Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Zoogeography of the Subfamily Ceratomerinae of Australia (Diptera: Empidoidea) Author Bradley J Sinclair text Records of the Australian Museum 2003 55 1 44 journal article 2201-4349 Ceratomerus ordinatus Hardy Figs. 60 , 84 , 89 , 94 , 101 , 106–109 Ceratomerus ordinatus Hardy, 1930: 247 . Ceratomerus ordinarius Hardy, 1930: 245 . Type material . NEOTYPE (here designated) 3, “ AUST [ralia]: TAS[mania]: Lyell/ Hwy. Franklin/ Gordon/ Wild Rivers N.P./ 20.ii.1994 , Nelson R ./ B.J. SinclairAMS K175254 . My neotype label “ NEOTYPE / Ceratomerus / ordinatus Hardy / des. B.J. Sinclair 2000 [red label]” has been attached to this specimen. The holotype is lost as discussed previously for all Hardy species of Ceratomerinae and C. ordinatus was not mentioned in the list of damaged hardy types by Daniels (1978) . The association of all additional material is based on the original description of the wing venation, where the radial and medial veins fork nearly in parallel. The description by Hardy (1930) of the hypopygium as “very large” is considered incorrect and likely confused with C. inflexus . In order to avoid misidentifications with other closely related species in Tasmania (e.g., C. hibernus ), and given the inaccuracies of the original description which may lead to future misidentifications, the designation of a neotype was deemed necessary. Notes on spelling . This species was first spelt as ordinarius in the key to species of Ceratomerus ( Hardy, 1930 ) , but was subsequently spelt ordinatus in the description of the species, Zoological Record, and Smith (1989) . As first reviser (I.C.Z.N. 1999, Sec. 24.2.3), I have chosen to accept the second spelling ( ordinatus ) to maintain stability. Additional material . Tasmania : 833, 8♀♀ , same data as neotype ( AMS , ZFMK ); 633 , 1♀ , Adventure Bay , 30.xii.1922 ; 13, 1♀ , Cradle Mtn, 23.v.1923 ; 233, 1♀ , Cradle Val., 23.i.1923 ; 13, Interview R ., N. of Pieman R ., 31.xii.1953 ; 233, 8♀♀ , Pelion Hut , 3 km S Mt. Oakleigh , 860 m , 41°50'S 146°03'E , 8.i., 6–11.iii., 9.iv– ; 1 3, 15♀♀ , Pelion Plains , 1.iii., 15.v.,, 7.xi.1990 ( ANIC ) ; 1♀ , Arve R ., nr Hartz Mtn Rd , y.pans, river rocks, 22–23.i.1989 ; 30 33, 8♀♀ , nr Cradle Mtn, Pencil Pine Ck, 800 m , high woodlands, 30.i.1989 , y.pans; 13, Franklin R ., Irenabyss Camp , 11.iii.1989 , y.pans; 1♀ , Picton Rd , Farmhouse Ck , E. obliqua for., y.pans, 43°15'S 146°38'E , 22–23.i.1989 ( AMS ) ; 1 3, St. Colomba Falls , Pyengana , 21.ii.1971 ( MVM ) ; 13, Tahune FR , Huon R ., 17.ii.1994 ( AMS ) ; 833, 5♀♀ , Cradle Mtn. NP, Pencil Pine Ck, 800 m , 20–22.ii.1994 ; 4 33, 13♀♀ , Lyell Hwy , Franklin / Gordon Wild Rivers NP , Franklin R ., 19.ii.1994 ; 433, 2♀♀ , same locality, Surprise R . 19.ii.1994 ; 13, 2♀♀ , Mt. Field NP, Lady Barron Falls , 17.ii.1994 ; 333, 6♀♀ , Rd.C 405, 12 km N of C401, 23.ii.1994 , small ck ( CNC ); 433, 2♀♀ , Cradle Mtn. NP, Overland/Dove Lk. Tr., 900–1100 m , 21.ii.1994 ; 233, 7♀♀ , Mt. Field NP , Russell & Horseshoe Falls , 200 m , 18.ii.1983 ; 13, 2♀♀ , same locality, Lk. Dobson , small str. inflow, 1020 m , 18.ii.1984 ( ZFMK ) ; 13, 20 km SW Derwent Bridge , Franklin , 11.ii.1971 ( MVM ) ; 13, 1♀ , Franklin R ., 42°13'S 146°01'E , 22.i.1983 , at light (ANIC-alc.); 13, 15 km W Geeveston , Keoghs Ck , 17.ii.1994 ( USNM ) ; 533, 5♀♀ , Hellyer Gorge , 2.ii.1967 , 9.ii.1971 ( ANIC , MVM ) ; 733, 2♀♀ , Myrtle Bank , St. Patricks R ., 22.ii.1994 ( CNC , ZFMK ). Diagnosis . Distinguished from others in this group by a shortened pedicel (one-fourth length of scape) and median fork separated from radial fork by less than the length of crossvein dm-cu. Description . Wing length 2.5–2.8 mm, similar to C. falcatus except as follows: Figs. 88–93 . Scanning electron micrographs of Ceratomerus . 