A new genus of Hoplojassini from French Guiana (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Iassinae) and identification key for species of tribe Author Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Author Dietrich, Christopher H. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Author Takiya, Daniela Maeda Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-20 4742 2 351 358 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4742.2.8 e3007cbb-7ff6-4cd6-9c1c-a7c37c2274cf 1175-5334 3754871 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9DB92638-55DD-48AF-9C75-06840354038D Carinojassus gen. nov. ( Figs 1−30 ) Type species. Carinojassus guianensis sp. nov. Diagnosis. Medium-sized, robust leafhoppers. Crown ( Figs 1 , 16 ) slightly produced anteriorly; surface concave between ocelli. Pronotum ( Figs 1, 3 ) deeply striated transversely and strongly declivous anteriorly. Scutellum ( Figs 27−30 ) not extended beyond clavus apex of forewing at rest position; posterior half strongly keeled medially and elevated dorsally. Forewing ( Figs 4 , 19 ) with apex rounded. Connective ( Fig. 9 ) linear. Dorsal connective ( Figs 14, 15 ) paired connecting base of aedeagus to segment X of anal tube. First and second valvulae of ovipositor ( Fig. 23 ), in lateral view, long, slender and evenly curved dorsally, without prominent dorsal teeth. Description. Head ( Figs 27, 29 ) distinctly narrower than pronotum; transocular width about two-thirds humeral width. Crown ( Figs 1 , 16 ) short, slightly produced anteriorly; median length about two-fifths interocular width; surface slightly concave between ocelli; texture smooth; anterior margin rounded. Ocellus on crown, situated closer to eye than to median line. Crown-face transition ( Figs 3 , 18 ) indistinct. Face ( Figs 2 , 17 ) wider than long. Frons approximately 1.2 times longer than wide; surface smooth; in lateral view, inflated and strongly convex. Frontogenal suture extending to ocellus and dorsally contouring frons. Antennal ledge very developed, carinate, oblique; ventral portion extending inwardly beyond frontogenal suture. Antenna short, length subequal to half width of head. Gena with margin slightly convex. Maxillary plate produced ventrally as far as clypeus apex. Epistomal suture distinct. Clypeus subquadrate, surface strongly convex medially; lateral margins parallel; apex slightly convex. Pronotum ( Figs 1 , 16 ) smooth near anterior margin, behind eye, presence of deep transverse striae on middle region of anterior third and throughout the posterior two thirds; lateral margins sharply carinate, slightly convex, convergent anterad; posterior margin straight; in lateral view ( Figs 3 , 18 ) strongly declivous anteriorly. Scutellum ( Figs 27−30 ) with numerous transverse striations; posterior half strongly keeled medially and elevated dorsally; apex reaching first anal vein of forewing at rest. Forewing ( Figs 4 , 19 ) tectiform, ovoid, without setae; crossvein s present and well basad of crossvein r-m 2 ; crossvein m-cu 1 very short; crossveins r-m 1 and m-cu 2 absent (only outer anteapical cell closed); vein R with 3 branches; appendix well developed, extending from claval apex to fifth apical cell; apex rounded. Hindwing ( Fig. 20 ) with submarginal vein not extending to jugum; R 4+5 and M 1+2 separate connected by crossvein; veins M 1+2 and CuA strongly divergent apically; costal margin arcuate at basal two-thirds. Profemur subcylindrical; with dorsoapical pair of setae; AM 1 slightly larger and thicker than preceding setae; intercalary, AV, and PV groups undifferentiated, with scattered setae. Protibia, in cross-section, rectangular; dorsal surface bicarinate with pair of apical macrosetae; ventral surface with scattered macrosetae with two pairs of larger and thicker preapical setae. Mesofemur with pair of dorsoapical macrosetae and few ventral macrosetae. Mesotibia resembling that of foreleg. Metafemur setal formula 2+1+1. Metatibia flattened with setal rows PD, AD, and AV with 18, 15, and 15 cucullate macrosetae, respectively; tibia PV setal row with ~30 smaller setae; tibia pecten with 4-5 non cucullate macrosetae in preapical row and 6-7 cucullate macrosetae in apical row; tarsomere I as long as II and III combined and with plantar surface with two spaced rows of small non-cucullate setae; apex with five platellae; second tarsomere apex with three apical platellae. Male terminalia. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 5 ) moderately produced posteriorly; longer than sternite VII; concealing basal half of subgenital plates in repose. Pygofer ( Fig. 6 ) short; dorsoapical lobe present, but not articulated; without process or hooks. Valve ( Fig. 7 ) well developed, fused to pygofer at base. Subgenital plates ( Figs 6, 8 ) large; freely articulated to valve and separated from each other; with macrosetae evenly distributed over ventral surface; pseudostyles absent. Connective ( Fig. 9 ) well sclerotized and linear; median anterior lobe long and slender; lateral arms short; stalk apex weakly bilobed, articulated to aedeagus. Style ( Figs 9, 10 ) elongate; with apodeme slender; apophysis sinuate basally. Aedeagus ( Figs 11−13 ) articulated with connective; preatrium absent; dorsal apodeme well developed; atrium well developed; gonopore apical. Dorsal connective ( Figs 14, 15 ) linear, paired and separated, connecting base of aedeagus to base of segment X of anal tube. Anal tube ( Figs 14, 15 ) with segment X well sclerotized, without ventrolateral appendage. FIGURES 1–15. Carinojassus guianensis sp. nov. , holotype male. 1, head and thorax, dorsal view. 2, head, ventral view. 3, head and thorax, lateral view. 4, forewing. 5, sternite VIII, ventral view. 6, pygofer, valve, subgenital plate, and anal tube, lateral view. 7, valve and base of pygofer, ventral view. 8, subgenital plate, ventral view. 9, style and connective, dorsal view. 10, style, lateral view. 11–13, aedeagus, lateral, ventral, and posterior views, respectively. 14, anal tube and dorsal connectives, lateral view. 15, anal tube and dorsal connectives, posterior view. Female terminalia. Sternite VII ( Fig. 21 ) three times longer than sternite VI. Pygofer ( Fig. 22 ) short; with small setae along posterior margin. First and second valvulae ( Fig. 23 ) strongly united and difficult to separate; in lateral view, long, slender and evenly curved dorsally; first valvula strigate distally on dorsal and ventral margins; second valvula with dorsal margin finely serrate distally, without prominent teeth. Distribution. French Guiana . Etymology. The generic name Carinojassus is derived from the Latin word “ carinae ” meaning keel. It refers to the distinct keel of the scutellum. The suffix -jassus is common in names of Hoplojassini genera. Notes. Carinojassus gen. nov. resembles Hoplojassus ( Figs 31, 32 ) as they share the following characteristics: (1) medium sized robust leafhoppers, body length greater than or equal to 7mm ; (2) scutellum elevated dorsally, with prominent keel; (3) forewing without setae, with vein M closely approaching CuA near base and crossvein m-cu 1 very short; and (4) male pygofer without processes. However, Carinojassus gen. nov. can be easily distinguished from Hoplojassus and Nigrojassus by its crown slightly produced anteriorly; pronotum deeply striated transversely and strongly declivous anteriorly; scutellum not extended beyond the clavus apex and with the posterior half strongly keeled medially and elevated dorsally; forewing apex rounded; and anal tube with segment X without ventrolateral appendage.