Review of the genus Onchopelma Hesse, with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2002 64 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.156142 5e22e18b-9a3b-4266-9b66-01f208799a4d 1175­5326 156142 Onchopelma karooanum Hesse ( Fig. 4 ) Onchopelma karooana Hesse, 1967: 105 . REMARKS. The original description serves to identify this species very well. An additional character not mentioned by Hesse (1967) that can help distinguish this species from its congeners is the yellowish white frons ( Fig. 4 ) (black color extending from occiput only to lateral ocelli of ocellar triangle). Since the original description, only one additional specimen of this species has been found: a headless female from Merweville, South Africa . Material examined : SOUTH AFRICA : [Western Cape]: Dikbrome, Merweville, Jan 1953 , H. Zinn ( SAMC ).