Revision of the deep-water cone snail fauna from New Caledonia (Gastropoda, Conoidea) Author Tenorio, Manuel J. 24B3DC9A-3E34-4165-A450-A8E86B0D1231 Departamento CMIM y Química Inorgánica - Instituto de Biomoléculas (INBIO), Facultad de Ciencias, Torre Norte, 1 ª Planta, Universidad de Cadiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain. Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, EPHE, Université des Antilles, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 26, F- 75005 Paris, France. Author Puillandre, Nicolas 00565F2A-C170-48A1-AAD9-16559C536E4F text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-10-03 896 1 134 journal article 273174 10.5852/ejt.2023.896.2291 3638570d-9fdb-4d92-a492-b351f217475a 2118-9773 8405510 F53C16AD-46F5-413B-9ACE-29713C9ED8D9 Conus ( Kurodaconus ) stupa Kuroda, 1956 Figs 2 , 61E–H, J , 67 Embrikena stupa Kuroda, 1956: 1 , pl. 1 fig. 1. Conus stupa – R̂ckel et al. 1995b: no. 121, pl. 28 figs 1–3. Kurodaconus stupa – Tucker & Tenorio 2013: 379. Turriconus ( Kurodaconus ) stupa Monnier et al. 2018a: 343 . Material examined 9 lots ( 9 specimens ). See Supp. file 1. Type material Holotype JAPAN100 mm ; off Tosa ; ca 183 m depth ; THTA . Figured material NEW CALEDONIA81.1 mm ; Norfolk Ridge , Banc Munida , off New Caledonia , stn CP2139; 23º01′ S , 168º23′ E ; 372‒393 m depth ; 3 Nov. 2003 ; NORFOLK 2 expedition; MNHN ( Fig. 61E ) 73.3 mm ; Norfolk Ridge , Banc Munida , off New Caledonia , stn DW2137; 23º01′ S , 168º23′ E ; 547‒560 m depth ; 3 Nov. 2003 ; NORFOLK 2 expedition; MNHN ( Fig. 61F ) 73.3 mm ; Loyalty Ridge , off New Caledonia , stn CP464; 21º02′ S , 167º32′ E ; 430 m depth ; 21 Feb. 1989 ; MUSORSTOM 6 expedition; MNHN ( Fig. 61G, J ) 36.5 mm ; Norfolk Ridge , Banc Munida , off New Caledonia , stn DW2136; 23º01′ S , 168º23′ E ; 402‒410 m depth ; 3 Nov. 2003 ; NORFOLK 2 expedition; MNHN ( Fig. 61H ) . Geographical distribution and bathymetry From Japan to Taiwan , Philippines and Solomon Islands . In New Caledonia present in the Norfolk Ridge and Grand Passage area, Loyalty Islands and New Hebrides Arc (Hunter Island), at depths between 200 and 600 m . Also found in the Coral Sea (Lansdowne Bank) Remarks Shell moderately large to large (maximum shell length 100 mm ), ventricosely conical to broadly and ventricosely conical, with a high stepped spire of slightly concave profile. Early spire whorls tuberculated. Protoconch multispiral. Shoulder subangulate to rounded. Color of the last whorl white, with sparse reddish brown dotted spiral lines. Radular tooth ( Fig. 61J ) stout, with the anterior portion much shorter than the posterior section. The tooth is serrated with 20 to 30 minute denticles arranged in multiple rows, ending on a small, pointed terminating cusp. Barb well marked. Blade rounded, covering about 70% of the anterior section of the tooth. Small basal spur on top of the rounded base. In the phylogeny ( Fig. 2 ), the specimens of C. stupa form a clade sister to C . ( K .) darkini . This species is widely distributed in the Western Pacific, but it is rather uncommonly sampled due to its deep-water habitat.