A review of Conocetus Desbrochers des Loges, 1875, subgenus of Polydrusus Germar, 1817 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae)
Christoph Germann
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
sp. nov.
Figs 2C–D
The name of the new species,
, is derived from its distribution across the Jordan River.
Material examined
1 ♂
Har Meron
5 Jun. 1974
, leg.
D. Furth
// [red label:] Holotype
sp. nov.
des. C. Germann 2016
Type locality
ISRAEL: Mount Meron.
Fig. 2. A–B
. Habitus of
(Desbrochers des Loges, 1875).
. Lectotype male from Lebanon.
. Female from Syria. —
Polydrusus transjordanus
sp. nov.
, paratypes from Jordan.
. Male.
. Female. —
Polydrusus rhodiacus
(Schilsky, 1912)
. Male from Nicosia, Cyprus.
. Female lectotype from Cyprus.
In addition to the colletion data cited below, the paratype specimens all carry the following red label: Paratype
sp. nov.
des. C. Germann 2016.
ISRAEL: 6 ex., same data as holotype (SMNHTAU, cCG); 3 ex., Meron, 1 Jun. 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, Kaifa (= Haifa), leg. Reitter (MFN); 1 ex., Qiryat Tiv’on, 25 Apr. 1954, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, coll. M. Sternlicht, coll. G.A.K. Marshall (BMNH); 1 ♂, Kibuz Dahlia, 15 May 1975, leg. O. Mehl (SDEI); 1 ♂, Ya’ar Bar’am, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, 674 m, oldgrowth woodland, pitfall [traps], 19 Aug. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, Mt Meron, Ziv’on, 22 Nov. 2007, leg. Levanony (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, Nahal, Oren, riverbed, 11 May 2003, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Hurfeish, recent woodland, 32°60′ N, 35°22′ E, pitfall [traps], 6 May 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Hurfeish, recent woodland, 32°60′ N, 35°22′ E, 706 m, pitfall [traps], 25 Jun. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Hurfeish, recent woodland, 32°60′ N, 35°22′ E, 706 m, pitfall [traps], 4 Jul. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Ya’ar Bar’am, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, 674 m, oldgrowth woodland, pitfall [traps], 22 Jul. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, 6 ex., Ya’ar Bar’am, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, 674 m, oldgrowth woodland, pitfall [traps], 7 Jul. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T.Assmann (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Ziv’on, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, recent woodland, 773 m, pitfall [traps], 4 Jun. 2005, leg. A. Timm & T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Ya’ar Bar’am, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, 674 m, oldgrowth woodland, pitfall [traps], 4Aug. 2005, leg.A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Har Meron, 32°59′44″, 35°24′38″, pitfall [traps], 31 Jul. 2010, leg. L. Friedman and C. Drees (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Hurfeish, 32°60′ N, 35°22′ E, recent woodland, pitfall [traps], 21 Jan. 2006, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Ya’ar Bar’am, 33°02′ N, 35°25′ E, 674 m, oldgrowth woodland, pitfall [traps], 25 Jun. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T.Assmann (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Mt Meron, Zi’on, 22 Nov. 2007, leg. T. Levanony (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 33°02′43″ N, 35°13′24″ E, pitfall [traps], 31 Jul. 2010, leg. L. Friedman and C. Drees (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, Mi’ilya, on
, 23 Jun. 1987, leg. Y. Zvik (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Meron, 32°60′ N, 35°25′ E, 1140 m, 26 Jun. 2014, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Addir, 980 m, on
Quercus boissieri
Q. calliprinos
, 20 May 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Meron, 800 m, Field School, 18 Aug. 2000, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, Jan. 2010, leg. V. Kravchenko (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Galilee Nahal Keziv, 20 May 1999, leg. Chikatunov (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 32°59′44″ N, 35°24′38″ E, pitfall [traps], 31 Jul. 2010, leg. L. Friedman and C. Drees (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Ma’alot, on
Quercus calliprinos
, 16 Aug. 1990, leg. J. Halperin (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 6 Sep. 2007, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 2006, leg. H. Tsegai (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 23 Sep. 1997, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 26 May 1999, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, pitfall, 28 May 2006, leg. N. Angel, (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Meron, 800 m, 28 May 2003, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 800 m, 22 May 1998, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 19 May 1998, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 26 May 1999, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 800 m, 26 May 1999, leg. O. Manheim (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Mt Meron, 5 Oct. 1976, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Mt Meron, 1200 m, 3 Jul. 1980, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Meron, 1 Jun. 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., N-Keziv, 8 May 1979, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Amud, 10 Jun. 1987, leg. F. Kaplan (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Tur’an Peak, 33°48′ N, 35°28′ E, 555 m, 18 Apr. 2010, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Mi’ilya, on
, 23 Jun. 1987, leg. Y. Zvik (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Addir, 980 m,, on
Q. boissieri
Q. calliprinos
, 20 May 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Mazzuva, Nahal Bezet, 60 m, 20 May 2013, leg. L. Friedman, on
Q. calliprinos
(SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Hurfeish, 32°60′ N, 35°22′ E, recent woodland, pitfall, 12 Oct. 2005, leg. A. Timm and T. Assmann (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Har Meron, 32°60′ N, 35°25′ E, 1140 m, 26 Jun. 2014, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Meron, 10 Sep. 1973, leg. D. Furth; 4 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°42′53.9″ N, 34°58′35.8″ E, 2 May 2002, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 17 May 2004, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., 32°43′ N, 35°01′ E, 16 May 2008, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Nahal Oren, 14 May 2002, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 22 May 2001, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Kelah, 22 May 2001, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 4 May 2004, leg. I. Zonstein (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Nahal Oren, riverbed, 2 May 2002 leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, riverbed, 14 May 2003 leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Nahal Oren, 31 May 2002, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 2 Jul. 1996, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, riverbed, 11 May 2003, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 1 May 2001, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 16 May 1999, leg. I. Lopatin (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°43.5′ N, 35°00.5′ E, 224 m, 19 May 2011, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°43′ N, 34°58′ E, 4 May 2010, leg. W. Kuslitzky (SMNHTAU); 12 ex., Nahal Oren, Karmiyya Ridge, 2 May 2002, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°43′ N, 34°58′ E, 27 May 2012, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°43′ N, 34°58′ E, 40 m, 25 May 2009, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°42′53.9″ N, 34°58′35.8″ E, 2 May 2002, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 30 Apr. 1974, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 28 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, riverbed, 11 May 2003, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 17 ex., Nahal Oren, 1 May 2001, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 21 Apr. 2007, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 24 Apr. 2004, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Mt Tabor, 14 May 1979, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Tur’an Peak, 33°48′ N, 35°28′ E, 555 m, 18 Apr. 2010, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Hay-Bar Karmel, 450 m, 21 May 2010, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Zomet Ha’ Amaqim (Jalame), 26–30 May 1993, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Yoqne’am, 28 Apr. 1975, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, leg. J. Halperin (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Yerushalayim, 15 Apr. 1958, leg. J. Halperin (SMNHTAU); 10 ex, Yizhar, Salman Farsi Nat. Res., 800 m, on
Quercus calliprinos
, 14 May 2014, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 7 ex., Mazzuva, Nahal Bezet, 60 m, on
Q. calliprinos
, 20 May 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 20 Feb. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Nahal Keziv, 7 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Nahal Keziv, 20 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Nahal Keziv, 21 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Nahal Keziv, 28 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 3 Sep. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 4 Jun. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 10 Jun. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Nahal Keziv, 17 Jun. 2000, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Nahal Keziv, 26 Jun. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 10 Jul. 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 13 May 2000, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Keziv, 21 May 1999, leg. M. Finkel (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Keziv, 8 May 1979, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Mt Meron, 1200 m, 3 Jul. 1980, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Mt Meron, 8 Aug. 1972, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Meron, 5 Jun. 1974, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Meron, 1 Jun. 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Meron, 10 Sep. 1973, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 12 ex., Newe Ativ, 4 Jun. 1974, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Shoresh, on
Pistacia palaestina
, 20 May 1984, leg. J. Halperin (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Shoresh, 20 May 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Mi’ilya, on
, 23 Jun. 1987, leg. Zvik (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Hermon, 1970–1990, leg. M. Warburg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Hermon, 1450 m, 25 Jun. 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov (SMNHTAU). 3 ex., Nahal Oren, 24 May 1995, leg.A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 30 May 1995, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Nahal Oren, 13 May 2007, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 32°42′53.9″ N, 34°58′35.8″ E, 2 May 2002, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 9 Jun. 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 4 May 1980, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Nahal Oren, 9 May 1979, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 9 Jun. 1978, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 3 Jul. 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 16 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 27 May 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU, BMNH); 4 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 13 May 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 13 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 28 May 1996, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU, NMBE, NMSO); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 11 Jun. 1996, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 9 Jun. 1997, leg.
