Thysanoptera: Thrips of Guam Author Moulton, Dudley text 1942 1942-12-31 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin Insects of Guam I 7 16 book chapter 9c8d5683-76c1-4938-aede-b7ad5391b6b2 3634035 9. Bolacidothrips orizae , new species . Female holotype : pale yellow with indistinct cloudings of gray on pterothorax and on abdominal segments 1, 2, 5, and 6; antenna! segments 1 to 4 clear yellow, 5 to 7 grayish brown. Each forewing is darkened with gray at extreme base and has two dark cross bands which correspond with the gray markings on thorax and abdomen. Total body length 1.14 mm .; head length 0.147 mm ., width 0.132 mm .; prothorax length 0.12 mm ., width 0.14 mm .; spines on posterior angles of prothorax, outer 60, inner 40 microns; inner spines on anterior margin 23 microns. Antenna! segments length (width): I, 23 (26); II, 33 (23); III, 43 (16); IV, 40 (16); V , 40 (16); VI , 53 (16); VII, 18; total 250 microns. Inarajan , June 25 , on rice , holotype female , two paratype females, Usinger (5488). This species is co-generic with graniinis Friesner but may be distinguished by its darkened fifth antennal segment and the uniformly light terminal segments of abdomen. In graminis, only the tip of the fifth antennal segment is darkened, and six is pale grayish in basal half.