Tinea altaica sp. nov. and new records of some small moths from the Russian Altai (Lepidoptera: Meessiidae, Tineidae, Douglasiidae, Epermeniidae, Glyphipterigidae: Acrolepiinae) Author Gaedike, Reinhard ) &) Florusstrasse 5, D 53225 Bonn, c / o Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany; e-mail: tinagma @ msn. com Author Šumpich, Jan ) &) Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; e-mail: jansumpich @ seznam. cz text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 2017-06-30 57 1 259 273 https://www.aemnp.eu/acta-entomologica/volume-57-1/1678/tinea-altaica-sp-nov-and-new-records-of-some-small-moths-from-the-russian-altai-lepidoptera-meessiidae-tineidae-douglasiidae-epermeniidae-glyphipterigidae-acrolepiinae.html journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0073 0374-1036 5404220 F5D38A87-91FD-461F-BCE2-6BD954724337 Epermenia ochreomaculella asiatica Gaedike, 1979 ( Fig. 8 ) Material examined. RUSSIA : ALTAI REPUBLIC: Kosh-Agach Distr., Tashanta env. ( 10 km SW), Ulandryk valley, rocks, 2200 m a.s.l., 49°40′33″N , 89°04′09″E , 30.vi.2015 , 1 J (gen. prep. Gaedike 8750), J. Šumpich leg. ( NMPC ). Distribution. While the typical subspecies is known from the Mediterranean region to the Caucasus area, Ukraine and the European part of Russia , the subspecies E. o. asiatica is known from Lebanon through Turkey to Mongolia and the Russian Far East. In Russia hitherto known only from the Taymyr, Yakutiya and Khabarovsk Regions ( BUDASHKIN & SINEV 2008 ). New species for the Altai Republic .