Review of the genus Parerigone Brauer (Diptera: Tachinidae) with five new species from China Author Wang, Qiang Author Zhang, Chuntian Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2015 3919 3 457 478 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3919.3.2 63695169-bea2-48d2-bbe8-e1691867fe0e 1175-5326 241280 50DDA6F9-D983-4259-ADE8-E91A469D1D4D Parerigone takanoi Mesnil Parerigone takanoi Mesnil, 1957 : 62 . Holotype male (CNC). Type locality: Japan , Hokkaido, Obihiro, Kawanishi.— Tschorsnig, 1985 : 112 (male postabdomen).— Herting & Dely-Draskovits, 1993 : 417 (Palaearctic catalogue).— Chao et al ., 1998 : 2167 ( China ).— Shima, 2011 : 680 (notes). Parerigonesis flavihirta Chao & Sun in Chao et al. , 1990 : 237 . Holotype male (IZCAS). Type locality: China , Yunnan, Lushui Co., Pianma ( 25.9°N 98.8°E ), 2300 m .— Chao et al ., 1998 : 2170 ( China ).— Shima, 2011 : 677 (notes). Syn. nov. Diagnosis. Medium-sized black flies with dense grayish yellow or golden yellow pruinosity. Vertex 0.15–0.2 of head width; gena 0.36–0.40 of eye height, covered with black hairs; parafacial about twice as wide as 1st flagellomere at mid-height, the latter about 3 times as long as pedicel; pedicel with short black hairs; arista pubescent; facial ridge with 6–8 setae on its lower 2/5; antenna dark brown; palpus reddish yellow. Anatergite with fine hairs; thorax with black hairs dorsally and pleura with yellow hairs; scutellum with 3 pairs of marginal setae; basicosta dark brown; legs black; mid tibia with 2 anterodorsal setae, ventral seta absent; hind tibia with 2 preapical dorsal setae. Abdomen with black hairs dorsally, pale yellow hairs ventrally and laterally, covered with golden yellow or yellowish gray pruinosity; syntergite 1+2 with 4 median marginal setae, the middle two weak; 3rd and 4th tergites each with 1–2 pairs of median discal setae. Type material examined. Holotype male of Parerigonesis flavihirta Chao & Sun , CHINA : Lushui Co., Pianma ( 25.9°N 98.8°E ), 2300 m , Yunnan, 29.v.1981 , S.Y. Wang ( IZCAS ). Other material examined. CHINA : 1 male , Guamagou Forestry Centre, Longyang, 2200 m , Ningxia, 5.vii.2008 , Z.Y. Yao ( SYNU ). Remarks. Parerigone flavihirta differs from P. t a k a no i in having a narrower vertex (0.15 of head width), scutellum with a black spot apically, lateral and ventral portions of abdomen with pale yellowish hairs, and syntergite 1+2 and 3rd tergite with 2 pairs of median marginal setae (but inner one very fine). We think that these differences are included in the individual variation of the same species. Moreover, the male terminalia of P. flavihirta and P. takanoi are the same. Shima (2011: 677) noted the similarities between these two nominal species but did not synonymize them pending an examination of the holotype of P. flavihirta . We have examined the holotype and here confirm P. flavihirta as a synonym of P. takanoi , syn. nov. Distribution. China (Ningxia*, Yunnan). Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu). *Newly recorded.