An annotated and illustrated checklist of species of the coral genus Acropora (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) from Vamizi Island, Mozambique Author Sola, Erwan Author Silva, Isabel Marques da Author Glassom, David text African Invertebrates 2015 2015-12-31 56 3 807 807 journal article 10.5733/afin.056.0320 2305-2562 7914925 Acropora clathrata (Brook, 1891) Fig. 8 Colony growth form : Thick flattened branches spreading horizontally giving tabulate or plate-like colonies with single or tiered plates; irregularly anastomosed main branches have variable degree of fusion, but central older parts of the colony are often completely fused into a solid plate; Vertical branchlets are absent. Axial corallites : Usually not well defined on branch tips eXcept plate’s margins where there may be more than one; they are tubular with round opening and thick wall; primary septa are conspicuous, but second cycle absent. Radial corallites : Wide variety of shapes and sizes; they may be exsert or sub-immersed; tubular, nariform or tubular appressed with round or dimidiate openings; radials are usually crowded and tend to be shorter or sub-immersed on the underside of branches; primary septa may be visible as points on longer corallites, but secondary septa are absent. Coenosteum : Costate on radial corallites occasionally dense rows of simples spinules; reticulate with scattered spinules between corallites.