Measurements. | |
M; | |
Height of orbit. | llo |
Width of orbit. | ' 095 |
Height of horn core. | ' 331 |
Circumference at base ot horn core. | ' 343 |
Antero-posterior diameter of base of same. | ‘ 135 |
Transverse diameter of base of same. | ' 092 |
Diameter of occipital condyle | ‘ 060 |
Length of maxilla approx. | ' 350 |
Height of same.. approx. | 120 |
Long diameter of lower face of quadrate. | ' 080 |
Short diameter of lower face of quadrate. | ‘ 036 |
Posterior crest | |
Extreme length from anterior end of speeimen (imperfect), medially, to line | |
touching posterior edges of specimen on either side. | ‘ 616 |
Length on median line from anterior end to posterior border... | ' 486 |
Semi-breath of specimen on curve of under surface.. | ' -170 |
Semi-breath of specimen horizontally. | "439 |
Vertical drop of lateral edge of specimen below median line of under surface | |
at mid-length. | 157 |
Antero-posterior diameter of fontanelle .. | ‘ 296 |
Transverse diameter of fontanelle. | ' 248 |
Circumference of base of left posterior spur .. | ' 172 |
iUeas-ztrenzents of scapula and coracoid. | |
N | |
Scapula with coracoid (left). Cat. No. 506. | |
Extreme length of scapula with coracoid in line with back edge of shaft.. | ' 879 |
Length of scapula | "711 |
Length across glenoid cavity | ‘ 150 |
Length of glenoid cavity, along curve. | ' 204 |
Breadth of glenoid cavity at suture between scapula and coracoid | "078 |
Breadth of glenoid cavity near either end | ‘ 096 |
Breadth of scapula at junction with coracoid,‘ inner surface. | 175 |
Breadth of scapula at junction with coracoid; outer surface. | ' 149 |
Breadth of scapula at upper end of glenoid cavity. | " 238 |
Breadth 0 f scapula at mid-length | 113 |
Breadth of scapula at upper end.. | ' 184 |
Breadth of coracoid at lower end of glenoid cavity | ' 223 |
Thickness of scapula at upper end near front border. | ' 025 |
Thickness on base of ridge above upper end of glenoid cavity. | ‘ 060 |
Thickness at lower end of glenoid cavity | *060 |
Thickness of coracoid in coneavity below forainen. | *020 |
Width of foranien; inner end. | 014 |
Height; inner end | - 030 |
*025 | |
Height of same; outer end | *040 |
Measurements | |
M. | |
Extreme iengiit of sacrum (302 inches). | ' T 66 |
Basal 1011D"lll of Ist vertebra | ' 084 |
“ 2 nd | 102 |
“ “ 3 rd | ' 085 |
1 í (í 4. h | 092 |
“ 5 th | ' 086 |
“ " 6 th | *088 |
I bll | *ess |
“ “ 8 th | ' 078 |
“ Ot-li | ' 063 |
Height of articular face of 1
llo |
Breadth of saine | 123 |
Height of articular face of 9 th vertebra. | 108 |
Breadth of same. | ' ISO |
Antero-posterior' diameter of base of neural spine of 2 nd vertebra. |
. c L: c: LL L: LL grd cc | 081 |
LL L::L:L cc L: 4 th | 092 |
LL L: L::L 5 th cc | 085 |
LL LL:L LL L: 6 th LL | 077 |
LL LL:L:L 7 th cc | 070 |
Length of iliac face along its curves. | ' #358 |
“ “ “ in straight line. a | |
Breadth of same at its anterior end | "075 |
“ “ “ mid-length | ' 056 |
' 04- 5 | |
Breadth of lst vertebra at mid-height of its concave sides | ' 103 |
C‘ 2 nd CC l‘ CC | 096 |
‘C 3 rd C‘ CC CC | 079 |
CC 4 th C‘ l‘ CC ‘C | u 072 |
CC 5 th CC k‘ CC ‘ C | 073 |
cc 6 th:L LL L: LL | - 083. |
CC 7 th CC C‘ K‘ ‘C | ı 150 |
Breadth at junction of 8 th with 9 th vertebra. | ' IST |
Distance from centre of neural canal to distal end of diapopliysis of 2 nd vertebra. | 118 |
Distance to same of 3 rd vertebra. | ‘ 115 |
(c LL 4th LL | . 1 1 2 |
CC l‘ 5 th CK | ı 1 1 9 |
“ “ 6 th i‘ | " 135 |
:L L: 7 th c: | . 1 95 |