A new species of Entomobrya Rondani, 1861 (Collembola, Entomobryidae, Entomobryinae) from Brazil, including new records of E. barbata Siqueira & Bellini, 2020 Author Viana, Stéphanie Dos Santos 0000-0001-8404-9132 vianastephanie 94 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8404 - 9132 vianastephanie94@gmail.com Author Morais, José Wellington De 0000-0003-3801-7054 moraisjw @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3801 - 7054 moraisjw@gmail.com Author Cipola, Nikolas Gioia 0000-0002-7594-9574 nikolasgc @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7594 - 9574 nikolasgc@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2022 2022-06-21 5155 2 261 279 journal article 78124 10.11646/zootaxa.5155.2.5 9edc36d6-244a-4948-9956-ba8d046fdbbf 1175-5326 6673490 396DA8C2-725B-481F-A1F1-78B07DE8F75C Entomobrya uai sp. nov. Viana & Cipola Figs 1–9 , 11 and Table 1 Diagnosis. Th II–Abd III with triangle-shaped spot of dark pigment and Abd IV with some depigmented anterior areas and a broad dark spot posteriorly ( Fig. 2 ); antennae subequal or longer than the trunk ( Fig. 2 ); Ant IV apical bulb bilobed ( Fig. 3A ); prelabral chaetae clearly ciliate ( Fig. 3D ); head macrochaetotaxy with 5–7 ‘An’, 4 ‘A’, 4 ‘M’, 7–8 ‘S’, 1 ‘Ps’, 4 ‘Pa’, 2–3 extra mac, 2 ‘Pm’, 4 ‘Pp’, and 3 ‘Pe’ mac ( Fig. 3E ); inner labral papillae rounded and outer papillae straight ( Fig. 4A ); labial papilla E l.p. finger-shaped and not reaching the base of a.a. ( Fig. 4B ); Th II internally with 1 anterior, 4–6 median ( m1 , m2–2i , m4i–4p ) and 12–21 posterior mac; Th III–Abd III with 15–21, 7–8, 5 and 1 inner mac (from the center until a5 ), respectively; Abd IV with 9–13 inner mac and 20–21 outer mac ( Fig. 5 ); unguiculus ai lamella truncate (almost excavate) ( Figs 6B , 7E ); manubrial plate with 9–13 chaetae and 3 psp ( Fig. 9B ); mucronal teeth subequal and basal spine not reaching the apex of the proximal tooth ( Fig. 9C ). Type Material. Holotype female on slide ( INPA-CLL 0000197 ): Brazil , Minas Gerais state , Carmo do Rio Claro municipality, Riparian Forest of the “Furnas” dam, near to “Presidente Tancredo Neves” road, 20°55’19.3”S , 46°08’00.8”W ( Fig. 11 ), 784 m . , 24.xii.2020 28.ii.2021 , malaise trap , DG Pádua coll. 72 paratypes : 2 males and 9 females on slides and 14 specimens in alcohol ( INPA-CLL 0000198-209 ) and 1 male and 1 female on slides ( CC / UFRN ): same date as holotype ; 2 males and 5 females on slides and 40 specimens in alcohol ( INPA-CLL 0000210- 217 ) plus 4 females on slides ( CC / UFRN ): Capitólio municipality, “Pousada do Rio Turvo”, woods near the stream, 20°38’54.8”S , 46°13’35.6”W ( Fig.11 ), 783 m . , 20.xii.2019 09.i.2020 , Malaise trap , DG Pádua coll. Other examined material. 2 males , 1 female and 3 juveniles on slides and 2 specimens in alcohol ( INPA ): Brazil , Distrito Federal , Brasília municipality, “Lira” farm in rural area of Tabatinga , 15°49’57”S , 47°31’05”W ( Fig. 11 ), 904 m ., 21-22.xii.2014 , Pitfall trap , MBCS Graça coll. 1 specimen in alcohol ( INPA ): idem, except 11- 12.ix.2014 . Description. Total length (head + trunk) of specimens 1.96–2.23 mm (n=4), holotype 2.07 mm . Specimens pale yellowish or white with dark pigments on Ant I–IV distally, Ant I basis and one lateral dark spot; head anteriorly with irregular spots; postocellar region to Abd I border with one longitudinal dark strip; Th II to Abd III dorsally with one central triangle-shaped dark spot which extends in irregular spots until the Abd VI; Abd IV laterally and coxae I–III with small irregular spots; femur I–III distally and proximally, plus distal tibiotarsus I–III weakly pigmented; eyepatches black ( Figs 2A–B ). Body typically unscaled, with mic and mes abruptly ciliate; mac finely ciliate, apically acuminate or foot-shaped, short or elongated ( Fig. 1 ). FIGURE 1. Symbols used in the chaetotaxy descriptions of Entomobrya uai sp. nov. FIGURE 2A–C. