A catalogue of the types of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with brief notes on the history of the collection Author Notton, David G. text Zootaxa 2010 2358 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275686 ef953f73-414f-4e8a-83a7-7ec993cb2bcf 1175-5326 275686 Polygnotus marchali : Ashmead in Marchal, 1900 : 112 nomen nudum Remarks. Three specimens were found in a tube of alcohol in the MNHN labelled as ‘ Polygnotus Marchali Ashmead Types’ with locality and host data corresponding to that noted by Marchal (1900) . Unfortunately since no description was given, and the data are insufficient for publication (see ICZN 1999: Art. 12.3) the name is a nomen nudum and the specimens not types . This name should not to be confused with Platygaster marchali Kieffer, 1906 q. v. which is available. No subsequent description of P. marchali : Ashmead could be traced in Ashmead’s publications (for bibliography see Crawford 1908; Howard, Crawford, & Banks 1908 ) and although Ashmead did publish one paper based on material received from Marchal ( Ashmead 1897 ) entitled ‘Notes on some European hymenopterous parasites …; bred by Dr. Paul Marchal, The French Government Entomologist, paper No. 1’ this does not include this species and there were apparently no further papers in this series. While P. marchali : Ashmead is not an available name, this material is noted for the following reasons: 1) to alert students to possible confusion, 2) in the unlikely event that a description by Ashmead is found and 3) because it is in reasonable condition, has biological data, and may be worth reexamination and formal description if found to be undescribed. The three specimens were extracted from the alcohol and mounted on card points.