Free-living marine nematodes in Andhra Pradesh Coast, India Author Sivaleela, Gunasekaran Author Surendar, Chandra Author Kumar, Rubavath Rajendar text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2021 121 2 283 301 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v121/i2/2021/151251 2581-8686 13186309 43. Leptolaimus papilliger de Man, 1876 * (Figure 22A-C) 1876. Leptolaimus papilliger de Man, Tijdschr. ned. dierk. Vereen., 2 : 169-170. Material examined : 2♂ ,(Reg.No.N.210),Krishnapatinam, 30.vii.2014 , Coll. G. Sivaleela. Diagnostic characters : This species is characterized by the presence of a long buccal cavity, tubular and cuticularized amphids and tubular precloacal supplements. Description : Body length 0.5mm . Maximum diameter 15 µm. Cuticle with longitudinal un-striated lines and four sub ventral files of setae. Cephalic setae 3.3.-5 µm long. Buccal cavity is small and tapering. Oesophagus is cylindrical (124-148 µm). Tail is conico-cylindrical (4 a.b.d). Spicules are 15-19 µm wide and arcuate. Gubernaculum with a pointed dorsal apophysis. Distribution : Continental shelf of southwest Bay of Bengal ( Ansari et al ., 2012 ). Elsewhere : Exe estuary, South-west England , Strangford Lough. Remarks : This species examined well with the earlier description of Platt & Warwick (1988) by its long buccal cavity. The length of the described specimen and the present specimen is the same.