New Lysianassoid Amphipods from the North Eastern Atlantic Ocean Author Kaim-Malka, R. A. text Zootaxa 2014 3821 5 551 566 journal article 45383 10.11646/zootaxa.3821.5.3 d03f0501-3ec5-4a54-ad9f-fd87639e48c5 1175-5326 229524 A1E6A9F9-23E1-4086-92CE-0F7FC509725A Ambasia anophthalma n. sp. ( Figs 2–6 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE . Adult female, with 5 eggs , 11.88 mm . Collected in the North Eastern Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay) on 23 August 2002 . Cruise VITAL on R/V "L'Atalante" ( IFREMER ). Meriadzek Terrace ( Fig.1 ). Depth: 1460 m , 47° 36' N ; 8° 25' W . Holotype deposited in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) N°: MNHN-IU-2013-11265. FIGURE 1. The Bay of Biscay with the position of the stations where the new amphipods species were collected. M: Meriadzek Terrace; N: Saint Nazaire Terrace. PARATYPES . 1 specimen collected with the Holotype , in the same station. Specimen deposited in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) N°: MNHN-IU-2013-11266.— 1 specimen collected on 26–28 August 2002 . Cruise VITAL on R/V "L'Atalante" ( IFREMER ). Saint Nazaire Terrace ( Fig.1 ). Depth: 1550 m , 46°15'N , 4°43'W . Specimen deposited in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) N°: MNHN-IU-2013- 11267. Male unknown. Etymology. The name species refers to the absence of eyes (blind species). Diagnosis. Blind species. Head: lateral cephalic lobe triangular shaped. Maxilla 1: inner plate with one long apical seta. Gnathopod 2: propodus minutely chelate. Coxa 5 greatly sized. Epimeral plate 3 roughly quadrate, anterior and posterior margins slightly convex, distal margin straight and the posterodistal corner rounded. Urosome carina high and triangular shaped. Description. HOLOTYPE . Adult female, 11.88 mm ( Fig. 2 ). Head: without eyes, blind species. Lateral cephalic lobe triangular and rounded distally. Epistome not prominent ( Figs. 2 ; 3A, F). Antenna 1: shorter than antenna 2. Peduncular article1 expanded; articles 2 and 3 short. Flagellum 6 articulated, callynophore strong 2- fields. No calceoli. Accessory flagellum with 4 articles ( Figs. 2 ; 3A, B). Antenna 2: broad, a little longer than antenna1; peduncular article1 comma shaped, very characteristic: the posterior part is rounded when the anterior one is triangular cut straight at the extremity; all of the other articles are rectangular (article 5 <article 4 <article 2 <article 3); flagellum with 7 articles. Except article 1 and 2, each article bears some setae ( Figs. 2 ; 3A, C). Mandible ( Fig. 4 C, D, E): strong; molar absent, lacinia mobilis vestigial; palp elongated with setae on the distal part of article 2 and on article 3. Maxilla 1 ( Fig. 3 D, E): inner plate very small bearing one long apical seta; outer plate longer with 6 apical spines; last palp article with 4 little apical strong teeth and 2 setae. Maxilla 2 ( Fig. 4 F): the two plates are densely setose on their apical part. Maxilliped ( Fig. 4 A, B): palp scarcely exceeding outer plate, plates and palp very weakly setose, dactylus vestigial. FIGURE 2. Ambasia anophthalma n. sp. , holotype female. Scale 2 mm. Pereon. Gnathopod 1 ( Fig. 4 G): distal margin of the coxa 1 narrow and rounded, basis broad and long, carpus and propodus of same length, dactylus simple. All the articles are ornamented with setae. Gnathopod 2 ( Fig. 5 A, B, C): coxa 2 roughly rectangular shaped, without setae, distal margin slightly expanded and rounded. Basis very long and narrow. Ischium subequal in length to carpus. Carpus-propodus joint constricted. Propodus oval / rectangular with long setae on the midanterior part, minutely chelate ( Fig. 5 B, C). Pereopod 3 ( Fig. 