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. , habitus of fixed specimens in ethanol; A–B specimens from the type locality, Minas Gerais state: A , dorsal view; B , lateral view. C , specimen from Distrito Federal (dorsal view), showing the variation in the color pattern on Abd IV. Scale bars: 1 mm. FIGURE 3A–E. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : head; A , apex of left Ant IV (ventral view), arrow indicate indicates the pin projection; B , chaetotaxy of left Ant II–I (dorsal view), respectively, arrows indicate ventral chaetae apically acuminate and dorsal chaetae apically foot-shape; C , Ant III distally (lateral view); D , clypeal, prelabral and labral chaetotaxy; E , dorsal head (left side). FIGURE 4A–E. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : ventral head; A , labral papillae; B , labial papillae E (left side), l.p. is the lateral process; C , maxillary palp and sublobal plate (right side); D , proximal chaetae and basomedian and basolateral labial fields, arrow indicates M2 chaeta present or absent; E , cephalic grove and postlabial chaetotaxy. Head. Antenna subequal to longer than the trunk length ( Fig. 2 ), ratio antennae: trunk = 1.26–1.10: 1 (n=3), holotype 1.14: 1; antennal ratio as I: II: III: IV = 1: 1.13–1.33: 1.02–1.11: 1.69–1.83 (n=4), holotype 1: 1.33: 1.11: 1.73. Ant IV not annulated, distally with an apical bulb apically bilobed and 1 lateral pin projection, 2 smaller subapical finger-shaped sens, numerous sens of different lengths and smooth and ciliate chaetae ( Fig. 3A ). Ant III organ with 2 finger-shaped sens, 3 guard sens, at least 8 extra sens and ciliate chaetae ( Fig. 3C ). Ant II dorsally with 6 foot-shaped mac, ventrally 3 mac apically acuminate ( Figs 3B ). Ant I dorsally with 6–8 foot-shaped mac and 2 smooth mic at base ( Fig. 5B ). Eyes 8+8 ( Fig. 3E ), A and B larger, G and H slightly smaller and with 6 interocular mes ( q , v , s , p , r , t ); head dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 3E ) with 5–7 ‘An’ ( An1a–3 ), 4 ‘A’ ( A0 , A2–3 , A5 ), 4 ‘M’ ( M1–4 ), 7–8 ‘S’ ( S0–7 ), 1 ‘Ps’ ( Ps2 ), 4 ‘Pa’ ( Pa1–3 , Pa5 ), 2–3 extra mac, 2 ‘Pm’ ( Pm1 , Pm3 ), 4 ‘Pp’ ( Pp1–3 , Pp5 ), and 3 ‘Pe’ ( Pe2–3 , Pe5 ) mac. Clypeal formula with 4 ( l1–2 ), 9–11 ( f ), 5–9 ( pf 0–4 ) ciliate chaetae, l1–2 longer and apically acuminate, 3–5 f and 2 pf smaller, others subequal ( Fig. 3D ). Four prelabral chaetae clearly ciliated ( Fig. 3D ). Labral formula with 4 ( a1–2 ), 5 ( m0–2 ), 5 ( p0–2 ) smooth chaetae, a1 not thicker, p0–2 longer, others subequal ( Fig. 3D ). Four labral papillae, inner papillae apically rounded and outer papillae apically straight, both smooth and devoid of projections and filaments ( Fig. 4A ). Labial papilla E l.p. finger-shaped, apically thinner and not reaching the base of a.a. ( Fig. 4B ). Maxillary palp with t.a. and b.c. smooth, b.c. 1.13 longer than t.a. ; sublobal plate with 3 inner appendages plus 1 small distal appendix ( Fig. 4C ). Basolateral and basomedian labial fields with chaetae a1–5 smooth, M1–2 , R , E , L1–2 ciliate, M2 (present or absent) and R smaller ( Fig. 4D ). Labium with 5 proximal chaetae subequal and smooth ( Fig. 4D ). Cephalic groove with 9 surrounding ciliate chaetae of different length; postlabial formula with 4 ( G1–4 ), 3 ( X 2, X , X4 ), 4 ( H1–4 ) chaetae plus 4 mes between these series ( Fig. 4E ). FIGURES 5A–C. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : dorsal chaetotaxy (left side); A , Th II–III; B , Abd I–III; C , Abd IV–V. Thorax chaetotaxy ( Fig. 5A ). Th II a , m and p series (excluding anterior collar) with about 1 ( a5 ), 4–6 ( m1 , m2–2i , m4 , 4i , 4p ) and 13–22 mac ( p1–p5 ) mac, respectively. Th III a , m and p series with 7–8 ( a1 –a7 ), 4 ( m5i– 6e ) and 12–17 ( p1–p3 , p5–6 ) and 1 of uncertain homology) mac, respectively. Ratio Th II: III = 1.35–1.14: 1 (n=3), holotype 1.35: 1. Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 5B–C ). Abd I a , m and p series with 2–3 ( a2–3 , a5 ) 5–6 ( m2i–5 ) and 1–0 ( p6 ) mac, respectively. Abd II a , m and p series with 1 ( a2 ), 5 ( m3–3ea , m5 ) and 1–0 ( p5 ) mac, respectively. Abd III a , m and p series 0, 3 ( m3 , am6 , pm6 ) and 1 ( p6 ) mac, respectively. Abd IV with 9–13 inner mac in A–C series ( A2 , A5a–5p , A6 , Si , Ae7 , B2 , B4–6 , Sm , C1 ) and 20–21 lateral mac of T–Fe series ( T7 , D3–3p , E2p–4 , Ee2? , Ee8 , Ee10–11 , F1a–3p , Fe1? , De3? and one of uncertain homology); 14 inner sens ( as and ps type I, others type II) and 9 posterior mes. Abd V a , m , pa and p series with 5 ( a1 , a3 , a5–6a ), 4 ( m2a–3 , m5 ), 6 ( p2a–6ai ) and 6 ( p0–1 , p3–6 ) mac, respectively. Ratio Abd III: IV = 1: 5.63–7.11 (n=3), holotype 1: 7.11. Th II to Abd V dorsal with ms and sens formula 1, 0| 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 and 2, 2 | 1, 2, 2, +, 3, respectively. Abd II–IV bothriotrichal formula 2 ( a5 , m2 ), 3 ( a5 , m2 , m5 ) and 2 ( T2 , T4 ), respectively ( Fig 5 ). Legs ( Figs 6 , 7A–C ). Subcoxa I with 3 chaetae and 2 psp; subcoxa II with an anterior row of 8 chaetae and at least 10 anterior chaetae; posterior row of 4 chaetae, 1 anterior chaeta and 2 psp; subcoxa III with one row of 8 chaetae, at least 19 anterior chaeta and 2 psp. Trochanteral organ with about 48 spine-like chaetae, 5 anterior, 5 posterior, 29 internal, 1 apical and 8 distal arm ( Fig. 7D ). Femur I–III internally with 4 elongated chaetae apically acuminate ( Fig. 6A ); tibiotarsus I–III with 3 outer mac apically acuminate and 5 inner mac finely ciliate. Pretarsus with 1 minute anterior and 1 posterior smooth chaeta ( Fig. 7E ). Unguis I–III outer side with a pair of laterobasal teeth and one unpaired proximal tooth flattened laterally; inner side with 4 inner teeth, b.t. on proximal 1/4, m.t. on distal 1/3 and subequal to b.t. , a.t. smaller and on distal 1/7. Unguiculus with all lamellae smooth and acuminate ( ae , ai , pe , pi ), except ai truncate; ratio unguis: unguiculus = 1: 0.52. Tibiotarsus III distally with 1 inner smooth chaeta 1.18 longer than the unguiculus; outer side with 1 tenent hair capitate, ciliate, and 0.98 smaller than the unguis ( Figs 6B , 7E ). FIGURE 6A–B. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : leg I (posterior view); A ; femur and tibiotarsus; B distal tibiotarsus and empodial complex I. Scale bars: 0.1 mm ( A ), 0.03 mm ( B ). FIGURE 7A–E. