Insects found in birds’ nests from Argentina. Part I: a bibliographical review, with taxonomical corrections, comments and a hypothetical mechanism of transmission of cimicid bugs Author Turienzo, Paola Author Iorio, Osvaldo Di text Zootaxa 2007 1561 1 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.178338 8b7bb0da-4dda-42b6-a563-839a5281eedd 1175-5326 178338 FURNARIIDAE Anumbius annumbi (Vieillot, 1817) ORTHOPTERA : Gryllidae Gryllus argentinus Saussure, 1874 URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas, on the border with Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana], 30 examined nests ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ). Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. San José, río San José, Paso del Rey, 1 ex. in 2 examined nests ( Achaval 1972 ). COLEOPTERA Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas ( Rosa et al . 1997 ). Carabidae Lebia venustula Dejean, 1831 (Cicchino et al . 2003). Buenos Aires ( Cicchino & Saini 2006 ). Remarks: the record made by Cicchino et al . (2003) in birds´nests was from a previously identified specimen in the private collection of Gastón Zubaran, who collected it in a nest of A. annumbi in Campo de Mayo, Buenos Aires province, 1992, in company of O .R. Di Iorio (pers. obs.). Chrysomelidae Botanochara angulata (Germar, 1824) Córdoba: near estación Barreto, F.C.B.A.P., Estancia La Magdalena, 379 exx. in 1 examined nest ( Mac Donagh [1940] 1943); [locality not specified], 195 exx. (Nores 1993). Botanochara bonariensis (Boheman, 1850) URUGUAY ( Panzera et al. 1983 ); Dto. Artigas, frontier zone with Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana], 30 examined nests ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ). Botanochara duodecimverrucata (Boheman, 1850) URUGUAY , Dto. San José, río San José, Paso del Rey, 58 exx. in 2 examined nests ( Achaval 1972 ). Note: species erroneously named as " verrucata (Boheman)", an non-existent specific name, probably B. duodecimverrucata , distributed in Uruguay ( Blackwelder 1946 ). Botanochara sp. URUGUAY ( Panzera et al . 1983 ). Note: Following these authors, “ Botanochara sp. was identified as B. angulata but differences between the kariotypes of the two species invalidate the identification. Morphological similarities make them sibling species”. Eriosps sp.” Córdoba [locality not specified], 42 exx. (Nores 1993). Note: This generic name is non-existent and is referred to as a chrysomelid beetle. It is probable that it may be a misidentification and mislabeling of Eriopis , a ladybird [ Coccinellidae ], sometimes confused with leaf beetles [ Chrysomelidae ] by the elongated body shape. Lema bilineata (Germar, 1823) Córdoba: near estación Barreto, F.C.B.A.P., Estancia La Magdalena, 17 exx. in 1 examined nest ( Mac Donagh [1940] 1943). Stolas lacordairei (Boheman, 1850) URUGUAY ( Panzera et al . 1983 ); Dto. Artigas: frontier zone with Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana], 30 examined nests ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ). Note: Panzera et al . (1983) found two morphs hibernating inside the nests, “one of these color morphs resembles Botanochara bonariensis [ Stolas lacordairei var lacordairei ], while the other is metallic blue to green [ Stolas lacordairei var. subrugosa ]. No citogenetic differences between the two forms were observed”. Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. San José, río San José, Paso del Rey, in 2 examined nests ( Achaval 1972 ). Coccinellidae Cycloneda sp. Córdoba [locality not specified], 4 exx. (Nores 1993). Epilachna paenulata (Germar, 1824) Córdoba [locality not specified], 4 exx. (Nores 1993). Panatomorus sp.” [ erratum pro Pantomorus ] Córdoba [locality not specified], 10 exx. (Nores, 1993). Elateridae Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. San José, río San José, Paso del Rey, 1 ex. in 1 nest ( Achaval 1972 ). Tenebrionidae Hemasodes spp. Córdoba [locality not specified], 3 exx. (Nores 1993). Phobelius sp. Buenos Aires ( Cicchino & Saini 2006 ). DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis pici (Macquart, 1853) Córdoba: [locality not specified] (Nores 1993); Monte Cristo ( Nores 1995 ; Couri et al . 