4 H): coxa 3 rectangular shaped, sized large, distal margin slightly convex, without setae, covering a great part of coxa 2. The different articles slender, poorly setose. Basis longer. Basis> merus = propodus> carpus> ischium. Dactylus simple. Pereopod 4 ( Fig. 5 D): coxa 4 sized large and partly covering coxa 3, posterior concavity more than half length of the coxa. The different articles slender and poorly setose. Basis> merus> propodus> carpus> ischium. Dactylus simple. Pereopod 5 ( Fig. 5 E): smaller than pereopods 6 and 7. Coxa 5 square and sized large. Basis roughly oval shaped. The other articles are slender and ornamented with very little setae and spines. Merus with a posterior lobe. Dactylus simple. Pereopod 6 ( Fig. 5 F): coxa 6 square shaped, smaller than coxa 5 and partly covered by it. Basis roughly rectangular shaped, length =1.6 width, posterior margin rounded. The other articles are slender and ornamented with very little setae and spines. Merus with a small posterior lobe. Dactylus simple. Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 5 G): coxa 7 roughly square shaped, smaller than coxa 6 and partly covered by it. Basis with a large lobe, length =1.25 width, posterior margin rounded. The other articles are slender and ornamented with very little setae and spines. Merus with a small posterior lobe. Dactylus simple. Pleon Epimeral plate 1 ( Fig. 6 A): anterior margin slightly concave shaped, anteroventral corner round, posterior margin rounded, inferior margin straight. Epimeral plate 2 ( Fig. 6 B): anterior margin rounded, inferior and posterior margins straight, posteroventral corner subquadrate. Epimeral plate 3 ( Fig. 6 C): roughly quadrate, anterior and posterior margins slightly convex, ventral margin straight and the posteroventral corner rounded. Urosome. The carina is high and triangular shaped ( Fig. 2 ). Uropod 1 ( Fig. 6 D): long, peduncle and rami approximately of same length. External ramus very slightly longer than the inner one. Many little spines on peduncle and rami. Uropod 2 ( Fig. 6 E): shorter than Uropod 1, U1 / U2 = 1.42. Peduncle as long as rami. Rami of equal length. Many little spines on peduncle and rami. Uropod 3 ( Fig. 6 F): Short, U1> U2> U3; U2 / U3 = 3. 54; Peduncle stout. Rami of inequal length; inner ramus / outer ramus = 0.75; inner ramus lanceolate and one articulate, length subequal to the first article of the outer ramus; outer ramus 2-articulate, the first article is strong with little spines on the outer margin; the second article is in fact a strong tooth. Telson ( Fig. 6 G): triangular (length = 0.62 width); cleft on 2/3 of the length, one spine on the apical part of each lobe. FIGURE 3. Ambasia anophthalma n. sp. , holotype female. A: Head with antennae; B: Antenna 1; C: Antenna 2; D: Maxilla 1; E: Maxilla 1, enlargement of the apical part of the palp. F: Epistome and Labrum. Scales: E: 0.1 mm; B, C, D, F: 0.5 mm; A: 1 mm. Discussion. The genus Ambasia was created by Boeck (1871) and included only one species: Ambasia atlantica (Milne Edwards, 1830 ) . The present work permits the addition of a new species, Ambasia anophthalma , to this genus. The main differences between these two species are: Ambasia anophthalma is a blind species, Ambasia atlantica has a subsigmoid eye. Maxilla 1: inner plate with one long apical seta ( A. anophthalma ), two short setae ( A. atlantica ). Gnathopod 2: propodus oval/rectangular shaped ( A. anophthalma ); oval ( A. atlantica ). Epimeral plate 3: posteroventral corner rounded ( A. anophthalma ); producing a little tooth ( A. atlantica ). Urosome carina high and triangular shaped ( A. anophthalma ); high and roughly rectangular shaped ( A. atlantica ).