A revision of the genus Eutetrapha Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Saperdini) Author Lin, Mei-Ying Author Bi, Wen-Xuan Author Yang, Xing-Ke text Zootaxa 2017 4238 2 151 202 journal article 36357 10.11646/zootaxa.4238.2.1 56cec7e4-4124-47a3-8434-da195642f91d 1175-5326 345192 3A502366-AD51-4FBA-82D1-2E53B4113E36 Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) ocelota ( Bates, 1873 ) comb. nov. Figs. 136–142 Glenea ocelota Bates, 1873 : 387 . Type locality: Japan , Honshu , Hiogo . Type depository: MNHN. Glenea ocelota ; Gahan, 1889 : 225 . Saperda maculithorax Pic, 1900 : 19 . Type locality: Japan , Honshu , Yokohama . Type depository: MNHN. Eutetrapha ocelota : Aurivillius, 1923 : 488 ; Matsushita, 1933 : 403 , 404; Gressitt, 1951 : 555 ; Breuning, 1952 : 132 , 134, pl. III, fig. 8; Samuelson, 1965 : 127 ; Breuning, 1966 : 676 ; Pu & Jin, 1991 : 190 ; N. Ohbayashi et al. , 1992 : 635 , fig. 3 in page 59 and fig. 5 in page 257; Hua, 2002 : 208 ; Kurihara & A. Saito, In : N. Ohbayashi & Niisato, 2007 : 654 , pl. 73, fig. 14; Hua et al. , 2009 : 213 , 354, pl. LXXVIII, 899; Löbl & Smetana, 2010 : 323 ; Jang et al. , 2015 : 359 . Eutetrapha ocelota m. maculithorax : Breuning, 1952 : 135 . Eutetrapha ocellota ab. breuningi Podaný, 1962 : 27 . [infrasubspecies from Japan , Mont Kazuayama]. Saperda ocelota : Abdullah & Abdullah, 1966 : 89 . FIGURES 137–138. Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) ocelota (Bates, 1873) comb. nov. habitus. 137. Male, from Japan. 138. Female, from Japan. a. Dorsal view, b. Lateral view. Scale 2 mm. Supplementary description. Male claws: anterior claw of pro- and mesotarsi is toothed at base ( Fig. 146 ), others simple. Female claws simple. Male genitalia ( Figs. 139–141 ): Tergite VIII ( Figs. 139 a, 139c) slightly broader than long, apex rounded, with setae which are long and dense at sides, and shorter atmiddle. Spiculum gastrale subequal to ringed part of tegmen in length, spiculum relictum about one half-length of spiculum gastrale. Tegmen ( Fig. 140 d) about 2.7 mm in length; lateral lobes stout, slightly tapering apically, each about 0.5 mm long and 0.2 mm wide; apex with fine setae which are longer than lateral lobes; median lobe slightly curved ( Fig. 140 b) in lateral view, slightly longer than tegmen (29:27); median struts more than half-length of median lobe ( Fig. 140 c); apex of ventral plate ( Fig. 140 d) rounded; endophallus more than triple length of median lobe, with four pieces of basal plate-like sclerites (located behind apex of median struts), two bands of supporting armature, and three rod-like sclerites at end, which are about 2.9 mm in length, slightly longer than tegmen. Female genitalia : spermathecal capsule ( Fig. 142 ) composed of an apical orb and a curved stalk, stalk only a little longer than apical orb. Spiculum ventrale longer than abdomen. In our observation, spiculum ventrale measured 6.2 mm for an adult compared with abdomen which measured 5.8 mm in ventral view. Remarks. Matsushi (1933) first reported “ Formosa ” in the distribution list of this species, mentioning Formosa (Taihoku, Kankô) as the exact locality. Later, Breuning (1952) , Hua (2002) , Hua et al. , (2009) and Löbl & Smetana (2010) followed him to list Formosa or Taiwan as one of the localities. However, other authors considered it as a species endemic to Japan ( Gressitt 1951 ; Samuelson 1965 ; Kurihara & A. Saito 2007), and Chou (2008) did not mention this species in his Taiwanese fauna list. We failed to find any specimens from Taiwan to confirm the report during this study. Lee (1987) did not mention this species in his Korean faunal list, while Jang, Lee & Choi (2015) listed it without photographs or specimens. Hua (2002) included Korea and this was followed by Hua et al. (2009) and Löbl & Smetana (2010) . We could not confirm this locality either. The first author believes that the Taiwan and South Korea records were based on misidentifications of Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) tetrastigma Bates, 1879 or other species with four black spots on pronotum and four black spots on each elytron. Therefore, the distribution of this species is endemic to Japan . This species does not belong in the genus Eutetrapha because of the absence of distinct lateral elytral carinae and may instead belong in the genus Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) . Actually, the elytral lateral margins are quite similar to that of Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) alberti Plavilstshikov, 1916 and Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) perforata (Pallas, 1773) . Although a systematic study of all Saperdini has not yet been undertaken, we propose the new combination based on the morphological study conducted by the first author and a preliminary molecular analysis conducted by Dr. Nonaka Masaru. We believe this species is sister to Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) octomaculata Blessig, 1872 and Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) subobliterata Pic, 1910 , while quite far from E . sedecimpunctata (Motschulsky) (Dr. Nonaka Masaru, 2015. VI.25 , personal communication). FIGURES 139–142. Terminalia of Saperda ( Lopezcolonia ) ocelota (Bates, 1873) comb. nov. 139–141. Male genitalia. 139. Tergite VIII and sternites VIII & IX. 140. Male genitalia. a. Ventral view, b. Lateral view, c. Dorsal view. d. Lateral lobes of tegmen and apex of ventral plate. 141. Rod-like sclerites. 142. Female spermathecal, especially showing the spermathecal capsule, a & b in different view. Scale 1 mm, 140a, b, c and 142: not to scale. Distribution. Japan . Type specimen examined. Syntypes , 1 male 1 female , Japan ( MNHN , ex collection H.W. Bates ) . Holotype of Saperda maculithorax Pic, 1900 , female, Japan , Honshu ( Kanagawa ), Yokohama ( MNHN ) . Other specimens examined. Japan : 1 male , Japan , Ehime , Matsuyama-city , Sugitate , 2004. VI.18 , leg. J. Yamasako ( IZAS , ex Collection of Junsuke Yamasako) ; 1 female , Ehime , Matsuyama-shi , Komeno-machi , alt. 500 m , 2003. VII.8 , leg. T, Kurihara ( IZAS , ex Collection of Junsuke Yamasako) ; 1 male , Fukushima Pref., Hinoematamura , Aizu-gun , 2000. VI.16-17 , leg. Kiichi Shimizu ( IZAS , ex EUMJ ) ; 1 male , Chiba Pref., Sasa , Kimitsu-shi , Chiba Pref., 2001. V.20 , leg. Toshihito Ito ( IZAS , ex EUMJ ) ; 1 female , Fukushima Pref., Noshito , Tateiwa-mura , 2000. VI.11 , Toshihito Ito ( IZAS , ex EUMJ ) ; 1 male 1 female , Fukushima Pref., Nittabara , Tateiwa-mura , 1994. VII.9 , leg. Satoshi Maru ( IZAS , ex EUMJ ) ; 2 males 1 female , Nagano Pref., Kawakami-mura , Minamisakugun , Mt. Azusa-yama , 2004. VII.14 , leg. Toshihito Ito ( IZAS , ex EUMJ ) .