2005); Fig. 8 . Philornis seguyi García, 1952 Córdoba: [locality not specified] (Nores 1993]; Monte Cristo ( Nores 1995 ; Couri et al . 2005); Fig. 8 . Note: Nores (1993) found the two species of Philornis in 9 nests of a total of 65 examined nests, or in 29 infested chicks (18.12 %) from a total of 160. From the infested chicks, 20 of them flew, and the remaining 9 died. In some cases, the same chick was infested simultaneously by larvae of both Philornis species, but the infested nests were not discriminated by species of Philornis . Philornis sp. Buenos Aires: Ea. La Candelaria, 35° 15´S , 59° 13´W ( Fraga 1984 ); Lobos (Couri et al . 2005, following Fraga 1984 ); Fig. 8 ; Pdo. Magdalena, Ea. El Talar (Mason 1985; Couri et al . 2005, as “Magdalena”). HEMIPTERA Undetermined phytophagous species URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas ( Rosa et al . 1997 ). Anthocoridae Jadera sanguinolenta (F., 1775) URUGUAY , Dto. San José: río San José, Paso del Rey, 1 ex. in 1 nest ( Achaval 1972 ). Cimicidae Ornithocoris toledoi Pinto, 1927 Córdoba: [locality not specified], 2 and 5 exx. in 2 of 13 examined nests (Nores 1993). Psitticimex uritui ( Lent & Abalos, 1946 ) Córdoba: [locality not specified], 2 and 4 exx. in 2 of 13 examined nests (Nores 1993). Coreidae Anasa declivicollis Berg URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas: frontier zone with Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana], 30 examined nests ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ). Corecoris brevicornis (Stal, 1870) URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas: frontier zone with Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana], 30 examined nests ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ). Pentatominae Nezara viridula (L., 1758) Córdoba: [locality not specified], 5 exx. (Nores 1993). Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood, 1837) Córdoba: [locality not specified], 5 exx. (Nores 1993). Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. San José: río San José, Paso del Rey, 265 exx. in 2 examined nests ( Achaval 1972 ). Reduviidae : Triatominae Empicoris rubromaculatus (Blackburn, 1889) Buenos Aires: ( Viana & Williner 1978 ). Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 BRAZIL , Rio Grande do Sul: Municipio de Uruguaiana, route BR- 472, 2 km from Barra do Quaraí, 1 m , 1 f, 5 n V in three of five examined nests, occupied by Orizomys flavescens [ Rodentia : Cricetidae ] ( Salvatella et al . 1991 ); Barra do Quaraí, 10 specimens collected from nests ( Pereira et al . 1996 ). Córdoba: [locality not specified], 2 and 4 exx. in 2 of 13 examined nests (Nores 1993). Entre Ríos: see Table 1. URUGUAY ( Franca Rodríguez 1987 ); (Carcavallo et al . 1998a, following Franca Rodríguez 1987 ); Department of Paysandú, Palmar de Quebracho, 82 specimens ( Pereira et al . 1996 ); Colonia (Carcavallo et al . 1998b); Dto. Artigas ( Rosa et al . 1997 ). Triatoma sordida garciabesi Carcavallo, Cichero, Martínez, Prosen & Ronderos, 1967 = Triatoma guasayana [ non Wygdzinsky & Abalos, 1949] Córdoba: [locality not specified], between 1 and 5 exx. in 5 of 13 examined nests (Nores 1993). Note: Triatoma guasayana was never found in birds’ nests from Argentina , but was recorded in natural habitats such as dried cacti and bromeliads, logs and underground burrows ( Vezzani et al . 2001 ). The record mentioned by Nores (1993) is probably an erroneous identification of Triatoma sordida garciabesi , which is found in birds’ nests in several provinces in the country, including Córdoba ( Carcavallo & Cichero 1963 ; Cichero et al . 1984 ; Carcavallo et al . 1988 ). Triatoma sordida sordida (Stal, 1859) ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ). Scutelleridae Misippus variabilis (Spinola, 1852) =Nissipus variabilis ( Spin .) : Mac Donagh [1940] 1943: 79. Córdoba: near estación Barreto, F.C.B.A.P., Estancia La Magdalena, 1 examined nest ( Mac Donagh [1940] 1943). Undetermined species URUGUAY , Dto. San José: río San José, Paso del Rey, 13 exx. in 2 examined nests ( Achaval 1972 ). LEPIDOPTERA Undetermined species Córdoba: [locality not specified], feeding “excrements and vegetal matter” (Nores 1993). Certhiaxis cinnamomea [ russeola (Vieillot, 1817)] DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9 .