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : legs; A–C ; chaetotaxy of subcoxa I–III respectively (outer side); D , trochanteral organ; E , distal tibiotarsus and empodial complex III (posterior view). Collophore ( Figs 8A–C ). Anterior side with about 23 ciliate chaetae, 3 latero-proximal, about 17 of different sizes widely distributed on tube and 3 distal mac; posterior side with numerous ciliate chaetae, proximal region with 4 elongated (1 basal unpaired) chaetae apically acuminate and distally with 1 smooth chaeta; lateral flap with 11–13 chaetae, 7 smooth and 4–6 ciliate. Genital plate. Males with papillate genital plate, with 3 small eugenital chaetae and 18 circumgenital conical chaetae, all smooth. Females’ genital plate with two pairs (one superior and one inferior) of small smooth chaetae. FIGURE 8A–C. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : collophore; A , anterior view; B , posterior view, arrows indicate the smooth chaetae; C , lateral flap, arrows show chaetae present or absent. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. Furcula ( Figs 9A–C ). Manubrium ventrally with 2 subapical and about 23 chaetae ciliate of different sizes. Manubrial plate dorsally with 9–13 chaetae of different sizes and 2 psp. Dens proximally (dental lobe) with 2 ( bs1 and bs2 ) ciliate chaetae thinker and subequal. Dens dorsally crenulate on its distal 1/6. Mucro bidentate with the proximal tooth subequal to the distal one, mucronal spine not reaching the apex of the proximal tooth. Variations. Specimens of Entomobrya uai sp. nov. from the type locality ( Minas Gerais ), as well as from Brasília municipality ( Distrito Federal ), has the same pattern of dorsal chaetotaxy, including the variations (mac or mes, mac present or absent) of the head, Th II–Abd II and Abd IV. However, specimens from Brasília (almost 600 km from the type locality) we observed three differences in relation to the type material. The variations are: whitish body with purple pigments, Abd IV–V with goblet-shaped spots ( Fig. 2C ), and basolateral labial fields with chaetae l1 smooth on one side of head in a single specimen. It is possible these morphological variations combined with molecular analysis can break apart the populations of E. uai sp. nov. into two valid species. FIGURE 9A–C. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. : furcula; A , distal manubrium (ventral view); B , manubrial plate and proximal dens (dorsal view); C , dens distally and mucro (outer view). Distribution and habitat. The new species was found in areas of the Cerrado Biome in Minas Gerais state and Distrito Federal ( Fig. 11 ), respectively in the southeastern and central-western regions from Brazil , Good’s biogeographic zone 27 of the Neotropical Region ( Good 1974 ). Following the Köppen-Geiger system, the type locality ( Minas Gerais state ) has a Subtropical Highland Temperate climate (Cwb), characterized by a dry winter and warm summer, and an annual average temperature below 22 °C. In the Distrito Federal region, the climate is of a tropical savanna (Aw/As), with an annual average temperature above 18 °C and precipitation less than 100 mm ( Kottek et al. 2006 ). Etymology. The word “uai” was derived from an informal phonic change of a popular Brazilian expression (oiai, uiai, ué, uéi), which was firstly used as “olhai” (From Latin: adoculare ‒‒look, look there, see there) ( Batista & Camargos 2013 ). The specific epithet is taken from the informal interjection, commonly spoken in Minas Gerais state ( Brazil ), which can express amazement, surprise or confirmation. TABLE 1. Comparison among Entomobrya species with a central longitudinal spot on Th II to Abd IV.
