Revision of the Mediterranean species of Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 Lagisca Malmgren, 1865 (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Polynoinae) descriptions of a new genus and a new species Author Barnich, R. Author Fiege, D. text Journal of Natural History 2000 34 1889 1938 journal article 1464-5262 Harmothoe fragilis Moore, 1910 (fi gure 11A -D) Harmothoe ( Evarne ) fragilis Moore, 1910: 353 , pl. 29: fi gures 29, 30, pl. 30: fi gures 31, 32. Harmothoe fragilis : Tebble and Chambers, 1982: 38 , fi gures 5c, d, 12a, 37; Hartmann-SchroÈder, 1996: 44; Chambers and Muir, 1997: 100, fi gure 24. Type material . Harmotho e fragilis , PARATYPES : 1 spm. (labelled`cotype’), St. 4418, April 1904 , Albatross , off Santa Barbara , Cal., 238 fathoms depth, dark mud and sand, USNM 17147 . 1 spm., St. 4413 , 11 April 1904 , Albatross R / V , off Santa Catalina Island , California , 152 fathoms depth, fi ne sand, USNM 73013 (1) indeterminable; only one elytron in bad shape ). Additional material . 1 spm., 6 October 1995 , Banyuls , vase coÃtieÁre, leg. D. Fiege , SMF 9211 / 1. 1 spm., 10 October 1995 , Banyuls , vase coÃtieÁre, 88 m ,` Attila’ -dredge, leg. D. Fiege , SMF 9212 /1. Diagnosis . Anterior pair of eyes dorsolaterally on widest part of prostomium. Elytra : margin with fringing papillae; surface covered by conical microtubercles and few scattered papillae, with a row of rounded, soft and fl attened macrotubercles near posterior margin. Dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri and dorsal cirri papillate, tapering. IG . 11. Harmothoe fragilis ( 10 October 1995 , Banyuls, SMF 9212 /1). (A) Anterior end; right palp and styles of median antenna, of left dorsal and right dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri missing; dorsal view; (B) left anterior elytron; (C) detail of posterior margin of same; (D) style of dorsal cirrus (scales 5 1 mm for A, B; 250 M m for C; 500 M m for D) . 1912