An illustrated catalogue of the types of Stratiomyidae (Diptera: Brachycera) in the collection of Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Author Fachin, Diego Aguilar Author Couri, Márcia Souto Author Mello-Patiu, Cátia Antunes De text Zootaxa 2016 2016-02-26 4084 3 361 376 journal article 31461 10.11646/zootaxa.4084.3.3 13876228-70b2-4310-86d1-2e049ce1f414 1175-5326 1052161 67D4113E-35F5-457B-BA19-183B72B3CC11 Glariopsis brasiliana Lindner, 1935 ( Figs 16–17 ) LINDNER, 1935: 413 (ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION); 397, FIGS 1 (HEAD, LATERAL VIEW) AND 5 (ABDOMEN, DORSAL VIEW). Type locality: Brazil , Rio de Janeiro , Angra [ Angra dos Reis ], Jussaral. Holotype ♂ with labels: (1) handwritten on white paper: “Type | Lindner | 1935 [in vertical position]”; (2) handwritten on white paper: “ Glariopsis | brasiliana | Lind. [Lindner]”; (3) printed with handwritten inscriptions on white paper: “BRASIL [in vertical position] | JUSSARAL | ANGRA-S. DO RIO [Angra dos Reis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] | L.TRAV.ET. LOPES [L. Travassos and Lopes] | X-934 [ x.1934 ]”; (4) printed on white paper: “8.043”. Condition of type : terminal part of abdomen and terminalia retained in a microvial with glycerin pinned below the specimen. Missing parts: pedicel and flagellomeres of left antenna, flagellomeres 4–6 of right antenna, right wing and halter, right fore leg and all tarsomeres of left fore leg, mid and hind right legs. Additional note: holotype by monotypy.