New species of Nepalomyia from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Author Wang, Mengqing Author Yang, Ding Author Grootaert, Patrick text Zootaxa 2009 2162 37 49 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189014 b57557b3-a66a-4c94-bc09-bff68610d6c5 1175-5326 189014 Key to species of henanensis group from China (males) 1. Antennal segment three distinctly longer than wide (Unknown for N. zhangae ).......................................................... 2 - Antennal segment three wider than long (or as long as wide)....................................................................................... 6 2. Antennal segment three much elongated, more than 2.5 times longer than wide ......................................................... 3 - Antennal segment three about 1.2 times longer than wide ( Fig. 9 ) ................................................... N. hastate sp. nov. 3. Hind tarsomere 1 shortened and thickened with furcated basal spur ............................................................. N. furcata - Hind tarsomere 1 not shortened or thickened with furcated basal spur........................................................................ 4 4. Hypandrium deeply bifurcated ..................................................................................................................................... 5 - Hypandrium only shallowly bifurcated apex ........................................................................................................ N. hui 5. Hind tibia with one ad and 3–4 pd bristles, hind tarsomere 1 with one v at base .......................................... N. horvati - Hind tibia with two ad and 5–6 pd, hind tarsomere 1 with two v at base ...................................... N. zhangae sp. nov. 6. Antennal segment three as long as wide........................................................................................................................ 7 - Antennal segment three distinctly wider than long ....................................................................................................... 8 7. Four dc; cercus band-like, with thin basal tubercle; aedeagus rather thick and subgeniculate apically ...... N. daliensis - Five dc; cercus subtriangular, with swollen basal tubercle ( Fig. 13 ); aedeagus slender ......... N. jinshanensis sp. nov. 8. Thoracic pleuron wholly dark metallic green ............................................................................................................... 9 - Thoracic pleuron brownish yellow to yellow except upper portion or pteropleuron dark ......................................... 13 9. Antennal segment three with short lower apical corner .............................................................................................. 10 - Antennal segment three with long lower apical corner ............................................................................................... 12 10. Cercus with finger-like basal tubercle bearing many long bristles; hypandrium with small apical incision. N. pilifera - Cercus without basal tubercle ..................................................................................................................................... 11 11. Hind tibia with one ad; CuAx ratio 0.4; cercus with long finger-like process, geniculate basally ....... N. zhouzhiensis - Hind tibia with two ad; CuAx ratio 0.6; cercus without process .............................................................. N. henanensis 12. Halter yellow; hypandrium somewhat long and narrow, with a V-shaped apical incision ..................... N. brevifurcata - Halter dark brown with yellow base; hypandrium short and broad, with a small, quadrate apical incision .................. ................................................................................................................................................................ N. daweishana 13. acr absent; six strong dc; thoracic pleuron brownish yellow to yellow except upper portion dark .......... N. pingbiana - acr present; five strong dc; thoracic pleuron brownish yellow to yellow except pteropleuron dark .......................... 14 14. Cercus with weak basal tubercle and distinct middle tubercle; hypandrium with base wider than apex; aedeagus slender ..................................................................................................................................................... N. taiwanensis - Cercus with distinct basal tubercle, but without middle tubercle; hypandrium with somewhat narrow base; aedeagus long and broad, apically with two finger-like lateral processes ( Fig. 7 ) ............................. N. guangdongensis sp. nov.