Characteristics E. iraqensis E. kalakaua E. karlstetterae E. stirlingensis E. uai E. unostrigata
(6) (2,3) (1) (7) sp. nov. (4,5,8)
Mosul, Kauai, Tibet, Victoria, Minas Gerais, Flix,
Iraq Hawaii China Australia Brazil Spain
Dorsal body color pattern central head longitudinal shape triangle-spot (+/–) irregular spots variable
Th II–Abd III irregular spot pine-shape spot (+/–) irregular spots in rib- shaped three irregular spots triangle-shaped irregular spot
Abd IV longitudinal and central irregular spot central hookah-shape spot broad irregular spot broad with some anterior irregular spot and lateral
wing-shape spot and lateral irregular spots depigmented spots irregular spots (+/–)
Ratio antennae: trunk Ant <body Ant <body Ant <body ? Ant =/> body ?
Ant IV apical bulb unilobed bilobed bilobed bilobed bilobed
Prelabral chaetae ? ? ? ciliate ciliate smooth
Labral papillae inner simple and smooth conical with 1 pro- jection with projections conical with 1 pro- jection rounded 2–4 projections
outer simple and smooth conical with 1 pro- jection with projections conical with 1 pro- jection straight 4–5 projections projections
Head mac M0 +
S1 + + + +
Ps3 + +
Th II mac m1 + + + + +
m2 + + + +
m4i + + +/– +
m4p + +
Abd II mac a2 + + + + +
a3 + + + +
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Characteristics E. iraqensis E. kalakaua E. karlstetterae E. stirlingensis E. uai E. unostrigata
m3 + + + + +
Abd III mac a2 + + +
a3 + + +
m3e +
Abd IV inner mac anterior 3 9 4 0 4–5 ?
by regions* median (A8) 4 3 3 2 1–0 ?
posterior 4 4 4 4 5–7 ?
Trochanteral organ chaetae ? > 8 15 12 48 ?
Unguis tooth ratio b.t.=m.t.>a.t. b.t.=m.t.>a.t. ? ? b.t.=m.t.>a.t. b.t.=m.t.>a.t.
b.t. m.t. ½ proximal ⅓ distal proximal ½ proximal ?? ½ proximal ¼ distal ¼ proximal ⅓ distal ½ proximal ¼ distal
Unguiculus III ai acuminate acuminate acuminate acuminate truncate acuminate
pe smooth serrate ? serrate smooth smooth
Manubrial plate chaetae 4 ? 7–8 4 9–13 3
psp 2 ? 2 2 3 2
Mucro teeth size subequal subequal subequal subequal subequal distal tooth larger
Mucronal spine not reaching the reaching or exceed- ? reaching the not reaching the ?
