 5326150 Bietia rudicollis Fairmaire, 1898 ( Figs. 3 , 11, 12 ) Bietia rudicollis Fairmaire, 1898: 386 . Type locality: Western China , western Sichuan (‘Se-Pin-Lou-Chan (Thibet)’). Bietia rudicollis : SCHENKLING (1921) : 81 (catalogue); WINKLER (1929) : column 1119 (catalogue); MEDVEDEV (1964) : 37 (description); MIKŠIĆ (1977) : 380 (redescription); SAKAI & NAGAI (1998) : 234 (catalogue note in Japanese); SMETANA (2006) : 301 (catalogue). Bietia ( Bietia ) rudicollis : KRAJČÍK (1998) : 19 (catalogue). Atropinota funkei Heller, 1923: 78 , syn. nov. Type locality: Western China , western Sichuan , Kangding (‘Tatsienlu’). Atropinota funkei : WINKLER (1929) :column 1120 (catalogue); MEDVEDEV (1964) :105 (description); MA (1995) : 110 , fig. 88 (description); KRAJČÍK (1998) : 25 (catalogue); SMETANA (2006) : 284 (catalogue). Type material examined. Atropinota funkei : LECTOTYPE (hereby designated): ‘ Szetschwan / Tatsienlu [now Kangding] / Stötzner-Expedition [p] // 1923 [p] / 4 [h] // Atropinota / funkei m [h] / det. K. M. Heller 19 [p] 22 [h] // Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde , Dresden [p]’ (1 J, SMTD ) . PARALECTOTYPES (1 J, 1 ♀ ): ‘Szetschwan / Tatsienlu [now Kangding] / Stötzner-Expedition [p] // PARATYPUS [p] // Para- [h] typus [p] Atropinota funkei Heller [h] [white label with red margin] // coll. / Tesař [p]’ (1 J, NMPC ) ; ‘ Szetschwan / Tatsienlu [now Kangding] / Stötzner- Expedition [p] // 1923 [p] / 4 [h] // Atropinota / funkei H [h] / typus [p] [red label] // Staatl. Museum für / Tierkunde, Dresden [p]’ ( 1 ♀ , SMTD ) . Note. One additional male paralectotype of A. funkei deposited in SMTD does not belong to this species but to Aethiessa sp. The label data of this specimen are as follows: ‘Szetschwan / Tatsienlu [now Kangding] / Stötzner- Expedition [p] // Co-Type [h] // Atropinota g.n. / funkei m. (cotypus) [h] / Det. K. M. Heller 19 [p] 22 [h]’. Additional material examined. CHINA : SICHUAN : ‘Se Pin – Lou Chan / Ya Tcheou / Chasseurs indigènes / 1893 [p] // Bietia / rudicollis Fairm. / comp. with type / St. Jákl det., 2006 [p]’ (1 J, MNHN ); ‘Se Pin – Lou Chan / Ya Tcheou / Chasseurs indigènes / 1893 [p] // Coll. Kraatz [p] // Atropinota / funkei Heller [h] / det. Schein, München [p] // Bietia / rudicollis Fairm. / comp. with type / St. Jákl det., 2006 [p]’ (1 J, DEI ). Remarks. The number of syntypes of Atropinota funkei is unknown. Three syntypes were found in SMTD, of which one male belongs in fact to the genus Aethiessa Burmeister, 1842 and does not correspond to the original description. An additional male syntype was found in NMPC (see also BEZDĚK & HÁJEK 2010 ). As the type series consists of two different species, we designate here the single male deposited in SMTD as the lectotype to fix the identity of Atropinota funkei . We compared this lectotype with two male specimens of Bietia rudicollis which had been compared with a syntype from the Fairmaire collection in MNHN. We failed to find any difference between these specimens. Therefore, we consider Atropinota funkei Heller, 1923 to be conspecific with Bietia rudicollis Fairmaire, 1898 and propose the latter as its junior subjective synonym.