On the genus Gonioctena Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), with descriptions of seven new species from the Oriental region and Palaearctic China Author Cho, Hee-Wook Author Borowiec, Lech text Zootaxa 2016 4067 2 168 184 journal article 51159 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.2.3 65b27f71-5ad2-4183-893c-65bfc6189df7 1175-5326 262371 1331311A-4DF6-4414-A5FF-6E5152F593EA Gonioctena ( Gonioctena ) mongolica Cho & Borowiec sp. nov. ( Figs 21–22 , 51–52 ) Types . Holotype : male (NHMB), Inn. Shan Mongolei // ex Orig. Samlg. J. Breit Wien // HOLOTYPUS Gonioctena ( G .) mongolica sp. n. Cho & Borowiec 2013. Paratype : 1 female (NHMB), same data as holotype . Diagnosis. Gonioctena ( Gonioctena ) mongolica sp. nov. is very similar to G . ( G .) decemnotata (Marsham, 1802) occurring widely in the Palaearctic region. Both species have the typical coloration of the subgenus Gonioctena (black spots on reddish brown pronotum and elytra), however they are characterized by black head with reddish brown frons, clypeus and labrum. Gonioctena mongolica sp. nov. can be distinguished from G . decemnotata by a basal transverse black band on pronotum (a pair of basal triangular black markings in G . decemnotata ), reddish brown scutellum (blackish brown in G . decemnotata ) and aedeagus with apical process very thin (rather thick in G . decemnotata , Fig. 53 ). Description. Measurements in mm (n = 2): length of body: 6.30–7.10 (mean 6.70); width of body: 3.90–4.60 (mean 4.25); height of body: 2.50–3.00 (mean 2.75); width of head: 1.95–2.02 (mean 1.99); interocular distance: 1.30–1.37 (mean 1.34); width of apex of pronotum: 2.25–2.35 (mean 2.30); width of base of pronotum: 3.20–3.55 (mean 3.38); maximum width of pronotum: 3.20–3.55 (mean 3.38); length of pronotum along midline: 1.47–1.60 (mean 1.54); length of elytra along suture: 4.80–5.60 (mean 5.20). Body oblong oval and moderately convex ( Fig. 21 ). Head black, with frons, clypeus, labrum reddish brown. Mandibles reddish brown, apex black. Maxillary palp reddish brown. Antennae yellowish brown, with last antennomere slightly darkened. Pronotum reddish brown, with a basal transverse black band. Scutellum reddish brown, basal margin black. Elytra reddish brown, with 5 pairs of spots. Venter largely black, with hypomera, apical and lateral regions of abdomen reddish brown. Legs reddish brown. Head . Vertex weakly convex, covered with dense punctures. Frontal suture V-shaped, coronal suture rather short, weak. Frons flat, strongly depressed at anterior margin, covered with sparse or dense punctures. Clypeus very narrow and trapezoidal. Anterior margin of labrum distinctly concave. Mandibles with 2 blunt apical teeth, a large excavation for maxillary palp at outer side. Maxillary palp 4-segmented, with apical palpomere distinctly widened, truncate apically in male; slightly widened in female. Antennae hardly reaching base of pronotum; antennomere 1 robust, longest; antennomere 2 longer than 3; antennomere 3 as long as 4; antennomeres 7–10 widened, 7–9 each longer than wide, 10 wider than long; antennomere 11 about 1.56 times as long as wide ( Fig. 51 ). Pronotum . Lateral sides widest at or near base, roundly narrowed anteriorly, anterior angles strongly produced ( Fig. 22 ). Anterior and lateral margins bordered, lateral margins well visible in dorsal view. Trichobothria present on posterior angles. Disc covered with sparse or moderately dense punctures; lateral sides covered with coarse and dense punctures, becoming larger toward base, partially confluent near margin; interspaces covered with fine and sparse punctures. Scutellum slightly longer than wide, roundly narrowed posteriorly. Elytra . Lateral sides slightly widened posteriorly, widest beyond middle, thence roundly narrowed posteriorly. Humeral calli well developed. Disc covered with 11 regular rows of large punctures, including a short scutellar row; interspaces covered with fine and moderately dense punctures. Epipleura wholly visible in lateral view. Hind wing well developed. Venter . Hypomera rugose, with a few punctures near anterolateral corners of prosternum. Prosternum covered with coarse and dense punctures bearing long setae; prosternal process enlarged apically, bordered laterally, with sparse punctures. Metasternum covered with small and sparse punctures in median region, large and dense punctures in lateral region. Abdominal ventrites covered with sparse or dense punctures bearing short setae. Legs . Moderately robust. Tibiae widened apically, with a tooth-like projection. Fore legs with tarsomere 1 slightly narrower than 3 in male; distinctly narrower than 3 in female. Tarsal claws appendiculate. Genitalia . Aedeagus rather thick, strongly narrowed in apical 1/4, with apical process very thin in dorsal view; strongly curved, with apical process recurved, apex widely rounded in lateral view ( Fig. 52 ). Spermatheca absent. Etymology. Named after the type locality, Mongolia . Distribution. China (Inner Mongolia ). Note. The name Gonioctena ( Gonioctena ) kalganensis first appeared in Yang et al . (2014) probably refers to the same species we described here as G . ( G .) mongolica . The figure of aedeagus of Gonioctena kalganensis is clearly identical to that of G . mongolica sp. nov. However, the name was not explicitly indicated as intentionally new, a mandatory requirement ( ICZN 1999: Article 16.1 ) thus is not available for nomenclature.