Genera of the leaf-feeding Dendrothripinae of the world (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), with new species from Australia and Sulawesi, Indonesia Author Mound, Laurence A. Author Tree, Desley J. text Zootaxa 2016 4109 5 569 582 journal article 39092 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.5 6bf8e862-b6f3-4da7-a8c2-b89e1c636e95 1175-5326 261205 24DE652C-A52D-4372-825A-E251293661AF Pseudodendrothrips marissae sp.n. Female macroptera : In life, sharply bicoloured, abdomen almost white but head and thorax often with extensive red internal pigment. Body and legs largely pale; head extensively brown dorsally and ventrally but paler laterally; pronotum evenly light brown but paler on posterior third; antennal segments I and II as dark brown as head, III–IX light brown with III palest; fore wing basal third or quarter white (also clavus) in sharp contrast to dark median area that is gradually paler toward the apex ( Fig. 31 ). FIGURES 28–32 . Dendrothripinae . (28) Pseudodendrothrips darci head and pronotum. 29–32 Pseudodendrothrips marissae : (29) head and pronotum—paratype female in Hoyers Mountant; (30) head and pronotum—non-paratype female; (31) fore wing; (32) tergites IV–VI. Structural details typical of genus; head weakly reticulate, ocellar setae III small arising just mesad of anterior margins of posterior ocelli ( Fig. 30 ); compound eyes with about 7 weakly pigmented facets. Antennae 9- segmented, sense cones on III and IV elongate and U-shaped; VI with sense cone arising close to base, VII clearly distinct from VI. Pronotum transversely reticulate, reticles with internal markings; posterior margin with 3 (sometimes 4) pairs of setae of which outer 2 pairs longest. Mesonotal setae small, metanotum typical of genus ( Fig. 30 ). Fore wing with 7 veinal setae, clavus with 2 veinal and one discal setae; costal cilia arising almost at anterior margin; posteromarginal cilia straight. Hind tarsi very long, about 0.8 as long as hind tibiae. Tergites II–VIII lateral thirds with transverse rows of small longitudinal ridges ( Fig. 32 ), median setal pair long and close together; VIII with long marginal comb; IX and X with band of discal microtrichia on posterior third. Sternites transversely reticulate, III–VII with 3 pairs of marginal setae, II with 2 pairs, setae on VII arising sub-marginally. Measurements (female holotype in microns). Body length 900. Head, length 50; width across eyes 130; ocellar setae III 12 ?. Pronotum, length 65; width 140; posteroangular setae 30, 35. Fore wing length 600. Hind tibia 120; hind tarsus 100. Antennal segments III–IX length 27, 33, 30, 33, 10, 15, 15. Male macroptera . Similar to female but smaller and paler, head brown on at least anterior half, pronotum scarcely brown; fore wing basal pale area shorter than in female. Material studied . Holotype female, Australia , New South Wales , Lorien, Lansdowne (near Taree), from Ficus coronata , 13.iv.2002 (LAM 4134), in ANIC . Paratypes : 2 females , 2 males taken with holotype ; Queensland, Mt Glorious, Red Cedar Flat, 4 females , 3 males from Ficus coronata , 13.x.2006 . Australian Capital Territory, Namadji, 1 male from Poa sp., 19.xi.2006 . Specimens excluded from type series: New South Wales , Redhead, SE of Taree, 10 females , 10 males from Ficus fraseri , 19.i.2001 ; Kiwarrak, 20km south of Taree, 1 female , 1 male from Ficus rubiginosa , 14.iv.2002 ; Queensland, Monto, 2 females from Ficus coronata , 27.iii.1995 . Comments . The dark fore wing with the basal fifth sharply pale distinguishes this species from its congeners in Australia . Moreover, the pronotum is more evenly brown in colour, rather than bearing discrete brown areas ( Fig 29 ). The females excluded from the type series have the pronotum rather paler ( Fig. 30 ), the fore wing more extensively pale distally, and the males with the body and wings almost uniformly pale. In common with all the Pseudodendrothrips known from Australia , the apex of the hind tibia in marissae bears a single stout seta, in contrast to the two such setae found in aegyptiacus , a pale bodied species that is widespread from eastern Mediterranean countries, including Egypt , Israel and Abu Dhabi, to southern Africa and the Canary Islands.