In memoriam of Professor Pavel Štys (1933 - 2018): biography, memories, bibliography and list of described taxa Author Kment, Petr Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; e-mail: sigara @ post. cz Author Baňař, Petr Moravian Museum, Department of Entomology, Hviezdoslavova 29 a, CZ- 627 00, Brno, Czech Republic; e-mail: PetrBanar @ seznam. cz Author Bílý, Svatopluk Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Game Management and Wildfile Biology, Kamýcká 1176, CZ- 165 21 Praha Author Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Adaptation du Vivant, UMR 7179 MECADEV (mécanisme adaptatif et évolution), 57 rue Cuvi- er, CP 50 (Entomologie), F- 75231 Paris, France; e-mail: dps @ mnhn. fr Author Polhemus, Dan A. Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, HI 96817 USA; e-mail: bugman @ bishopmuseum. org Author Schuh, Randall T. - Suchdol, Czech Republic; e-mail: sv. bily @ buprestidae. cz text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2019 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2019-12-01 59 2 351 379 journal article 8117 10.2478/aemnp-2019-0028 10606ef4-92b0-4fd4-bb91-56962637ec44 1804-6487 4489136 1EF6B82D-11E2-4A98-8B98-BDD9BDD3131C Family Malcidae Malcus auriculatus Štys, 1967b: 463 . Holotype : ♂, Myanmar : ‘N. E. Burma , Kambaiti [Lat. N. 25.25, Long. E. 98.06]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus dentatus Štys, 1967b: 464 . Holotype : ♂, Thailand : ‘S. W. Thai, Biserat [Lat. N. 6.35, Long. E. 101.12 …]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus elongatus Štys, 1967b: 466 . Holotype :♂, Myanmar :‘N. E. Burma , Sadon [Lat. N. 25.21, Long. E. 97.54]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see KONDOROSY 1999, ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus flavidipes asper Štys, 1967b: 468 . Holotype : ♂, India : ‘ N. W. Bengal , Darjeeling [Lat. N. 27.02, Long. E. 88.20], “Gopaldhara” ’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus flavidipes kumaunensis Štys, 1967b: 477 . Holotype : ♂, India : ‘ Uttar Pradesh , Kumaun (= Kumaon) , Haldwani Dist. [Lat. N. 29.13 , Long. E. 79.31 ]’ ( BMNH ). Current status: Valid taxon (see KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus furcatus Štys, 1967b: 479 . Holotype :♂, Myanmar :‘N. E. Burma , Kambaiti [Lat. N. 25.25, Long. E. 98.06]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus inconspicuus Štys, 1967b: 483 . Holotype : , Vietnam : ‘N. Vietnam , Ha Lang (= Ho Lang) [eastwards from Cao Bang : Lat. N. 22.35, Long. E.106.40], “Mt. Tonkin ”, “Fairm” (?“Tairns”)’ (MGAB). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus indicus Štys, 1967b:485 . Holotype :♂, India :‘S. India , Madras,Tiruchirapalli (= Trichinopoly) [Lat.N.10.50, long.E. 78.43]’ (HNHM). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus insularis Štys, 1967b: 487 . Holotype : ♂, Taiwan : ‘Hassenzan (Taichû-Shû), Kahodai-Reimei’ (KUEC). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus mishmi Štys, 1967b: 491 . Holotype :♂, Myanmar : ‘N. W.Burma, Mishmis (= Mishmi) Hills’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon. Malcus nigrescens Štys, 1967b: 492 . Holotype : , Myanmar : ‘N. E. Burma , Kambaiti [Lat. N. 25.25, Long. E. 98.06]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus nigrofasciatus Štys, 1967b: 494 . Holotype : , India : ‘ N. W. Bengal , Darjeeling [Lat. N. 27.02, Long. E. 88.20], “Gopaldhara” ’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see KONDOROSY 1999). Fig. 9. Gondarius inexpectatus Štys, 1972 , female paratype with locality and type label. Photo: P. Baňař. Malcus pallidus Štys, 1967b: 496 . Holotype : ♂, Myanmar : ‘N. Burma, Nam Tamai Valley [ Lat.N. 27.42, Long.E. 97.54]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon. Malcus setosus Štys, 1967b: 498 . Holotype : , Myanmar : ‘S. Burma , Carin Cheba [= Karen Cheba = Karenee]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus similis Štys, 1967b: 499 . Holotype : ♂, Myanmar : ‘N. Burma , Nam Tamai Valley [Lat.N. 27.42, Long.E. 97.54]’ (BMNH). Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus sinicus Štys, 1967b:501 . Holotype :♂, China :Szechwan, Pingwu (= Luan’fu) [Lat. N. 32.38, Long. E.104.34]’ (ZMAS).Current status: Valid taxon (see ZHENG 1999 , KERZHNER 2001b ). Malcus thoracicus Štys, 1967b: 503 . Holotype : , Vietnam :‘N Vietnam , Kouei Tiao [Lat. N. 21.40 , Long. E. 103.49 …] (= Kouy-Tchéou), “ Rég. de Pin-Fa ” ’ ( MNHN ). Current status: Valid taxon (see KERZHNER 2001b). Malcus tuberculatus Štys, 1967b: 504 . Holotype :♂, India : ‘ Assam , Lat. N. 27.53, Long. E. 96.05 [= valley of Luhit river ]’ (ZMAS). Current status: Valid taxon. Neochauliops Štys,1963b:209 . Type species: Chauliops laciniata Bergroth, 1916 . Gender: masculine (according to Art. of ICZN 1999 , see Note). Current status: Valid taxon (see DUARTE RODRIGUES 1979 ). Note: ŠTYS (1963b) derived the generic name from the existing genus Chauliops Scott, 1874 , traditionally treated as feminine (cf. KERZHNER 2001b ), and explicitely stated that Neochauliops is feminine.However, Article of ICZN (1999) , ‘a compound genus-group name ending in - ops is to be treated as masculine, regardless of its derivation or of its treatment by its author’, should apply for both Chauliops and Neochauliops and the gender agreement must be corrected in the following cases: Chauliops conicus Gao & Bu, 2009 , Ch. lobatulus Breddin, 1907 , Ch. petiolatus (Germar, 1837) , Ch. quaternarius Gao & Bu, 2009 , and Neochauliops laciniatus (Bergroth, 1916) .The species epithet in Chauliops bisontula Banks, 1909 should be treated as noun in apposition.