Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal families and some Curculionidae Author Kuschel, Guillermo John T. Huber text Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 2008 197 99 250 journal article 978-2-85653-605-6 1243-4442 Genus PARORTHORHINUS n. gen. Type species: Orthorhinus aethiops Boisduval. DESCRIPTION. — Elytra parallel-sided, distinctly wider at shoulders than prothorax at base, with subrectangular shoulders, humeral callus enhanced by a basal impression on interstria 6, interstsria 3 raised and thickened on basal quarter, 9 subcostate alongside ventrites 2 and 3. Fore tibiae moderately to strongly compressed, their dorsal edge at apex angulate, with a transverse, not ascending distal comb, with small premucro. Hind femora with a large, ciliate tooth; hind tibiae strongly incurved, with slight or strong expansion on lower edge beyond incurved basal part. Male: tegmen with a complete, anteriorly straight ring, with broad, long, well-separated parameral lobes, without a tooth between them. Aedeagus at apex broadly rounded, with broad, translucent sides; internal sac inside aedeagal body, with a deeply pigmented, forceps-shaped basal sclerite, and a pair of sesame-seed-like median sclerites, these with a point at one end. Female: sternite 8 with medially intensely pigmented part bifurcating apicad from anterior quarter, apex of blade pigmented, ciliate. Hemisternites broadly truncate at first, then rounded towards inner margin; bursa with small sclerite at insertion point of spermathecal duct; spermatheca with slender stem, not thicker than hook, with two equally long extensions, gland extension halfway up on stem, duct extension directed obliquely from outer angle of base. DISTRIBUTION. — Australia . HOSTPLANTS. — No information. ETYMOLOGY. — ‘Parorthorhínus’ is a latinised Greek compound meaning ‘next to Orthorhinus’ REMARKS. — The species of Parorthorhinus are ill-defined, in need of a revision. To this genus belong O. aethiops Boisduval , O. bicolor Blackburn , O. carinatus Pascoe , O. heilipoides (Pascoe) , O. infidus Pascoe , O. lepidotus Boheman , O. meleagris Pascoe.