Nomenclatural Notes on the Eurytomids (Chalcidoidea: Eurytomidae) Described by Jean Brèthes Housed in Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “ Bernardino Rivadavia ” Author Gates, Michael W. text Zootaxa 2014 3790 1 185 193 journal article 45965 10.11646/zootaxa.3790.1.9 026321e7-24d4-4680-8eb9-5d924e968283 1175-5326 229499 9214D8A7-52EA-4CBB-AC0B-1209FD869C38 Bruchophagus opposita (Brèthes) new combination Eudecatoma opposita Brèthes 1916a : 9 . Lectotype , female, here designated. Sycophila opposita ; combination by De Santis 1979 : 9 , 79. Type material. A single pin with a card mount bearing 11 female wasps with four labels: “En capsulas de clavales (Dianthus), 25, Porter” [hand written]/” Eudecatoma opposita Br. ” [handwritten]/” TYPUS ” [typed]/ Bruchophagus opposita (Brèthes) Lectotype female (black dot), Paralectotypes [red].” The lectotype female is the left-most specimen of the third row (nearest the pin, marked with a black dot) and the remaining 10 specimens are paralectotypes , all female ( Figs. 13, 14 ). Overall, the specimens are dirty and poorly mounted. The position of each paralectotype and missing parts are as follows: right half of head, antennae beyond scape, right foreleg beyond femur missing (top left); antennae beyond scape, right wings (top left, center); antennae beyond scape (top right, center); antennae beyond scape, apical metatarsomeres (top right); middle row specimens complete; antennae beyond scape (L) or pedicel (R) (bottom left, center); left protarsus, mesotibia, mesotarsus, metatibia, metatarsus (bottom right, center); right antenna beyond F1, left fore wing detached, left protarsus and metatarsus (bottom right). Nomenclature and notes. Upon examination of the type series, this species clearly belongs in Bruchophagus Ashmead , based on characters presented by Lotfalizadeh et al. (2007) to define the genus, including absence of a genal carina, reduced sculpture on the head and mesosoma, flat and nearly vertically oriented propodeum, etc. Brèthes based his description on more than one specimen given that he reports a range for body length measurements and refers to “quelques exemplaires” to conclude the description. However, his description reports neither the host record and locality on the label nor the correct date. A “25” appears instead of “X, 1914”. Porter is however listed as collector in both the description and the label.