Some hydrozoans (Cnidaria) from Central Chile and the Strait of Magellan
Galea, Horia R.
Schories, Dirk
journal article
Symplectoscyphus paraglacialis
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
(fig. 6K–N, table 8)
Symplectoscyphus paraglacialis
El Beshbeeshy, 1991
: 220
, fig. 55 (
nomen nudum
). —
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
: 169
, fig. 55.?
Symplectoscyphus glacialis
Vervoort, 1972
: 171
, figs 56, 57B, C.
Material examined
Stn. FSI
, S29 (
40 m
): several sterile stems, up to
3.5 cm
high, epizoic on basal part of a stem of an unidentifiable hydroid, itself heavily overgrown by bryozoan (MHNG-INVE-79640); S33 (
30 m
): a single, sterile fragment,
1.9 cm
. Comparative measurements of
Symplectoscyphus paraglacialis
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
S. glacialis
(Jäderholm, 1904)
, in µm.
Symplectoscyphus paraglacialis
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
(Jäderholm, 1904) References
Present study
Vervoort (1972)
, as
El Beshbeeshy Peña Cantero
et al
– length 590–800 475–610 696–928 500–730
. Colonies attached to an unidentifiable hydroid substrate (the latter overgrown by bryozoan), their basal part could not be examined. Colonies irregularly ramified, stems and branches (up to 2nd order) monosiphonic, divided into internodes by more or less distinct constrictions of the perisarc; the latter rather thin and transparent. Internodes rather long, about two times as long as the adnate part of the hydrothecal wall, each bearing distally a hydrotheca, these alternate. Side branches originating immediately below the hydrothecal bases, either in front or the rear side of the colony, giving it a three dimensional appearance; basal internode of each side branch comparatively longer than the following ones. Hydrothecae tubular, curved outwards and facing slightly upwards; abcauline side rather straight basally, gently curving downwards in distal one third; adaxial side less than half adnate, free wall slightly sigmoid, adnate wall straight to slightly curved. Aperture with three pointed cusps separated by deep embayments, margin often renovated several times, though renovations obscured by each other. Lateral walls of hydrotheca with line of desmocytes running from junction between base of hydrotheca and lower part of adnate adaxial wall, to about one third of abcauline wall; occasionally a foramen just underneath the hydrothecal base. Gonothecae absent.
– diameter at node 140–185 |
135–160 |
150–185 |
230–250 |
– length first cladial 1000–1360 internode |
– |
– |
– |
– free adaxial side 355–435 |
380–445 |
221–290 |
180–250 |
– adnate adaxial side 290–335 |
190–245 |
197–255 |
230–310 |
– abaxial side 385–430 |
380–485 |
232–348 |
270–350 |
– maximum width 250–285 |
230–245 |
255–301 |
– |
– base width 140–210 |
– |
139–182 |
– |
–diameter at aperture 210–230 |
185–205 |
185–208 |
120–160 |
El Beshbeeshy (2011)
, after comparing the
Symplectoscyphus glacialis
(Jäderholm, 1904)
to his southwestern Atlantic specimens, concluded that the latter belonged to a different and new species,
S. paraglacialis
. Several distinctive features were listed by him, as follows: 1) shorter and slender internodes in
S. glacialis
; 2) absence of hydrothecal renovations in
S. paraglacialis
; 3) a much larger hydrothecal rim in
S. paraglacialis
; 4) hydrothecae about half adnate in
S. glacialis
, and with a much longer free adaxial wall in
S. paraglacialis
; 5) hydrothecal cusps more blunt in
S. glacialis
Some of these features seem more reliable taxonomically that others,
the size of the hydrothecae (see table 8), its curvature, the relative length of the free and adnate parts of its adaxial wall, as well as the shape of the marginal cusps [compare our figure 6L–N to figure
6 in
Peña Cantero
et al
. (2002)]. Based on these features,
El Beshbeeshy (2011)
included the material assigned by
Vervoort (1972)
S. glacialis
in the synonymy of his species, but some opinions diverge, as exemplified by Peña Cantero
et al
. (2002).
Both species share two common features: 1) the sides branches are given off in front of the stems, not laterally, giving the colonies a three dimensional appearance; 2) the relative position of the two rows of hydrothecae which, in some parts of the colonies, may form an obtuse angle. The latter was not obvious in our rather scarce material.
The finding of fertile specimens attributable to
S. paraglacialis
will improve our knowledge on this insufficiently-known species, and will clarify its relationships to
S. glacialis
Distribution in
. The present material originates from the Strait of Magellan and represents the first record of this species from
World records
. Off the Argentinean provinces of Buenos Aires and Rio Negro (
El Beshbeeshy 2011
),? Ross Sea (
Vervoort 1972