Taxonomic revision of Carex chungii (Cyperaceae; sect. Mitratae) and allied species Author Jin, Xiao-Feng text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-08-11 317 1 29 41 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.1.3 1179-3163 13696152 1. Carex chungii Z.P. Wang (1962: 45) . Type :― CHINA . Anhui : Chuzhou, Mt. Langya, 22 May 1957 , Z.P. Wang 63 ( holotype : N-000053535!; isotype : N-000053536!). ( Fig. 4A–E , Fig. 5A ) = Carex kamagariensis K. Okamoto (1965: 66) . syn. nov. Type :― JAPAN . Hiroshima Pref. : Aki-gun , Kamagari-cho , 28 Apr. 1961 , K. Okamoto 934 ( holotype : HIRO, photo!; isotypes : OKAY!, TI!). Perennial. Rhizome short, cespitose, woody. Culms 15–50 cm tall, trigonous, scabrous, with grayish brown or brown fibrous sheaths at base. Leaves shorter or longer than culms; blades 1.5–2(–3) mm wide, flat, scabrous on upper margins. Bracts leaf-like or shortly leaf-like, sheathing; sheaths 5–25 mm long. Spikes 3–5, upper spikes approximate, lowers remote; terminal spike staminate, cylindrical, 1–3 cm long, 1.5–3 mm wide, pedunculate; lateral spikes pistillate, with the lowermost ones arising from the middle of culms, narrowly cylindrical, 1–2.5 cm long, 2–3 mm wide, rather densely flowered. Staminate scales pale yellow or pale brown, 4–5 mm long, obovate-oblong, with greenish brown 3- veined costa excurrent into a short-mucro or short awn, or obtuse at apex. Pistillate scales pale green or glaucous, 2–2.5 mm long (excluding awn), obovate or obovate-oblong, with green 3-veined costa excurrent into a scabrous 1.5–4 mm long awn at apex. Perigynia rhombic-ovoid, shorter than pistillate scales, 3–3.5 mm long, obtusely trigonous, green or yellowish green, sparsely pubescent, distinctly veined, gradually contracted to a 0.5–0.7 mm long beak; orifice 2 lobed with short teeth. Achenes tightly enveloped, rhombic-ovoid, trigonous, 1.8–2.2 mm long, castaneous, with the 3 angles constricted at middle, lateral sides concave both above and below, attenuated into a shortly stipitate base, abruptly contracted and then widened at apex into a discoid-annulate style-base; style thickened at base; stigmas 3. Distribution and habitat:— This species is distributed in East, South, North and North-west China , Central to South of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu of Japan , and South Korea ( Fig. 5A ). It grows on slopes, forests, meadows, cliffs, and by streams or roadsides, at an elevation of 5‒1700 m . Phenology:— Flowers and fruits in early April to mid May. Additional specimens examined:― CHINA . Anhui : Chuzhou, Mt. Langya, X.F. Jin & al. 2748 , 2752 , 2753 , 2755 , 2756 , 2757 (HTC), S.W. Su 81006 (ACM, PE), Z.P. Wang 77 , 80 (N); Taihu, Chenwan, S.W. Su 2436 (PE); Xiuning, Lingnan, S.W. Su 81056 (PE); Yuexi, Meili, X.F. Jin & W.J. Chen 3432 (HTC). Guangdong : Yingde, S.K. Lau 30404 (IBK). Henan : Xinyang, Mt. Jigong, Sino-Gem. Exped. 375 (PE). Hubei : Zhuxi, Gedong, Q.L. Gan 3059 (PE). Jiangsu : Nanjing, Shierdong, Y.L. Keng 1318 (NAS). Jiangxi : Jiujiang, Mt. Lushan, Y. Zou 187 (LBG). Shaanxi : Shanyang, Banmiao, J.X. Yang & Y.M. Liang 2567 (PE). Shandong : Qingdao, Mt. Laoshan, X.F. Jin 2824 (HTC), Y.M. Zhang & C.H. Li 88071 (PE, SDNU), H.B. Chen 87-7 (SDNU). Zhejiang : Kaihua, Wenshan, L. Hong 1751 (HTC); Lin’an, Mt. Qingliangfeng, X.F. Jin 1732 , 1733 , 1734 (HTC), Mt. Tianmu, B.Y. Ding s. n. (HTC), H. Migo s. n. (NAS, PE), anonymous T-99 (HTC); Pan’an, X.F. Jin & W.J. Chen 2683 (HTC).