Catalogue of type specimens of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic Author Kment, Petr Author Kolínová, Zdislava text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 821 890 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5740731 0374-1036 5740731 146A1A16-2E72-4ACA-B9F7-D2D1ED48574B Microvelia ( Pseudovelia ) lundaensis Hoberlandt, 1951 Microvelia ( Pseudovelia ) lundaensis Hoberlandt, 1951a: 33–35 , Figs 92–102 (original description). Parts of the holotype and two paratypes are deposited in NMPC: HOLOTYPE (J apter.): Two slides (Slide Box 2), one including antenna, fore, middle and hind leg, and the other one including male genitalia, labelled: ‘ N. Mus. Praha / č. k. [p] / Heteroptera / Zpr. M.Z. / (880.4) 1950 [hw] / Tshikapa Dundo , Lunda / VI .-VII. 48 lgt. A. Machado [hw, white label with black frame submarginally] // Holotypus [p] / Microvelia / ( Pseudovelia subgen. n. ) / lundaensis sp.n. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, p]50 [hw, red label]’. (Body of the holotype returned to the Dundo Museum, Angola ). PARATYPE (J macr.): ‘ VI .-VII.48 Tshikapa [hw] / Dundo, Angola / A. B. Machado lgt. [p] // Ang. [p] 880.4 [hw] / coll.A.B.Machado [p] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Paratypus [p] / Microvelia ( Pseudovelia subg. n lundaensis / sp. n. f. macr. J [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]50 [hw, red label] // J|J|J|J [p]’. PARATYPE ( apter.): ‘VI.-VII.48 Tshikapa [hw] / Dundo, Angola / A. B. Machado lgt [p] // Ang. [p] No 880.4 [hw] / coll.A.B.Machado [p] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Paratypus [p] / Microvelia ( Pseudovelia subg. n lundaensis / sp. n. f. apt. [hw] / Det. L. Hoberlandt, 19[p]50 [hw, red label] // | | | [p]’. Note. Collection also includes one slide with hemelytron of an additional paratype specimen. Current status. Valid species: Pseudovelia ( Pseudovelia ) lundaensis (Hoberlandt, 1951) (see ANDERSEN 1983 ).