Cotesia Pappi Sp. N. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgastrinae) From Turkey Author Inanç, F. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2002 48 2 157 160 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12587527 2064-2474 12587527 Cotesia pappi sp. n. f ( Figs 1–6 ) Material examined (3 ff): Female holotype and two paratypes : “ Turkey , Edirne , Gullapoglu Arboretum of Trakya University, 41m , 20.V.2001 ,” holotype leg. A. ALADAG ( TU ), paratypes : 2 ff, leg. S. YÝLMAZ ( TU ) . Holotype and two paratypes are deposited in the Zoological Museum of Department of Biology, Trakya University ( TU ), Turkey . Etymology: Named in honour of Dr. JENŐ PAPP , excellent Hungarian specialist of Braconidae ( Hymenoptera ). Description of the female holotype . – Length of body 2.6 mm . Head in dorsal view 2.1 times broader than long ( Fig. 1 ). Temple 0.9 times broader than eye. OOL 0.8 times longer than POL and POL 3 times longer than LOL. Head in frontal view 1.27 times broader than its height. Lateral view of eye 1.8 times as high as wide. Cheek about 1.3 times longer than basal width of mandibles. Occiput almost smooth. Frons and vertex with very superficial fine punctation, subshiny. Antenna 21.1 times longer than first flagellomere and penultimate flagellomere just longer than broad ( Fig. 2 ). Scape 0.6 times of its height. Mesosoma: Length of mesosoma 0.69 times of its height. Mesonotum densely and deeply punctuated, subshiny. Notaulices densely, crowded punctated and dull. Scutellum shiny, anteriorly almost smooth, posteriorly superficial and sparsely punctated. Scutellar sulcus crenulated, its crenulae medially sparated. Mesopleuron shiny, smooth and rugulose basally. Precoxal suture crenulated. Propodeum subshiny, carinated and reticulate. Legs: Inner side of hind coxa finely rugulose, outer side shiny, almost smooth, upper side with crowded punctation. Ratio of femur: tibia: basitarsus of hind leg: 27: 33: 16. Pair of spurs of hind tibia equal in length and hind tibial spurs about one-third as long as basitarsus ( Fig. 3 ). Wings: Fore wing ( Fig. 4 ). Length of fore wing 0.75 times longer than body. Pterostigma 2.3 times as long as wide. Metacarp 0.9 times as long as pterostigma. Vein r 1.1 times as long as 2-SR. 2-CU1 twice longer than 1-CU1. Discal cell 0.6 times longer than its height. Nervellus of hind wing just not straight. Vannal lob faintly convex ( Fig. 5 ). Metasoma: Length of metasoma 1.7 times longer than its height. First tergite 1.36 times longer than broad. First tergite almost smooth anteriorly and very shiny, but posteriorly rugose and subshiny. Second tergite similarly rugose than first tergite. Third tergite anterio medially slightly rugulose, shiny ( Fig. 6 ). Hypopygium truncate, ovipositor sheath very short and concealed. Colour: Body black. Stigma and veins brown. Tegula blackish brown. First and second tarsus dark brown, third tarsus brown. Description of the two female paratypes . – Similar to the female holotype . Body 2.6–2.7 mm long (1 f: 2.6, 1 f: 2.7). Hind femur blackish (1 f), Second tarsus blackish brown (2 ff). Male and host unknown. Distribution: Turkey . The new species, Cotesia pappi , is nearest to C. errator ( NIXON , 1974 ) considering their third tergite anteriorly rugulose-rugose, thrid tergite hardly longer than second tergite, hind femur black or blackish and inner spur of hind tibia as long as outer one; the two species are differentiated by the following features keyed: Figs 1–6. Cotesia pappi sp. n. : 1 = head in dorsal view, 2 = 15–18th joints of antenna, 3 = hind tibia and tarsal joints, 4 = fore wing, 5 = hind wing, 6= basal tergite. Scale bar 0.5 mm 1 (2) Penultimate joints of flagellum 1.2–1.3 times as long as broad. Scutellum subshiny, punctation equally fine, indistinct. Notaulices almost not indicated except as faint furrow. Mesonotum dull, finely punctated. Hind coxa evenly smooth, shiny. f: 3.2–3.4 mm C. errator NIXON 2 (1) Penultimate joints of flagellum a little longer than broad. Scutellum shiny, anteriorly almost smooth, posteriorly superficially sparsely punctate. Notaulices with closely crowded punctation, dull. Mesonotum densely, deeply punctated. Outer side of hind coxa shiny, almost smooth, upper side with crowded punctation. f: 2.6–2.7 mm C. pappi sp. n. * Acknowledgement – I am greatly thankful to Dr. JENŐ PAPP for his help in describing the new species. I am grateful to Dr. LAJOS ZOMBORI and Dr. J. PAPP for providing me facilities at the Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest). Also sincere to thanks to AYLA ALADAG and SENAY YILMAZ (graduate students at the Department of Biology, Trakya University, Turkey ) for collecting the samples for identification.