Coryphistera alaudina Burmeister, 1860
DIPTERA : Muscidae
Philornis torquans (Nielsen, 1913)
Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9.
Reduviidae : Triatominae
Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834
Córdoba: 2 exx. (Brewer et al . 1978); (Canale & Carcavallo 1985, following Brewer et al ., 1978).
Furnariidae nests [undetermined species] COLEOPTERA
Chrysomelidae Botanochara decempustulata Boheman, 1850 ( Viana & Williner 1974 ) . Botanochara duodecinverrucata Boheman, 1850 ( Viana & Williner 1974 ). Planagetes oglobini Bechiné [publication´s year not found] Catamarca: Miraflores, adults overwinter inside the nests ( Di Iorio pers. obs.). Coccinellidae Cycloneda ancoralis (Germar, 1824) Neuquén: Auca Mahuida, several adults (not collected) overwintering inside 1 examined nest ( Di Iorio pers. obs.). Dermestidae Trogoderma sp. Neuquén: Auca Mahuida, 2 larvae inside 1 examined nest ( Di Iorio pers. obs.), reared to adults. Histeridae Saprinus sp. Buenos Aires: Lima, 16-VIII-1981 , Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. (ODI) in 1 examined nest. HEMIPTERA Scutelleridae Misippus variabilis (Spinola, 1852) Buenos Aires: Lima, 16-VIII-1981 , Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. (ODI) in one examined nest. Reduviidae Apiomerinae Apiomerus beckeri Costa Lima, 1951 Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Apiomerus hempeli Costa Lima, 1951 Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Ectrichodiinae Daraxa ( Daraxa ) nigripes Stal, 1859 Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Reduviinae Zelurus femoralis (Stal, 1854) Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Zelurus mazzai (Costa Lima, 1941) ( Coscarón et al . 1999 , preying on T. infestans and T. platensis ). Triatominae Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911) (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985). Salta: see Table 1 [as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”]; ( Hicks 1959, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ); ( Lent & Jurberg 1965, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”, from Chaco salteño ); ( Carcavallo & Martínez 1968 ); (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985, following Mazza 1936, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”). Chaco: see Table 1; Fig. 3 [as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”]. Catamarca, La Rioja ( Carcavallo & Martínez 1968 ) . Corrientes: Dto. Mercedes ( Bar & Oscherov 1985 –1986); Departamento General Paz, 12 n, 2 a [5 nests] ( Oscherov et al . 2000 ). Córdoba: Dto. Río Seco, El Guanaco; La Cañada ; La Rinconada; Pozo de la Olla; Villa de María ( Cichero et al . 1984 ); Fig. 3 . Note: Lent & Jurberg (1965) mention P. coreodes examined from Córdoba: Dto. Río Seco: Pozo de la Olla, 3-VIII-1964 , 1 f; Villa de María, 1 f, without aclaration if they were collected from birds’ nests. Triatoma delpontei Romaña & Abalos, 1947 ( Carcavallo & Martínez 1968: fig. 16, as occasionally ); (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985, sometimes in this nests). Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834 Salta: see Table 1; Fig. 5 ; ( Hicks 1959, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ). Santiago del Estero: See Table 1 ( Mazza 1943 , as “firewood nests”; Bejarano 1967). Córdoba: Dto. Río Seco, Los Hoyos ( Cichero 1975 ; Cichero et al . 1984 , corrected as “way of Los Hoyos - San Pedro ”). Entre Ríos: see Table 1; Fig. 5 . Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 ( Carcavallo & Martínez 1968: fig. 16 ); (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985, following Mazza 1936, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”); ( Bargues et al . 2006 ). Corrientes: Dto. Mercedes ( Bar et al . 1993b ); Dto. Mercedes, inhabited by Didelphis albiventris Lund. [Marsupialia: Didelphidae ] ( Bar & Oscherov 1985 –1986; Bar et al . 1999 ); Reserva Iberá ( Bar et al . 2004a ); Esteros del Iberá ( Bar et al . 2004b ). Entre Ríos: see Table 1; Fig. 6 . Triatoma sordida garciabesi Carcavallo, Cichero, Martínez, Prosen & Ronderos, 1967 (Martínez et al. 1985). Zelinae Graptocleptes haematogaster (Stal, 1960) Córdoba: see Table 1. LEPIDOPTERA Pyralidae : Chrysauginae Cappsia bourquini Pastrana, 1953 Tucumán, in abandoned nests ( Pastrana 2004, as “ Dendrocolaptidae ). Note: In its original description, Pastrana (1953) mentions the occurrence of Cappsia bourquini only in a wasp nest from Tucumán; the record of Dendrocolaptidae was added afterwards. Furnarius rufus [ rufus (Gmelin, 1788) ] DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis seguyi García, 1952 Buenos Aires: Campo de Mayo, 2005, Turienzo & Di Iorio leg., several empty puparia in the bed of 1 examined nest. HEMIPTERA Cimicidae Caminicimex furnarii ( Cordero & Vogelsang, 1928 ) ( Wygodzinsky 1959b ; de Andrade Figueiredo 1995 ); ( Aramburú & Carpintero 2006 ). Catamarca: Santa María, 10-IX-1952 ( Usinger 1966 ); Fig. 1 . Tucumán: ( Romaña & Abalos 1947 ); see Table 1; Fig. 1 . Santiago del Estero: ( Romaña & Abalos 1947 ); see Table 1; Fig. 1 . Corrientes: Isla Antequeda [ erratum pro Antequera], 1 m 1 f (Wygodzinsky 1951, 1959a; Ronderos 1961 ; Usinger 1966 ); Fig. 1 . Buenos Aires: Rocha ( Wygodzinsky 1959a ; Ronderos 1961 ), Ea. “La Juanita” (Wygodzinsky 1951; Usinger 1966 ); Chivilcoy ( Ronderos 1961 ; Usinger 1966 ); Fig. 1 ; Capital Federal ( Ronderos 1961 ; Usinger 1966 ); Fig. 1 . URUGUAY (de Andrade Figueiredo 1995 ), Dto. Canelones: Los Cerrillos, I-1927 [syntype-locality]; Dto. Rocha: Arroyo San Miguel, II-1928 [syntype-locality]; India Muerta, II-1928 [syntype-locality] ( Cordero & Vogelsang 1928 ). Reduviidae : Triatominae Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834 Córdoba: Fig. 5 ; 10 km from Deán Funes, III-1955, 1 a (Bejarano 1967); ( Canale & Carcavallo 1985 , following Bejarano 1967). Entre Ríos: see Table 1; Fig. 5 . Buenos Aires: see Table 1; Fig. 5 . COLEOPTERA Chrysomelidae Lema bilineata (Germar, 1823) Buenos Aires: Campo de Mayo, VI-2006 , Turienzo & Di Iorio leg., 1 ex. (PTBA) in one examined nest. Histeridae Saprinus sp. Buenos Aires: Campo de Mayo, VI-2006 , Turienzo & Di Iorio leg., 3 exx. (PTBA) in one examined nest. leñateros ” [firewoods’ nests] COLEOPTERA Coccinellidae Cycloneda ancoralis (Germar, 1824) ( Viana & Williner 1978 ). Epilachna paenulata (Germar, 1824) Entre Ríos (Viana et al . 1977–1978 ). Note: According to these authors, E. paenulata “pasa el invierno en estado de adulto, refugiándose los ejemplares, bajo las cortezas de eucalyptus y de otros árboles de la zona; también utilizan los nidos de pájaros leñateros, etc., concentrándose en grandes cantidades”. HEMIPTERA Reduviidae Microtominae Microtomus lunifer (Berg, 1900) Jujuy: see Table 1. Reduviinae Zelurus femoralis (Stal, 1854) Córdoba: see Table 1. Zelurus mazzai (Costa Lima, 1941) Córdoba: see Table 1. Triatominae Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834 Córdoba: see Table 1. Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 Córdoba: see Table 1; Fig. 6 . Zelinae Cosmoclopius annulosus Stal, 1872 Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Cosmoclopius intermedius Berg, 1883 Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Cosmocoplius poecilus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1848) Córdoba: see Table 1. Cosmoclopius sp. nov. (aff. pallidus Berg, 1879) Entre Ríos: see Table 1. Graptocleptes haematogaster (Stal, 1960) Córdoba: see Table 1. Sosius sierrai sp. nov. [Carpintero, in litt .] Jujuy: see Table 1. Scutelleridae Demoleus oblongus Haglund, 1868 Without locality date, June 1977, 2 exx., hibernating inside the nest (Viana et al . 1977–1978 ). HYMENOPTERA Vespidae Polistes canadensis cavapyta Saussure, 1853 [intermediate specimens with P. canadensis buyssoni Bréthes, 1909 ] Tucumán: Arcadia, 12 exx., overwintering inside the nest ( Willink 1951 ). Leptasthenura platensis Reichenbach, 1853 DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9 . Phacellodomus rufifrons [ rufifrons (Wied) ] HEMIPTERA Reduviidae : Triatominae Triatoma sordida sordida (Stal, 1859) ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ) . Phacellodomus ruber (Vieillot, 1817) DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9 . HYMENOPTERA Vespidae Undetermined species Tucumán: [locality not specified], inside old nests ( Mogensen 1927 ). Phacellodomus sibiliatrix Sclater, 1879 DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis sp. Buenos Aires: Pdo. Magdalena, Ea. San Isidro (Mason 1985); (Couri et al . 2006). HEMIPTERA Coreidae Undetermined species Santa Fe: Malabrigo ( Mazza & Schreiber 1938 ); ( Hicks 1959 ). Reduviidae : Triatominae Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911) ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ); (Martínez et al . 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ); (Carcavallo et al . 1998a, 1998b). Santa Fe: see Table 1 [as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”]; Fig. 3 ; ( Carcavallo et al . 1988 ). Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 Santa Fe: see Table 1 (as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”); Fig. 6 ; ( Hicks 1959 ). Note: Mazza & Schreiber (1936) mention the nests of Malabrigo (Santa Fe) as of “ Dendrocolaptidae ”, illustrated in the figs. 21, 22 y 23 (it can be inferred by the figures that these nests belong to Furnariidae ). Afterwards they state that “from the proximities of one of them (fig. 21) was shoot one specimen of the furnarid Phacellodomus silibatrix [sic] ( Dendrocolaptidae , determination was doing by Mr. Pedro Serié)”. They add “is related the frequent presence of Triatoma platensis in nests of Dendrocolaptidae ( Phacellodomus silibatrix )” implying that all nests of Dendrocolaptidae seen in Malabrigo were of P. s i b i l i a t r i x . Later on, some of the same nests of Malabrigo were referred to as just ‘birds’ nests’ by Mazza & Jorg (1938) (Table 1). Phacellodomus sp. BLATTARIA: Blattidae Pseudoischnoptera lineata (Olivier) Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). COLEOPTERA Carabidae Calleida suturalis Dejean, 1831 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Chrysomelidae Botanochara cancellata Boheman, 1850 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Botanochara decempustulata Boheman, 1850 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Botanochara duodecinverrucata Boheman, 1850 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Botanochara octoplagiata Spaeth, 1909 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Botanochara praefica Spaeth, 1909 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Stolas lacordairei lacordairei (Boheman, 1850) Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Dermestidae Trogoderma sp. Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad”, larvae and adults ( Bucher 1974 ). Scarabaeidae : Aphodiinae Euparia excavaticollis Blanchard, 1843 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Tenebrionidae Hemasodes cartwrighti Fraude, 1967 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). Phobelius semigranosus Fairmaire, 1905 Tucumán: Cañete, “La Soledad” ( Bucher 1974 ). HEMIPTERA Reduviidae : Triatominae Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911) Jujuy: see Table 1 [as “colgaditos”]; Fig. 3 . Córdoba: Pozo del Quebracho [ 3 km from Villa María de Río Seco], 4 exx. ( Cichero et al . 1967 : fig. 3, as Furnariidae sp.); ( Carcavallo & Martínez 1968, only from Córdoba, as “colgadito ( Furnariidae ) ”, following Cichero pers. com.. 1967). Note: the photograph presented by Cichero et al . (1967) clearly shows that the nest belongs to a species of Phacellodomus ( Narosky et al . 1983 ) . Triatoma delpontei Romaña & Abalos, 1947 URUGUAY , Dto. Artigas: Tomas Gomensoro, 1 m , 1 f [one nest] ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ); (Martínez et al . 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ); (Carcavallo et al . 1998a, as Phacellodomus sp., 1998b, as Furnariidae nests). Note: According to Salvatella (1986) , T. delpontei is a new record for the triatominae fauna from Uruguay , but the species was previously recorded from this country by Lent & Wygodzinsky (1979) . Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834 Jujuy: see Table 1 [as “colgaditos”]; Fig. 5 . Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 Chaco: Villa Angela, Paraje Los Gansos, 21-I-1984 , Di Iorio leg., 5 n V (ODI), moult to adults in laboratory. Note: Bucher (1974) talks about “firewoods´nests” [“leñateros”], and the illustration of the nest shows that it belongs undoubtedly to an undetermined species of Phacellodomus . For this reason, all insects mentioned by Bucher (1974) are here recorded from a Phacellodomus nest. Phacellodomus striaticollis [ striaticollis (D´Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1838)] HEMIPTERA Reduviidae : Triatominae Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 URUGUAY ( Franca Rodríguez 1987 ); (Carcavallo et al . 1998a, 1998b, following Franca Rodríguez 1987 ). Pseudoseisura lophotes [ argentina Parkes, 1960] BLATTARIA: Blattidae Undetermined species Córdoba: Serrezuela (Mazza et al . 1936a) Mendoza: Dto. La Paz, surroundings of Desaguadero river (Mazza et al . 1936a). COLEOPTERA Chrysomelidae Botanochara angulata (Germar, 1824) Córdoba [not specified locality], 5 exx. (Nores 1993). Eriosps sp. Córdoba [not specified locality], 5 exx. (Nores 1993); (Nores & Nores 1994, mentioned as undetermined species which uses the nests mainly for hibernation purposes). Note: see the comment for this name below Anumbius annumbi . Coccinellidae Cycloneda sp. Córdoba [not specified locality], 5 exx., uses the nests mainly for hibernation purposes (Nores 1993); (Nores & Nores 1994). Curculionidae Panatomorus sp.” [ erratum pro Pantomorus ] Córdoba [not specified locality], 5 exx. (Nores 1993). Tenebrionidae Hemasodes spp. Córdoba [not specified locality], 2 exx. (Nores 1993). DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis pici (Macquart, 1853) Córdoba: [not specified locality] (Nores 1993); Monte Cristo ( Nores 1995 ; Couri et al . 2005); Fig. 8 . Philornis seguyi García, 1952 Córdoba: [not specified locality] (Nores 1993); Monte Cristo ( Nores 1995 ; Couri et al . 