The Snail-killing Flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) of West Africa Author Knutson, Lloyd V. Author Deeming, John C. Author Ebejer, Martin J. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-09-20 4483 1 67 100 journal article 29552 10.11646/zootaxa.4483.1.3 48be31ab-c94e-4044-bc82-751bd71fe938 1175-5326 1436632 85962DD1-E874-4273-8B1A-FB45A7B965A3 Sepedonella nana Verbeke, 1950 (Figs 28, plate 8d ) References to figures: Verbeke, 1950 (aedeagus, surstylus); Vala & Gbedjissi 2011 (many figures of the egg, larVae, and puparium). Holotype : , DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO : Rwindi , 1000m ., 26.xi.1934 . Seen by Knutson in 1978 at IRSNB in Cabinet No . 41, “Parc National Albert”, Box No . 8 . SENEGAL : Gambier R. , 1♂ , [no date] Wolbacher ( MCZ ) ; NIGERIA : Lagos , Ikoyi , 1♂ , 14.i.1974 ; same locality, at light, 1♂ , , M. A . Cornes ( NHMUK ) ; N.E. Bornu , Ngala & Gamboru , irrigation scheme, wheat plot, 1♀ , 28–29.ii.1972 , Deeming ( USNM ) ; Zaria, Samaru, 1♂, iii.1969 , m. v. trap ; 1♂, 1.vii.1969 ; 2♂, 2.iv.1975 ; 1♂, 14.ii.1976 , Deeming (NHMUK); same locality, 1♀ , 3.ii.1978 ; 1♂, 15.ii.1979 ; 1♂1♀, v.1979 ; 1♂, vii.1979 , Deeming (NMWC); Bauchi , pond with Oryza barthii , 2♂ 3♀ , 1–12.iv.1990 , Deeming ( NMWC ) . CHAD : Mani, Chari Baquirni, 3♂ , 9.ii.1966 ; Boum Kabir , moyen Cheri , 1♂ , 10.iv.1966 , Hitchcock ( USNM ) . Other new records: KENYA : Kivu , contr. S. Kahuzi , km. 27, 2200m , 1♂ , 28.iii.1953 , P. Basilewsky ( MRAC ); R . CONGO: RNA, Kanyatsi (lieu-dit), Lac Edourd, 912m , 1♂ , (no date). P. Vanschuytbroeck ( IRSNB ) ; SOUTH AFRICA: Basutoland , Hensley’s Dam , 8mi . SW Leribe , 2♀ , 30.iii.1951 , Brinck’s Rude beck ( IRSNB ). PLATE 6. Fig. 26— Sepedon ( Sepedomyia ) nasuta (Verbeke) head, lateral View, 27— Sepedonella castanea sp. n. postabdomen, lateral View, 28— Sepedonella nana Verbeke postabdomen, lateral View, 29— Sepedoninus curvisetis Verbeke postabdomen, lateral View, 30— Ethiolimnia zumpti Verbeke postabdomen, posterolateral View. For abbreViations see plate 1 . PLATE 7. Figs 31–34. Sepedon ( Sepedomyia ) nasuta Verbeke (Prepared by L. Lawrence-Heath from pencil drawings by G.C. Steyskal), 31—postabdomen, lateral View, 32—postabdomen and surstyli, Ventral View, 33—aedeagus and hypandrium, Ventral View, 34—aedeagus and hypandrium, lateral View. For abbreViations see plate 1 . Published records. REPUBLIC OF CONGO ( Knutson 1968 ); DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO ( Verbeke 1950 , 1963 ); ETHIOPIA ( Knutson 1968 ); BÉNIN ( Vala et al . 1994 ; Vala & Gbedjissi 2011 ). Biology. Larvae feed obligatorily on fresh-water oligochaete worms (Vala et al. 2000; Vala & Gbedjissi 2011 ).