Reclassification of Parapterulicium Corner (Pterulaceae, Agaricales), contributions to Lachnocladiaceae and Peniophoraceae (Russulales) and introduction of Baltazaria gen. nov. Author Leal-Dutra, Caio A. Author Neves, Maria Alice Author Griffith, Gareth W. Author Reck, Mateus A. Author Clasen, Lina A. Author Dentinger, Bryn T. M. text MycoKeys 2018 37 39 56 journal article 1314-4049-37-39 Baltazaria C.A. Leal-Dutra, Dentinger & G.W. Griff. gen. nov. Etymology. In honour of Dr. Juliano Marcon Baltazar, Brazilian mycologist and authority on neotropical corticioid fungi. Type species. Baltazaria galactina (Fr.) C.A. Leal-Dutra, Dentinger & G.W. Griff. Diagnosis. Basidiomes corticioid, adherent to effused, coriaceous/membranaceous when fresh, hard when dry, usually white, cream or pale ochraceous. Context densely homogeneous with thick-walled and dextrinoid skeletal-binding hyphae, sometimes bearing rows of short papillae or skeletodendrohyphidia. Global distribution. Notes. The diagnosis of Boidin and Lanquetin (1987) for Scytinostroma eurasiaticogalactinum and S. neogalactinum describes both species with the same morphological characters as S. galactinum (Fr.) Donk but with reproductive incompatibility between the species and different distributions. In the discussion on the S. galactinum complex, the authors mention the branched skeletal hyphae that starts with conspicuous 2-3 branched short projections and then become longer, a feature resembling the Parapterulicium octopodites papillate skeletal hyphae (Fig. 3 d-h ). Moreover, the description of S. galactinum by Lentz and Burdsall (1973) mentions the hymenium with conspicuous skeletodendrohyphidia. However, Bernicchia and Gorjón (2010) claimed the species does not present dendrohyphae; instead, the authors describe the presence of skeletal-binding hyphae. It is likely that the papillate skeletal hyphae described by Corner (1952a) , the short and branched projections described by Boidin and Lanquetin (1987) and the skeletodendrohyphidia described by Lentz and Burdsall (1973) , are nothing more than early developmental stages of the skeletal-binding hyphae described by Bernicchia and Gorjón (2010).