The larvae of European Myrmeleontidae (Neuroptera) Author Badano, Davide Author Pantaleoni, Roberto Antonio text Zootaxa 2014 2014-02-05 3762 1 1 71 journal article 5916 10.11646/zootaxa.3762.1.1 4577eacc-752d-4eb7-bf1b-6585f03d7d6a 1175-5326 4909357 68E063AB-2C09-4FCA-8761-FBC73D562990 Myrmelon punicanus Pantaleoni & Badano, 2012 ( Figs. 5C , 6C , 28 ) A recently described species ( Pantaleoni & Badano 2012 ) whose larva has not been compared with other congeners. Examined specimens. Italy . Sicily , Mazara del Vallo ( Trapani ), Gorghi Tondi , IX.2011 ( M. Romano ), 3 L3. Pantelleria (Trapani), Bugeber, V.2010 ( A. Corso ), 3 L3 . Description of 3 rd instar larva. Size (based on 6 specimens ): BL 8.57 mm ; HL 1.93 mm (1.84–2.03), HW 1.64 mm (1.56–1.75), ML 1.90 mm (1.86–1.93), HW/HL 0.85, ML/HL 0.98. General colouring dark brown with a dark pattern, ventral side pale with large dark spots; dorsal side of the head capsule brown with small dark markings, lateral side of the head with large dark markings, ventral side of the head paler with an anterior pair of dark markings surrounding the gula and a two median dark spots ( Figs. 5C , 28c ); mandibles pale brown; pro- and mesothoracic pair of legs pale with darker suffusions at the proximal section of the tibiae and of the tarsi ( Fig. 28d ), metathoracic pair of legs pale with conspicuous dark spots on the coxae and on the femora ( Fig. 28e ); setae covering the body black. Head longer than wide; mandibles as long as the head capsule ( Fig. 28a ); interdental mandibular setae: (2–4)(2)(2)(1); dorsal side of the jaws covered by sparse and short setae, ventral side with a thick covering of short setae external to the maxilla, reaching the median tooth, few setae disposed internal to the maxilla, reaching the basal tooth ( Figs. 5C , 28b ). IX abdominal sternite equipped with an anterior row of digging setae and with two sessile rastra each bearing 4 digging setae ( Figs. 6C , 28f ). FIGURE 27. Myrmeleon gerlindae Hölzel, 1974 , 3 rd instar larva (Italy: Sardinia, Alghero, Capo Caccia). Dorsal (above), ventral (middle) and lateral (below) view; a–e: diagnostic characters, see species description. FIGURE 28. Myrmeleon punicanus Pantaleoni & Badano, 2012 , 3 rd instar larva (Italy: Pantelleria, Bugeber). Dorsal (above), ventral (middle) and lateral (below) view; a–f: diagnostic characters, see species description. Bio-ecology. M. punicanus is a pit-builder species associated with Mediterranean forest environments. The larvae were collected in scrublands in small patches of loose soil, under the shelter of rock overhangs and vegetation. Distribution. Exclusively reported for Sicily and Pantelleria. Remarks. The larva of M. punicanus reminds a miniature version of M. formicarius , however it is distinguished by the dark soffusions at the articulations of the legs.