V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ♂, Beit Oren, 12 May 1991, leg. Y. Zvik (SMNHTAU); 8 ex., N.[ahal] Oren, 10 Jul. 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, Jun. 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 8 ex., Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, 1 Jun. 1998, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 32 ex., Nahal Oren, Jun. 1996, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU, BMNH, NMBE); 2 ex., Nahal Oren, 15 Jun. 1998, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 8 ex., Nahal Oren, 18 May 1998, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 7 ex., N.[ahal] Oren, 2 Jun. 1998, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., N.[ahal] Oren, 19 Jun. 1998, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, Carmel [Mt], light [trap], 15 May 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, light trap, 5 Jul. 1999, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, 26 Jun. 1997, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Nahal Oren, light trap, 4 Jun. 1999, leg. V. Chikatunov and T. Pavlicek (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Qiryat Tiv’on, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, 18 May 1954, leg. M. Sternlicht (SMNHTAU).
JORDAN: 1 ♂, Jordanie, 5 km NE of Ajlun, 32.36754 N, 35.77937 E, 1005 m, 10 Jun. 2011, leg. C. Monnerat (cCG); 2 ♂♂, Jordanien, Fuhesh bei Amman, 14 Oct. 1956, leg. Klapperich (SDEI); 1 ♂, Jordanien-O, Dehbeen b. Jerash, 19 Jun. 1959, leg. J. Klapperich (SDEI); 1 ♀, Ost-Jordanien, Wald bei Jerash, 800 m, 24 May 1956, leg. J. Klapperich (SDEI); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Jordania, NE, Um Qais, 32°40′ N, 35°41′ E, 9 m, 14 Apr. 2008, leg. C. Monnerat (cCG, NMBE); 1 ♀, Ost-Jordanien, Schaubak [Shobak], 17 May 1968, leg. Klapperich (SDEI).
Additional material
The following specimens were not included in the type series due to being partly immature or inflexible/ hardly remountable.
ISREAL: 2 ex., Yoqne’am, 28 Apr. 1975, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, leg. J. Halperin (SMNHTAU); 11 ex., Yizhar, Salman Farsi Nat. Res., 818 m, on
Q. calliprinos
, 11 Jun. 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Panyas, 33°15′ N, 35°42′ E, 5 Jun. 2002, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 26 May 1999, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Mazzuva, Nahal Bezet, 60 m, on
Q. calliprinos
, 20 May 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 32°0′ N, 35°24′ E, 900 m, Field School, 26 May 2009, leg. A. Freidberg (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Bet Qeshet,
Quercus ithaburensis
forest, 7 Apr. 2013, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Berekhat Ya’ar, 14 May 2003, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 6 ex., Qiryat Tiv’on, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, 1 May 1954, leg. M. Sternlicht (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Qiryat Tiv’on, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, 13 May 1954, leg. M. Sternlicht (SMNHTAU); 3 ex., Qiryat Tiv’on, on
Quercus ithaburensis
, 19 May 1954, leg. M. Sternlicht (SMNHTAU); 4 ex., Adullam, 15 May 2006, leg. E. Groner and V. Chikatunov (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 1100 m, 26 May 1999, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, 800 m, 22 May 1999, leg. L. Friedman (SMNHTAU); 1 ex., Har Meron, pitfall [traps], 31 Jul. 2010, leg. L. Friedman and C. Drees (SMNHTAU); 2 ex. [1 imm.], Har Meron, pitfall [traps], 24 May 2006, leg. N. Angel (SMNHTAU); 12 ex., N. Sansan, 17 May [20]02, leg. Y Mandelik and V. Chikatunov (SMNHTAU); 1 ex. [imm.], Har Hermon, 1970–1990, leg. M. Warburg (SMNHTAU); 2 ex., Galilee, Nahal Keziv, 20 May 1999, leg. Chikatunov (SMNHTAU); 5 ex., Matta’, 31 May 1974, leg. D. Furth (SMNHTAU).
LENGTH. Males: 3.2–4.5 mm, holotype: 3.4 mm; females: 3.8–5.4 mm.
