Systematic revision of the genus Calligrapha Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) in Central America: The group of Calligrapha argus StålAuthorGómez-Zurita, JesústextZootaxa201539221171journal article10.11646/zootaxa.3922.1.17a0d13a7-9f8b-49d8-9f1c-f5c76995d28b1175-5326287929F62A98A5-5B57-415F-BC44-845B097A5436Calligrapha fulvitarsis
Jacoby, 1891
Jacoby, M.1888
(Figs 6d, 7)Polyspila fulvitarsis
: Weise, 1916
, Col. Cat., pars 68, 12, p. 40.
Calligrapha fulvitarsis
: Blackwelder, 1946
, Checklist Col., Pt. 4, p. 674.
Calligrapha fulvitarsis
: Wilcox, 1975
, Checklist, Biol. Res. Inst. Amer., p. 66.
Martin Jacoby described this species based on a series of specimens from the same locality (the only one where this species has been found). It is unclear to me which of the available specimens seemingly from Jacoby's collection, and currently at MCZ (Cambridge,
) and NHM (London,
) collections, could have been used by the entomologist to describe the new species. All these specimens can be considered
and I select as
the specimen figured in
Biologia Centrali Americana
by present designation: Bugaba,
., Champion /
/ Sp. figured / Godman-Salvin Col., Biol. Centr.-Amer. (NHM).
: (1) one specimen: Bugaba,
800–1,500 ft
, Champion / Jacoby 2nd Coll. /
MZC Image Database (MZC); (2) three specimens: Bugaba
800–1500 ft
., Champion / Jacoby 2nd Coll. [one with:
Calligrapha fulvitarsis
] (MCZ); (3) two specimens: Bugaba,
, Champion / 1st Jacoby Coll. (MZC); (4) one specimen:
Calligrapha fulvitarsis
/ 1st Jacoby Coll. (MZC); (5) four specimens: Bugaba,
., Champion / Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. [one with:
Calligrapha fulvitarsis
] (NHM); (6) eight specimens: Bugaba,
, Champion / Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. (NHM).
(Fig. 6d). Length:
8.47 mm
, width:
5.23 mm
. Body oval, moderately convex. Head, mandibles, pronotum, scutellum, femora, basal half of tibia and ventral surfaces black, with slight bronze greenish metallic reflection; labrum, antennae and mouth pieces pale reddish brown; trochanters, dorsum of femora, knees, apex of tibiae and tarsi dark reddish brown; elytral markings and epipleura dark brown with slight bronze sheen; ground of elytra dark yellow, golden around dark markings.
Head large, deeply inserted in pronotum; tegument nearly smooth, rather densely, regularly and finely punctured; frontal suture finely impressed, entire, joining a broadly V-shaped clypeal suture; supraocular furrow strongly impressed, relatively short, as long as eye width along upper eye margin. Antennae relatively thin, reaching beyond humeri; first antennomere long, thick, posteriorly curved; antennomeres 2–5 elongated, thin, relatively smooth and nearly glabrous; second antennomere nearly half as long as first, third longer than first; antennomeres 3–6 shortening progressively, sixth slightly longer than second; antennomeres 7–11 thicker, rugose and pubescent, lengthening gradually beyond sixth antennomere; eleventh about as long as first, tappering towards blunt apex and slightly emarginate dorsally; eighth antennomere 0.8x as wide as long. Labrum conspicuously emarginate anteriorly. Mandibles large, strong, surpassing about three times length of labrum, parallel-sided before strong apical curvature. Last maxillary palpomere broad, with sides and apical margin feebly convex; penultimate palpomere slightly smaller, broader apically than base of last segment, but narrower than its maximum width, with base half as broad as apex. Pronotum transverse (W/L=1.83); sides subparallel at basal three quarters, gradually bent inwards towards anterior, moderately forward-produced angles; surface very finely microreticulate, with scattered minute punctures, scattered moderate punctures mostly on disc, and fewer stronger, deeper punctures at sides, with weakly elongated punctures at basal margin laterally; two large rounded hollows on anterior half of disc laterally. Hypomeral suture deep, broad, continuous from near basal margin of pronotum, slightly and gradually diverging towards anterior angles; hypomera finely microreticulate, unpunctured. Prosternum relatively densely and strongly punctured; convex between procoxae; prosternal process narrow, short, feebly expanding towards apex, truncated straight. Mesanepisterna relatively smooth, with sparse punctation. Metepisterna with scattered, moderately strong punctation. Metaventrite smooth, shiny, with very sparse fine punctures and few stronger punctures in anterior outer angles; finely transversely wrinkled near median suture. Scutellum very finely microreticulate, unpunctured, longer than wide (W/L=0.92), with blunt pointed apex. Elytra with leathery surface, smooth, densely and very finely punctured with dark punctures in pale areas; punctures tightly, neatly arranged in premarginal line; scutellar row present; margins of dark markings impressed by dense arrangements of stronger punctures; dark markings mostly unpunctured. Markings: (i) sutural stripe completely surrounding scutellum, reaching uninterrupted to feeble, gradual narrowing at elytral apex; (ii) subsutural stripe almost entirely confluent with sutural stripe except briefly, for distance of about three punctures, behind scutellum; enlarged apically; (iii) arcuate band continuous, feebly concave externally, entirely confluent with subsutural stripe, connected from basal end by oblique boundary of dark connecting area directed towards scutellum, therefore not forming divergent lobe as in other species; preapically projecting large irregular lobe; (iv) humeral spot elongated elliptic, completely laterally confluent with (v) humeral lunule, slightly over 1/4 longer than humeral spot, weakly concave towards suture, with apical end reaching slightly beyond basal end of arcuate band; (vi) spot enclosed by humeral lunule medium-sized, round occupying rather regularly roundish space delimited by humeral lunule, apex of arcuate band, oblique conexion with subsutural stripe and basal slightly divergent end of subsutural stripe; (vii) midlateral spot narrowly elongated, free from narrow dark margin of elytron; (viii) spot of apical declivity longitudinally oval, laterally confluent with preapical enlargement of subsutural stripe; (ix) eight additional markings on disc; six small and roundish arranged medially on disc, forming triangle with base parallel to margin of elytra and spot at oposing vertex at level with apical elargement of arcuate band, larger and of irregular profile; two small round spots on apical declivity. Legs smooth, with scattered punctures bearing fine whitish hairs; tibiae internally at apical half and apically with dense golden setae, externally furrowed along apical half. Abdominal ventrites smooth, with fine scattered punctures bearing very fine whitish hairs.
Dorsal and lateral habitus of the Lectotype
Calligrapha ramulifera
(a), Lectotype of
C. argus
Holotype of
C. catarinaesp. nov.
(c), Lectotype of
(d), Holotype of
C. anabelaesp. nov.
Holotype of
C. ancoralis
(f). Scale bar = 5.0 mm.
Geographic distribution of
Calligrapha elegantula
in Costa Rica and Panama (black circles) and the single Panamanian locality where
C. fulvitarsis
(white circle) has been found.
This species is known from a single locality in
, Bugaba (
Fig. 7
, white circle). This narrow endemism can be considered part of the Caribbean Mesoamerican region.
Material examined
21 specimens
(1) one specimen:
, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense.
The large posterior roundish lobe of the arcuate band can be apical instead of preapical, or subtriangular, directed outwards and backwards. The apical spot can be present, minute, or its position can be indicated by a golden small marking (as on the right elytron of
). Some of the small additional markings can be missing, and the spot of apical declivity sometimes is free from the subsutural stripe.