— JAPAN . Ehime Pref. : Imabari-shi, T. Hoshino & al. 22286 (OKAY); Matsuyama-shi, J. Oda 805 , 807 (KYO), T. Shimizu 01-105 (KYO); Ochi-gun, T. Shimizu 01-31 (KYO, TI). Hiroshima Pref. : Fukuyama-shi, H. Watanabe & T.Saito s. n. (OKAY); Kure-shi, T. Hoshino 22309 & al. (OKAY); Toyota-gun, T. Shimizu 01-88 , 01-93 (KYO), 01-90 (KYO, TI), T. Saito s. n. (OKAY). Nagasaki Pref. : Kamigata-gun, T. Shimizu 86-125 (TI); Tsushima-shi, T. Hoshino & al. 21318 (KYO, OKAY). Saga Pref. : Higashi-Matsura-gun, T. Shimizu 88-175 (KYO); Karatsu-shi, T. Hoshino & al. 21750 (OKAY), 21765 (TI); Minami- Matsura-gun, T. Shimizu 88-195 (KYO). Tochigi Pref. : Nikko, U. Faurie 2303 (KYO).— KOREA . Jeollanam-do : Haenam-gun, Mt. Ilseongsan, H. Im & al. 23408 (KYO); Yeonggwang-gun, H. Im & al. 23434 (OKAY). FIGURE 4. A–E. Carex chungii Z. P. Wang. (A) habit; (B) staminate scale; (C) pistillate scale; (D) perigynium; (E) achene. F–K. Carex truncatirostris S.W.Su & S.M.Xu. (F) habit; (G) staminate spike; (H) staminate scale; (I) pistillate scale; (J) perigynium; (K) achene. (A–E from X.F. Jin & al. 2748 in HTC; F–K from Y. Zheng & al. 2744 in HTC; drawn by Xiao-feng Jin). FIGURE 5. Distribution map of Carex chungii and allied species. (A) Carex chungii ; (B) Carex truncatirostris ; (C) Carex dapanshanica (■) and C. nanpingensis (●); (D) Carex genkaiensis . 2. Carex dapanshanica X.F.Jin, Y.J.Zhao & Zi L.Chen (in Zhao & al. 2011: 670 ). Type:― CHINA . Zhejiang : Pan’an, Mt. Dapan, 25 April 2010 , X.F. Jin & al. 2530 ( holotype : HTC!, isotypes : HTC!, ZM!). ( Fig. 5C ) Perennial. Rhizome short, cespitose, woody, obliquely ascending. Culms 25–40 cm tall, obtusely trigonous, slender, smooth, with grayish brown fibrous sheaths at base. Leaves shorter than or equaling to culms, 1–2 mm wide, reflexed at margin, scabrous on upper surfaces. Bracts shortly leaf-like or setaceous, sheathing; sheaths 5–15 mm long. Spikes 2–4, upper 2 spikes approximate; terminal one staminate or sometimes with a few pistillate flowers, clavate-cylindrical, 1–5 cm long, 2–3 mm wide, pedunculate; lateral spikes pistillate, cylindrical, 0.8–2.5 cm long, 3–4 mm wide, densely flowered. Staminate scales brown or purplish brown, elliptic-lanceolate, 4.5–6 mm long, obtuse at apex, with yellowish brown 1-veined costa. Pistillate scales reddish brown, 2–2.5 mm long, ovate or narrowly ovate, with green 3-veined costa excurrent into a short awn or acuminate at apex. Perigynia ellipsoid-obovoid, nearly equaling to pistillate scales, ca. 2.5 mm long, obtusely trigonous, glabrous, green, distinctly veined, gradually contracted into ca. 1 mm beak at apex; orifice 2 lobed with minute teeth. Achenes loosely enveloped, ovoid, trigonous, ca. 1.5 mm long, yellow, with the 3 angles constricted at middle, sometimes not constricted, lateral sides concave above and below, attenuated into a shortly stipitate base, abruptly contracted and then widened at apex into a discoid-annulate style-base; style thickened at base; stigmas 3. Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to Pan’an County of East China ( Fig. 5C ). It grows on cliffs or roadsides at an elevation of 220– 450 m . Phenology:— Flowers and fruits in mid April to mid May. Additional specimens examined:― CHINA . Zhejiang : Pan’an, Mt. Dapan, X.F. Jin & al. 2521 , 2523 , 2529 (HTC); Shuangxi, X.F. Jin & W.J. Chen 2681 , 2682 (HTC), X.F. Jin & Y.Y. Zhou 3020 (HTC). 3. Carex genkaiensis Ohwi (1938: 34) . Type:― JAPAN , Kyushu, Fukuoka Pref. : Mt. Fukuchiyama, 14 Jun. 1936 , T. Tateishi s. n. ( holotype , KYO!). ( Fig. 5D ) Perennial. Rhizome short, cespitose, woody. Culms 25–50 cm tall, trigonous, smooth, with brown fibrous sheaths at base. Leaves shorter than culms, or nearly equaling in length; blades 2–4 mm wide, flat, scabrous on upper margins. Bracts leaf-like or shortly leaf-like, sheathing; sheaths 5–25 mm long. Spikes 3–5, the lowermost remote, uppers approximate; terminal spike staminate, linear-cylindrical, 1–1.5 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, subsessile; lateral