BODY. Colour reddish-brown. Vestiture of head, pronotum and elytra set with elongate-oval scales with a greenish pearl-like lustre and long, pointed, whitish hairs, adjacent on head and pronotum, semi-raised (25° angle) on elytra.
Fig. 3. A–B
. Habitus of
sp. nov.
. Holotype, male from Corfu, Greece.
. Female from Bulgaria. —
Polydrusus angustus
(Lucas, 1854)
. Male from Rhodes, Greece.
. Female from Kalymnos, Greece. —
Polydrusus calabricus
(Faust, 1890)
. Male from Peloponnese, Greece.
. Female from Cephalonia, Greece.
HEAD. Rostrum short and almost twice as wide as long. Eyes oval, regularly and moderately bulged, protruding from outline of head. Pterygia well developed, visible from above. Pterygial span as wide as frons just behind the eyes. Rostral dorsum and frons between the eyes flat, upper side of head behind eyes slightly bulged. Rostral dorsum irregularly striato-punctuate with carinula in the middle. Epistome well visible, V-shaped, margin glossy. Mandibles strong, left mandible above right one, thus fore margin of epistome asymmetrically protruding to the left. Antennal scrobes lateral, short and triangular, lower margin buckled downwards, obtuse angled. Temples visible, ⅔ of the maximal eye length.
ANTENNAE. Long and slender, yellowish, scape bowed, clubbed towards apex, just reaching backwards (laterally) to fore margin of pronotum. Antennal funiculus with 7 antennomeres: 1
st longer
than 2nd; 3rd to 7th of same length but slightly broadening; club with 3 visible segments, elongate-oval.
PRONOTUM. Simply rounded towards hind margin. Hairs and oval to lanceolate greenish scales directing towards imaginary point in middle of fore margin. Scales at margins of pronotum mostly standing more densely.
ELYTRA. L/W: 1.7–1.8. Elongate, widest at shoulders and parallel (males) or widest behind middle (females), round-pointed towards apex, shoulders present, with hind wings. Striae with short, adjacent white hairs as long as puncture diameter. Interspaces with long, whitish, semi-raised and pointed hairs standing regularly in one row. Vestiture appearing spotty and consisting of oval to elongate-oval scales with greenish pearl-like lustre. Scales narrower and smaller along suture.
LEGS. Strong, reddish-brown to yellowish coloured, all femora edentate, set with whitish hairs and oval scales with a greenish pearl-like lustre. Tarsi with first tarsomere twice as long as second, third bilobed, about 1.5 times as wide as second, fourth one minute, claw segment as long as second and third together, claws fused at base.
MALE GENITALIA. Penis with apophyses shorter than median lobe, this attenuated up to ⅔ of its length, from there broadening towards triangular apex with prolonged blunt tip protruding tongue-like, flattened in lateral view (
Fig. 6E–H
). Internal sac wrench-like, with leaf-like flattened base, two S-shaped sclerites at apex and a strong, b-shaped sclerite in-between in lateral view (
Fig. 9O
FEMALE GENITALIA. Spiculum ventrale with very long and slender apodeme, plate hardly sclerotized. Spermatheca C-shaped with short nodulus and slightly longer, strongly bowed ramus.
Variability and differentiation
The density of the vestiture varies and the colour of the scales varies from greenish to whitish, but always with a pearl-like lustre. The size also varies considerably: males are generally smaller than females, but the eyes of males are bigger, in relation to head size, than those of females.
sp. nov.
is morphologically most similar to
P. grandiceps
, differing in the smaller eyes (in relation to head size;
Fig. 5A–B
), mostly more greenish and more oval scales, and the more gracile penis (see key;
Fig. 6E–H
Polydrusus bardus
is at first sight morphologically similar to
P. transjordanus
sp. nov.
and may reach the distribution area of the latter at the north-western border (ancient records from “Syria”; see under
). However, the vestiture of
P. bardus
consists of denser and more regular standing, roundish and more vivid-green scales on the elytra and pronotum (loosely standing, oval and pale greenish ones in
P. transjordanus
sp. nov.
), and shorter, more adjacent hairs on the head, pronotum and elytra (about twice as long and more steeply raised in
P. transjordanus
sp. nov.
The new species was found almost year-round (from January to November) and collected mainly in woodland on both evergreen and summer-green oaks (e.g.,
Quercus ilex
Q. boissieri
Q. calliprinos
Q. ithaburensis
) and on
Pistacia palaestina
, from lowlands up to montane altitudes.