88, C. campbelli , male fore coxa, inner view. 89, C. ordinatus , female head, lateral view. 90, C. maculatus , male hind tibia, posterior view. 91–92, C. falcatus : 91, male head, lateral view; 92, male terminalia, lateral view. 93, C. albistylus , male midleg, anteroventral view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm, except Fig. 92 where scale bar = 0.05 mm. Male . Head ( Fig. 89 ) including face dark brown; postocellar bristle slightly shorter than ocellar bristles; 3 pairs of long vertical bristles. Antenna with scape equal to height of eye, with 2–3 long, dorsal setae and 1 long ventral seta ( Fig. 60); pedicel with short basal section, one-fourth length of scape, with posterior fringe of long setae. Postpedicel with apical half strongly tapered to short, stout, three-segmented stylus, subequal to one-third length of postpedicel. Thorax . Mesonotum, pleura and postnotum dark brown. Antepronotum with 2 short setulae. Wing ( Fig. 84 ). Medial fork branching nearly opposite radial fork, separated by less than length of crossvein dm-cu. Legs . Coxae and basal half of femora yellowish-brown, remaining leg segments brown, gradually darkening towards tip. Fore femur slightly swollen, lacking modified ventral setae; bearing 1 erect, preapical dorsal seta. Fore tibia nearly equal in length to femur. First tarsomere slightly longer than half length of fore tibia; distal 4 tarsomeres slender, longer than first tarsomere. Basal half of mid femur with biserial row of short setae beneath; bearing, 1 erect preapical dorsal seta. Mid tibia slightly shorter than femur lacking modified setae; bearing 1 preapical ad seta. First tarsomere shorter than remaining 4 tarsomeres, with several erect stout setae beneath. Hind tibia longer than femur; apical half with 4–5 erect ad and 2–3 dorsal setae ( Fig. 94 ). Abdomen as in C. falcatus . Terminalia ( Figs. 106, 107 ). Hypandrium with short posterior flap-like process; gonocoxal apodemes slender, not projecting beyond base of hypandrium; 2 pairs of articulated postgonites arching in opposite directions. Phallus comprises 1 pair of long, slender, nearly straight processes and thinly sclerotized, ragged-edge median process. Apical corner of epandrium narrow; posterior margin with long setae and short, stout spine-like setae along inner posterior margin. Surstylus weakly developed, with only partial subapical lateral weakening on epandrium. Cercus thinly sclerotized, short, fleshy; apex acute, expanded laterally around anus. Female . Similar to male and female of C. falcatus except as follows: Terminalia ( Fig. 108 ): anterior margin with broad, flattened, median process, extending beneathT7 when segment retracted ( Fig. 109 ). Anterior margin of T10 bearing biserial row of stout, straight spine-like setae; cercus with terminal cluster of 4–5 spine-like setae, similar to T10. Spermathecal receptacle spherical, with short ridge where duct attached. Distribution .This species is endemic to Tasmania , with adults commonly collected throughout both eastern and western areas of the island ( Fig. 101 ) from November to May.