Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal families and some Curculionidae Author Kuschel, Guillermo John T. Huber text Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 2008 197 99 250 journal article 978-2-85653-605-6 1243-4442 Strabonus sabulosus n. sp. Fig. 86 DESCRIPTION. — Dullish black with bluish sheen. Pubescence dark, very short, not obvious on dorsal surface, more distinct on sides of elytra and ventral surface; long, conspicuous white pubescence on fore and middle coxae. Head anteriorly shiny, more extensively, coarsely and densely punctate than in other species. Frons between eyes in male a little wider than scape, in female more so, densely punctate. Rostrum in male 0.65 x, in female 0.86 x the length of prothorax, weakly curved in both sexes; postrostrum subcylindrical in both sexes, densely punctate, without a distinct lateral sulcus; prerostrum a little longer than wide, with very fine punctation. Scape in male extending a little beyond middle of eyes, compressed throughout, gradually widening apicad, in female not quite reaching middle of eyes, distinctly pedunculate, claviform, not obviously compressed towards apex; segment 1 of funicle a fraction longer than 2, this as long as 3 + 4; club a little longer than the six preceding segments combined. Prothorax in male a little longer than wide, in female a fraction wider than long, subcylindrical up to a weak apical collar, as coarsely punctate as on head, transversely strigose with fine rugae. Scutellum finely, nearly imperceptibly punctulate and pubescent. Elytra at shoulders 1.5 x wider than prothorax, 1.24-1.33 x longer than their combined maximum width, distinctly widening towards middle, very deep (high), nearly humped on middle. Striae distinct also at end; stria 10 distinctly punctate also beyond metepisternum. Interstriae for most part about twice as wide as striae, densely studded with shiny granules from base to apex and across to lateral margins. Mesosternal pleurites punctate. Metasternum on sides and metepisternum punctate. Ventrites 1-5 finely, densely punctate. All femora armed with strong tooth, hind femora reaching or slightly passing abdomen. Tibiae in male with strongly curved uncus, on the lower apical angle on fore and middle legs, with a long, thin, partly compressed, nearly straight uncus on hind legs; tibiae in female with a normal uncus a little away from lower apical angle on fore and middle legs, with a short, sublaminate projection on lower apical angle on hind legs. Male: not dissected. Female: not dissected. Length: 2.7-3.5 mm . TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype male, 2.8 x 1.4 mm , Mt. Rembai , NZAC . Paratypes with MNHW , NZAC , QMBA , SRFP . MATERIAL EXAMINED . — New Caledonia . 2 males , 1 female , les, Mt. Rembai , 700-900 m , 9.V.1984 , G. Monteith & D. Cook ; Mandjélia (Ouégoa), 8.II.2005 , S. Cazéres & C. Mille ; 1 female , 2 males , 3 females , Aoupinié, 600-1000 m , 8.II.2004 , M. Wanat ; Pic d’Amoa, 450 m , 26.X.1978 , G. Kuschel ; 1 female , Col des 1 female , Aoupinié, sawmill, 550 m , 1.II.2002 , G. B. Monteith ; 1 Roussettes, 450-550 m , 5.II.1963 , G. Kuschel ; 1 male , Mt. Rembai female, Haute Rivière Bleue, 280-330 m , 26.I.2004 , M. Wanat ,. 17 nr Col d’Amieu, 700 m , 20.X.1978 , G. Kuschel ; 2 males , 2 fema- specimens . ETYMOLOGY. — The species name ‘sabulósus’ is Latin for gritty or sandy because of the appearance of the dorsal surface of the elytra. REMARKS. — An unusual species on account of elytra being covered by a sandpaper-like granulation. The male of the species is unique in having a long, thin uncus (or mucro) on the hind tibiae.