Revision of the Genera Diplocladus Fairmaire and Strotocera Schenkling (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Tillinae) Author Gerstmeier, Roland Author Weiss, Ingmar text Zootaxa 2009 2242 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190604 be775551-d947-4866-b75d-2d19ae859460 1175-5326 190604 Diplocladus oculicollis ( Fairmaire, 1885 ) (Figs. 10, 48–49) Diplophorus oculicollis Fairmaire, 1885 : 8 ; Fairmaire 1887 : 160 , plate 2, fig. 3. Diplophorus flabellatus Kolbe, 1897 : 224 ; Lohde 1900 : 10 . Diplocladus discoidalis (Schenkling, 1908) : 70. n. syn. Strotocera unimaculata Pic, 1953: 320 . n. comb. , n. syn. Specimens examined: Holotype : 3. Magdichu, Museum Paris, Somali , Revoil 1885, Magdichu, 3806.35, TYPE , Diplocladus oculicollis Fm. , TYPE ( MNHN ). Lectotype (designated here): Meru, Sjöstedt, Ngare na nyuki, 25 nov , Typus , Diplophorus discoidalis, Schklg , Type !, NRM Sthlm, Loan 1885/08 (3, NRM ); Diplocladus discoidalis n. syn. Paralactotype (designated here): Kilimandjaro, Sjöstedt 1905-6, Kibonoto, 1300–1900m , 29 nov , Schenkling det., Syntypus , DEI Eberswalde, Diplophorus discoidalis, Schklg. (Ƥ, DEI); Diplocladus discoidalis n. syn. Holotype : Togogebiet, Staudinger & Bang-Haas dedic., Pic det., Holotypus , Strotocera unimaculata n. sp. (DEI); Strotocera unimaculata n. syn. Others: South Africa : Zulu Coast, Sodwana Bay, 27.35S - 32.39E , 23.11.1992 ; E-Y:2848, UV light W of camp, leg. Endrödy-Younga (1 ex., TMSA); Südafrika 27.xi.1995 , KwaZulu-Natal, Tembe Elephant Park, 27°02’S / 32°25’E , leg. F. Koch (1 ex., ZMB); Transvaal, Lydenburg, F. Wilms S.V., 17 (1 ex., ZMB); South Africa , Transvaal, D’Nayla Nat. Res., Ellisras District, 23.45S 27.49E , 18–20.xii.1987 , B. Grobbelaar (1 ex., SANC); S Africa: KZ-Natal, Shaka’s Kraal, 29°27’S 31°12’E 50m , Date: X.97 , Coll. P.E. Reavell, To Light (1 ex., SANC); Waterberg, Dist. 1888-99 , v. Jutrenzencka, Philocalus rhodesianus Pérg. (1 ex., TMSA); Zoutpan, Pta., 9/XII 1925 , G. v. Son (1 ex., TMSA); Natal , Leeukop Nat Res, Pongola 27°22’S 31°42’E , 24-I- 1992 , Leg. M. Vogt & E. Holm, Ex. Pretoria University, Collections (UPSA) 2002 (1 ex., TMSA); S. Afr., Kruger Nat. Pk, Lower Sabi, 25.10 S - 31.60 E , 14.1.1996 : E-Y: 3192, miscell. beating, leg. Endrödy-Younga (1 ex., CRG). Length: 11.5mm16.5mm ( 13 specimens ). Head: Black, very finely and diffusely punctate, between eyes conspicuously and more densely punctate. Antennae: Black; almost reaching base of pronotum when laid alongside; A3 curved triangularly. Pronotum: Dark brown to black; anterior half subparallel, constricted towards base; surface anterior to transverse depression coarsely punctate, coarsely wrinkled behind transverse fasciae; disc with a single patch of white or yellow hairs; length:width ratio 1.43:1. Scutellum: Black. Elytra: Basal third to half dark red, remainder black, each elytron with a broad yellow transverse fascia beyond middle spanning from lateral to sutural margins; diameter of punctures conspicuously larger than interstices, punctures within fasciae small and sparsely distributed, punctures faint and elongate behind fascia; length:width ratio 2.44:1. Legs: Black-brown to black. Lower surface: Dark red-brown to black. Vestiture: Head with whitish to yellowish hairs, apex of pronotum with dense yellowish hairs, pronotal and elytral disc with reddish hairs, legs and lower surface with whitish hairs. Distribution: Somalia , South Africa , Transvaal, Tanzania , Togo .