length ing
proximal tooth the proximal tooth proximal tooth proximal tooth
Legends: (C) ciliate chaeta; (S) smooth chaeta; (+) present; (–) absent; (?) unknown; (*) indicates the Abd IV regions (A6-10) follows Jordana (2012) . References: (1) Baquero & Jordana, 2008 ; (2) Carpenter, 1904 ; (3) Christiansen & Bellinger, 1992 ; (4) Gisin, 1960 ; (5) Jordana 2012 ; (6) Jordana & Baquero, 2010 ; (7) Jordana & Greenslade, 2020 ; (8) Stach, 1930 . Remarks. Entomobrya uai sp. nov. is similar to other Brazilian species especially by tenent hairs capitate and unguiculus ai lamella truncate (almost excavate), as E. aipatse Arlé, 1959 from Mato Grosso state , E. ataquensis Arlé, 1959 from Serra da Mantiqueira ( Minas Gerais and São Paulo states), and E. wasmanni Handschin, 1924 , from Santa Catarina state . However, the new species differs from them by Th II–Abd III with a triangle-shaped dark spot and Abd IV–VI with wide longitudinal dark spots ( Fig 2 .), while E. ataquensis has the body almost completely pigmented (sometimes Abd IV–VI depigmented), E. aipatse has two small central dark spots on Abd IV and some posterior abdominal stains, and E. wasmanni shows a typical transversal spot on Th III–Abd I (see Handschin 1924 ; Arlé 1959 ). The new species also differs by antenna subequal or longer than the trunk length (smaller in other species), unguis b.t. on proximal 1/4 (about proximal 1/ 5 in E. ataquensis and on half in E. wasmanni ), unguiculus pe lamellae smooth (serrated in E. aipatse ), males’ genital plate with 18 circumgenital chaetae ( 12 in E. ataquensis ), and mucro teeth subequal (apical tooth smaller in E. aipatse and E. wasmanni ). Due to the presence of a central longitudinal band on the body of Entomobrya uai sp. nov. , it resembles other species from different regions of the world such as E. iraqensis Jordana & Baquero, 2010 , E. kalakaua Carpenter, 1904 , E. karlstetterae Baquero & Jordana, 2008 , E. stirlingensis Jordana & Greenslade, 2020 , and E. unostrigata Stach, 1930 ( Table 1 ). However, the new species differs from these species by antenna subequal or longer than the trunk length (smaller in E. iraqensis , E. kalakaua , E. karlstetterae ), Ant IV apical bulb bilobed (unilobed in E. iraqensis , absent in E. kalakaua ), prelabral chaetae clearly ciliate (smooth in E. unostrigata ), labral papillae simple and smooth (with projections in these species, except for E. iraqensis ), and head chaetotaxy without M0 and Ps3 mac (both present in E. karlstetterae , and only Ps3 present in E. unostrigata ) and S1 mac present (absent in E. karlstetterae and E. stirlingensis ). The dorsal chaetotaxy of the trunk of E. uai sp. nov. differs from the above cited species in Th II with m1 , m2 and m4p mac (all absent in E. karlstetterae , only m2 absent in E. unostrigata , only m4p absent in E. iraqensis , E. stirlingensis and E. unostrigata ); Abd II with a2 and m3 mac (both absent in E. stirlingensis ) and a3 mac absent (present in E. iraqensis , E. kalakaua , E. karlstetterae and E. unostrigata ); Abd III devoid of a2 , a3 and m3e mac (all present in E. iraqensis , a2 and a3 present in E. kalakaua and E. karlstetterae ), and Abd IV with 4–5, 1–0 and 7–5 inner mac respectively in anterior, median and posterior regions, while in the other species the patterns are different (see Table 1 ). Finally, the new species differs by unguiculus ai lamella truncate (acuminate in these species), manubrial plate with 9–13 chaetae and 3 psp (less in these other species), and body color pattern with an exclusive triangle-shaped dark spot on Th II–Abd III which extends in an irregular spot until Abd VI ( Fig. 2 ), while in the other species the color patterns are distinct. Other differences among these species are summarized in Table 1 .