Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan Author Iwamoto, Tomio Section of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA; Author Nakayama, Naohide Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2 - 5 - 1 Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780 - 8073, Japan; Author Shao, Kwang-Tsao Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan; Author Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2015 2015-04-15 62 3 31 126 journal article 299670 10.5281/zenodo.11512126 522b8de7-880d-40ca-803e-aa5a3a05c5f6 0068-547X 11512126 Sphagemacrurus richardi ( Weber, 1913 ) Figures 24A–B . Macrurus richardi Weber, 1913:154 ( 28 syntypes : FMNH 52442 ex cm 700 [ 1 spec. ] Flores Sea ; MOM 0091–1766 [1, disintegrated]; ZMA 110456 [1], 110447–49 [18, 1, 3], 110464 [1]; Makassar Strait ; Celebes [ Sulawesi ] Sea ; Ceram Sea ; Flores Sea ; Siboga sta. 85, 122, 170, 314, and 316; 538–1260 m ). FIGURE 23. Sphagemacrurus pumiliceps ( Alcock, 1894 ) . A. ASIZP 66905, 198 mm TL, fresh. B. ASIZP 65551, 265+ mm TL, preserved. Sphagemacrurus richardi : Iwamoto, 1990:288 , fig. 658 (in key).— Iwamoto and Williams, 1999:212 (mentioned).— Iwamoto and Graham, 2001:493 ( 56 spec. , se. Australia ; 880–1100m ). MATERIAL EXAMINED ( 6 spec. ).— SCS : ASIZP 65621 (1, 29.3 HL, 176 TL) , CD 203; ASIZP 66087 (1, 32.7 HL, 165+ TL) , CD 320; ASIZP 66184 (1, 35.5 HL, 186+ TL) , CD 320; ASIZP 66192 (1, 32.9 HL, 176 TL) , CD 320; ASIZP 66910 (1, 34.5 HL, 190+ TL) , CD 321; ASIZP 66944 (1, 127 TL) , CD 321. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES .— 1D II,9–10; P i19–i21; V 10–11(12); inner GR-I 11–14 total; scale rows below 2D 8–9; pyl. caeca about 10. Snout length 35–37% HL; interorbital 30–34%; orbit 28–34%; suborbital 19–21%; postorbital 40–43%; orbit-preopercle 40–41%; upper jaw 37–39%; barbel 13–16%. Body relatively deep, about equal to HL; head about 5.3–6.0 in TL; mouth rather small, upper jaw extends posteriorly to under midorbit; barbel well developed, about half orbit diameter; underside of head mostly scaled except ventrally on snout and suborbital margin; body scales with short fine spinules arranged in about 7–9 parallel rows. Outer ray of V slightly prolonged, its tip extending to or somewhat beyond A origin. Periproct broad, abutting A origin posteriorly, spanning about 23 distance between V and A; anus closer to A than to outer base of V . Attains about 23 cm TL. (Data from Taiwan specimens only.) DISTRIBUTION .— The ASIZ specimens captured in 634–954 m off Taiwan were the first recorded from the area ( Shao et al. 2008 ) and extend the range to northward from Indonesia where it was first described. REMARKS .— Our specimens represent the first record for Taiwan . In his original description of the species, Weber (1913) gave 8 as the count of V rays, but one of the current author’s ( TI ) examination of what was probably the illustrated syntype ( ZMA 110.456) had 10 rays in each fin. No other specimen of the species that we know of had such a low count, and we suspect it to be erroneous. Sphagemacrurus decimalis (Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920) has a low V count of 10, similar to S. richardi , but it differs in a number of morphometric features (as enumerated in the original description), including a somewhat lower count of rakers on the lower limb of GR-I (7 cf. 9–12); shorter snout (26–28% HL cf. 35–37%); shorter upper jaw (28–29% cf. 40–41%; shorter orbit-preopercle distance 33–34% cf. 40–41%; and shorter barbel (9–11% cf. 13–16%). Sphagemacrurus richardi differs from S. pumiliceps in having slightly fewer V rays (10–11, rarely 12, vs. 11–14), shorter barbel (13–16% vs. 16–21%), and somewhat wider interorbital (30–34% vs. 24–28%) ( S. pumiliceps data from Iwamoto and Graham 2001:493).