spikes pistillate, narrowly cylindrical, 1–2 cm long, 2–3.5 mm wide, rather densely flowered. Staminate scale pale brown, ca. 5 mm long, narrowly ovate-elliptic, obtuse at apex, with brown 1-veined costa. Pistillate scales yellowish brown, 2–2.5 mm long, ovate or broadly ovate, with green 3-veined costa excurrent into a short awn, or acute at apex. Perigynia ovoid, longer than pistillate scales, 3–3.5 mm long, obtusely trigonous, yellowish green, sparsely pubescent, distinctly veined, gradually contracted to a ca. 0.6 mm long beak; orifice 2 lobed with minute teeth. Achenes tightly enveloped, rhombic-ovoid, trigonous, ca. 2 mm long, castaneous, with the 3 angles constricted at middle, lateral sides concave above and below, attenuated into a shortly stipitate base, contracted to a 0.2–0.5 mm long neck-like appendage at apex; style slightly thickened at base; stigmas 3. Distribution and habitat: ―It distributes in East China , South Honshu, Sikoku and Kyushu of Japan ( Fig. 5D ). It grows in meadows, slopes, forests or roadsides at an elevation of 20‒ 200 m . Phenology: ―Flowers and fruits in later April to mid May. Additional specimens examined:― CHINA . Zhejiang : Ningbo, Zhenhai, Y.Y. Ho 964 (PE).— JAPAN . Fukuoka Pref. : Nogata-shi, T. Shimizu 84-578 (KYO, TI), Y. Koga 17151 , 17152 (KYO). Kagawa Pref. : Shohzu-gun, Hoshino & al. 6932 (OKAY), S. Mitani 7368 , s. n. (OKAY). Osaka Pref. : Higashi-Osaka-shi, T. Shimizu, 20390 (KYO). Saga Pref. : Takeo-shi, T. Hoshino & al. 21718 (OKAY), 21776 (KYO, OKAY, TI), S. Iwamura 20080425 (OKAY). Wakayama Pref. : Wakayama-shi, Miyama, S. Yamamoto 23794 , 24037 (KYO). 4. Carex nanpingensis X.F.Jin , nom. nov. Carex chungii Z.P.Wang var. rigida Y.C.Tang & S.Yun Liang in L.K.Dai & S.Y.Liang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 12: 522. 2000 . Type:― CHINA , Fujian : Nanping, 13 Mar. 1931 , Y. Ling 2213 ( holotype : PE-01862857!, isotype : FJNU!). ( Fig. 5C ) Perennial. Rhizome short, cespitose, woody, sometimes stoloniferous. Culms 30–45 cm tall, trigonous, scabrous, with dark brown or brown fibrous sheaths at base. Leaves shorter than culms, or nearly equaling in length; blades 1.5–3 mm wide, flat, scabrous on upper margins. Bracts shortly leaf-like or setaceous, sheathing; sheaths 5–12 mm long. Spikes 4 or 5, remote; terminal spike staminate, cylindrical, 3–6 cm long, 2–3 mm wide, pedunculate; lateral spikes pistillate, with the lowermost ones arising from the middle of culms, narrowly cylindrical, 2.5–3 cm long, 2–3 mm wide, loosely flowered. Staminate scales pale yellow or pale brown, 5–5.5 mm long, oblanceolate, with brown 3-veined costa, acute at apex. Pistillate scales pale green or pale brown, 2–2.5 mm long, obovate, with green 3-veined costa excurrent into a mucro at apex. Perigynia rhombic-ovoid, longer than pistillate scales, 3–3.5 mm long, obtusely trigonous, yellowish green, sparsely pubescent or nearly glabrous, distinctly veined, gradually contracted to a 0.5–0.7 mm long beak; orifice 2 lobed with short teeth. Achenes tightly enveloped, rhombic-ovoid, trigonous, 1.8–2 mm long, castaneous, with the 3 angles constricted at middle, lateral sides concave both above and below, attenuated into a shortly stipitate base, abruptly contracted and then widened at apex into a discoid-annulate style-base; style thickened at base; stigmas 3. Distribution and habitat: ―Endemic to Fujian Province of China ( Fig. 5C ). It grows under forests or at roadsides. Phenology: ―Flowers and fruits in mid March to late April. Etymology:— The epithet refers to Nanping, type locality were the original material of C. chungii var. rigida was collected. Additional specimens examined:― CHINA . Fujian : Taining, Mt. Emeifeng, E.X. Li 005 (HTC).