A. colpota
A. maldivensis
A. solida
A. mozambica
sp. nov.
Tentacles |
Original description |
Pink to violet, situated on |
Numerous small, pink- |
White, short tentacles |
Brandt, 1835
): Reddish.
exumbrella, some distance |
ish tentacles arranged |
arranged on bell margin; |
Maas (1903)
: Yellow. No
from bell margin; approxi- |
slightly above bell |
approximately 35–40 per |
other data available. |
mately 60 per lappet. |
margin. |
lappet (70–80 per octant) |
Oral |
Ovate-Lanceolate. |
Large, tentacled; extending |
Slightly folded; mean |
Undivided, heavily |
arms |
curtain like below the bell |
length 88% of bell |
folded; less than half |
radius. |
umbrella diameter in |
length. |
Colour |
Original description |
Whole animal including |
Bell margin; light |
Opaque/ translucent with |
Brandt, 1835
): Red-
gonads is bright lilac, pink |
violet. |
lilac gonads. |
Maas (1903)
: Pink
or blue. |
gonads. |
Canals |
Insufficient data. |
Pink to violet; interradial |
Salmon-violet; adradial |
interracanals frequently anasto- |
canals branched few |
dial and perradial canals |
mose; adradial canals un- |
times. |
branched; unbranched |
branched, as are the canals |
adradial canals. |
running to the indent on the |
middle of each lappet. |
Bell |
Insufficient data. |
8 velar lobes with indenta- |
Bell shape typically |
16 marginal lobes. Bell |
shape |
tions on midpoint of each |
undulating, 8 marginal |
flat, thickening to centre |
lobe. Bell very thick and |
lobes. |
more than one third as high |
as broad. |