Shallow water hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the 2002 NOWRAMP cruise to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Author Calder, Dale R. Author Faucci, Anuschka 0000-0001-9002-8987 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-12-24 5085 1 1 73 journal article 288831 10.11646/zootaxa.5085.1.1 90f1f9ec-1bd9-4996-a544-48d41a9e0240 1175-5326 5802920 12FC3342-F2A0-4EE1-9853-9C5855076A10 Sphaerocoryne bedoti Pictet, 1893 Sphaerocoryne bedoti Pictet, 1893: 10 , pl. 1 figs 5, 6.— Calder, 2010: 67 , figs 44, 45. Type locality. Indonesia : Moluccas , Ambon ( Pictet 1893 ) . Voucher material. Midway Atoll , on coral rubble, 20.ix.2002 , one colony, up to 6 mm high, without medusa buds, coll. A. Faucci , ROMIZ B3830 . Remarks. A hydroid identified as Sphaerocoryne bedoti was described and illustrated earlier from the Hawaiian archipelago ( Calder 2010 ), based in part on a specimen from Midway Atoll examined again here (ROMIZ B3830). Recent comments on the species exist in that account, in Schuchert (2010) , and in Maggioni et al . (2021) . Of particular interest in the work of Maggioni et al . is discovery of species with hydroids much like those of S. bedoti , including Kudacoryne diaphana Maggioni , in Maggioni et al ., 2021 from the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia , and Maldives , Euphysilla pyramidata Kramp, 1955 , an essentially circumglobal species, and Euphysilla sp. from the Caribbean Sea ( Martinique and Panama ). They noted that hydroids of S. bedoti were distinguishable in colouration (hypostome white or yellowish, with a bright red band below it; gastric cavity with broadest part transparent or yellowish, and whitish below) and in having medusa buds in large clusters. Also similar is the hydroid currently known as Sphaerocoryne agassizii ( McCrady, 1859 ) , although it is distinguished by medusa buds with only two opposite, prominently capitate tentacles. Reported Distribution. Hawaiian archipelago. Midway Atoll ( Calder 2010 ). Elsewhere. Considered circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate waters ( Calder 2010 ; Schuchert 2010 ).