The Euxanthine Crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Xanthidae) Of The Philippines Author Mendoza, Jose Christopher E. Author Ng, Peter K. L. text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2010 2010-02-28 58 1 57 74 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5342421 2345-7600 5342421 Cranaothus deforgesi Ng, 1993 ( Fig. 1A ) Paramedaeus noelensis – Serène & Umali, 1972: 68, Pl. 7 Figs. 7–9, not Medaeus noelensis Ward, 1934 . Material examined. – 1 male , 7.5 × 5.3 mm (NMCR-1521), Stn. D 1, 25 fathoms ( 46 m ), Maluso Bay , Basilan Is. , coll. Pele-Sulu Sea Expedition , 15 Feb.1964 ; 1 male , 5.2 × 3.8 mm , 1 female , 4.4 × 3.2 mm ( ZRC 2008.1363 ), Stn. B 3, base of reef slope, 8 m , 9°33.5'N 123°48.6'E , Arco Point , Panglao Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 31 May 2004 ; 2 males , 4.7 × 3.6 mm to 4.9 × 3.7 mm ( ZRC 2008.1364 ) , 1 male , 5.9 × 4.3 mm ( MNHN-B30703 ), Stn. B 9, caves in reef wall, 8–10 m , 9°33.1'N 123°44.0'E , Napaling , Panglao Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 08 Jun.2004 ; 1 male , 8.0 × 5.5 mm ( ZRC 2008.1365 ), Stn. R59 , coral patches and platform with thin layer of sand, 2–20 m , 9°36.1'N 123°44.9'E , Momo Beach , Panglao Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 22 Jun.2004 ; 1 male , 5.4 × 3.8 mm , 1 female , 6.0 × 4.3 mm ( ZRC 2008.1366 ) , 1 male , 5.7 × 4.0 mm ( MNHN-B30702 ), Stn. S 5, rock and coral patches with brown algae, 2–4 m , 9°37.1'N 123°46.1'E , Napaling , Panglao Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 8 Jun.2004 ; 2 females , 4.7 × 4.3 mm to 6.5 × 4.7 mm (NMCR-27331), Stn. S 10, coral plateau with fine sand covering rocks, 6–14 m , 9°29.4'N 123°56.0'E , Pamilacan Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 11 Jun.2004 ; 2 males , 5.0 × 3.5 mm to 7.1 × 5.0 mm (NMCR-27330), Stn. S 22, hard bottom covered with sand, 15–20 m , 9°29.4'N 123°56.0'E , Pamilacan Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 21 Jun.2004 ; 1 male , 5.8 × 4.2 mm ( ZRC 2008.1367 ), Stn. S 32, hard plateau with sand covering rocks, 2–3 m , 9°35.8'N 123°44.6'E , Looc , Panglao Is. , coll. PANGLAO 2004 Marine Biodiversity Project , 28 Jun.2004 . Fig. 1. Live colouration of euxanthine crabs from the Philippines: A, Cranaothus deforgesi Ng, 1993 , male (8.0 × 5.9 mm) (R59, Panglao Is., ZRC 2008.1365); B, Crosnierius carinatus Serène & Vadon, 1981 , female (15.6 × 11.8 mm) (CP2737, eastern coast of Luzon, ZRC 2008.1370); C, Epistocavea mururoa Davie, 1993 , male (33.2 × 23.5 mm) (L36, Panglao Is., ZRC 2008.1371); D, Euxanthus herdmani Laurie, 1906 , male (10.0 by 7.6 mm) (S32, Panglao Is., NMCR-27334); E) Euxanthus huonii (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846) , male (31.9 × 21.9 mm) (M17, Panglao Is., ZRC 2008.1376); F, Hepatoporus orientalis ( Sakai, 1935 ) male (8.1 × 6.0 mm) (CP2862, off Batangas coast, ZRC 2008.1379). Remarks. – This species was erroneously reported from the Philippines by Serène & Umali (1972) as Paramedaeus noelensis ( Ward, 1934 ) . Remarking on the illustrations they provided, Ng (1993) stated that their specimen was not conspecific with Paramedaeus . noelensis , but was actually Cranaothus deforgesi , a new genus and new species he was describing from Chesterfield Island in the Coral Sea. This was confirmed by Mendoza & Ng (2008b) when they examined the specimen in question in the NMCR. The present specimens have a few minor differences with the holotype as figured in Ng (1993) . The front of the holotype is more produced beyond the orbits, and its lobes are more divergent, resulting in a deeper, V-shaped, medial incision; and the vermicular ridges are also more pronounced. Attempts were made to locate the holotype deposited and catalogued in the MNHN but these were not successful and it could not be located ( R . Cleva, pers. comm.). The Philippine specimen reported from Basilan Island by Serène & Umali (1972) is more similar to the holotype , particularly in the condition of the frontal lobes which are also more produced and divergent. However, the condition of the G1 of the different male specimens examined did not differ significantly and the observed differences are regarded as intra-specific .