Catalogue of type specimens of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic Author Kment, Petr Author Kolínová, Zdislava text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 821 890 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5740731 0374-1036 5740731 146A1A16-2E72-4ACA-B9F7-D2D1ED48574B Perittopus borneensis Zettel, 2001 Perittopus borneensis Zettel, 2001: 111–116 , 118, Figs 1 , 12–13, 17, 23, 27 (original description, key). Three paratypes are deposited in NMPC (exchange with Natural History Museum, Vienna ): PARATYPE (J macr.): ‘ Malaysia , Sabah , Crocker / Range, Kaningau env., stream near / Liang cave 13.6. 1998 / J. Kodada & F. Čiampor lgt. [p] // J [p] // P a r a t y p u s / Perittopus / borneensis sp.n. / des. H. Zettel 2000 [p, red label]’. PARATYPE (J apter.): ‘ Malaysia , Sabah , Batu / Punggul Resort env., 24.VI.- / 1.VII.1995 , 11b, shaded stream / 1.5- 2.0 m wide, flowing through / dense primary forest [p] // J [p] // P a r a t y p u s / Perittopus / borneensis sp.n. / des. H. Zettel 2000 [p, red label]’. PARATYPE ( apter.): ‘ Malaysia , Sabah , Batu / Punggul Resort env., 24.VI.- / 1.VII.1995 , 11b, shaded stream / 1.5- 2.0 m wide, flowing through / dense primary forest [p] // [p] // P a r a t y p u s / Perittopus / borneensis sp.n. / des. H. Zettel 2000 [p, red label]’. Current status. Valid species (see CHEN et al. 2005 ).