2005); Fig. 8 . Note: Nores (1993) found the two species of Philornis in 11 nests of a total of 67 examined nests, or in 26 infested chicks (18.05 %) from a total of 144. From the infested chicks, 17 of them flew, and the remaining 9 died. In some cases, the same chick was infested simultaneously by larvae of the two Philornis species, but the infested nests weren´t separated by species of Philornis . Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) = Philornis anomala [ nec Jaennicke, 1866]: Nielsen [1911] 1912, 1913 ; García, 1952 : 277 . Tucumán: Concepción ( Nielsen [1911] 1912, 1913 ; García 1952 , only as Pseudoseisura ); ( Sèguy 1946, as Pseudoseisura sp. ); ( Couri 1983, only as Argentina ); Fig. 9 . HEMIPTERA Cimicidae Ornithocoris toledoi Pinto, 1927 Córdoba: [not specified locality], 3, 7 and 10 exx. in 3 of 11 examined nests (Nores 1993). Psitticimex uritui ( Lent & Abalos, 1946 ) Córdoba: [not specified locality], between 5 and 17 exx. in 5 of 11 examined nests (Nores 1993). Pentatomidae Nezara viridula (L., 1758) Córdoba: [not specified locality], 3 exx. (Nores 1993). Reduviidae : Triatominae Psammolestes coreodes (Bergroth, 1911) ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ; Martínez et al . 1985, following Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ; Carcavallo et al . 1998a, as Pseudoseisura sp., 1998b). Triatoma infestans Klug in Meigen, 1834 Mendoza: see Table 1; Fig. 5 ; ( Hicks 1959 ); (Bejarano 1967, following Mazza et al . 1936); (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985, following Bejarano 1967); ( Canale & Carcavallo 1985, following Mazza ); (Carcavallo et al. 1998a, following Bejarano 1967, and Carcavallo & Martínez 1985); (Carcavallo et al. 1998b). Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913 Santiago del Estero: see Table 1 [as “ Dendrocolaptidae ”]. Córdoba: see Table 1; Fig. 6 ; ( Hicks 1959 ); ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ); see Table 1; Fig. 6 ( Brewer et al . 1983 ); (Martínez et al . 1985); (Carcavallo & Martínez 1985, following Bejarano 1967); ( Carcavallo et al . 1988 , only as birds’ nests in Córdoba); [not specified locality] (Nores 1993); (Nores & Nores 1994, only as Triatominae ). Mendoza: see Table 1; Fig. 6 . URUGUAY ( Franca Rodríguez 1987 ); (Carcavallo et al . 1998a, 1998b, following Franca Rodríguez 1987 ). Note: Romaña & Abalos (1947) mentioned a nest of “rua” (IMR 566) from Santiago del Estero: Sumampa, 15-I-1947 (Table 1), the same nest was afterwards referred to as “ Dendrocolaptidae ” by Abalos & Wygodzinsky (1951) , and Hicks (1959) . Among other vernacular names, P. lophotes is also known as “rua” (Ochoa de Masramon 1971: 123). Triatoma sordida garciabesi Carcavallo, Cichero, Martínez, Prosen & Ronderos, 1967 = Triatoma guasayana [ non Wygdzinsky & Abalos, 1949] Córdoba: [not specified locality] (Nores 1993); (Nores & Nores 1994, mentioned only as Triatominae ). Note: see the comment of T. sordida garciabesi under Anumbius annumbi . Triatoma sordida sordida (Stal, 1859) ( Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979 ). HYMENOPTERA Formicidae Camponotus sp. Córdoba: [not specified locality], 5 exx. in three nests (Nores 1993); in 8 of 368 nests in the autumn (Nores & Nores 1994). Vespidae Polistes canadensis (L., 1758) Córdoba: [not specified locality], in 14 of 368 nests in the autumn (Nores & Nores 1994). Polybia occidentalis [ ruficeps Schrottky, 1902] Córdoba: [not specified locality], in 42 of 368 nests in the autumn (Nores & Nores 1994). Schoeniophylax phryganophyla (Vieillot, 1817) DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9 . Synallaxis frontalis Pelzeln, 1859 DIPTERA : Muscidae Philornis torquans ( Nielsen, 1913 ) Santa Fe: see Table 2; Fig. 9 .