Squalius semae, a new species of chub from the Euphrates River, Eastern Anatolia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Author Davut Tura Author Maurice Kottelat Author Esra Bayçelebi text Zoology in the Middle East 2017 63 1 33 42 journal article 10.1080/09397140.2017.1290761 3231104a-d686-4c36-8e4d-a0519f6a2767 886680 Squalius seyhanensis : FFR 729, 16, 152–227 mm SL; Turkey : Sivas Prov.: Tohma Stream at Gürün, Euphrates River drainage; D. Turan & R. Buyurucu , 3.vii.2007 . – FFR 1993, 11, 126–240 mm SL ; Turkey : Kayseri Prov.: Sarız Stream, Seyhan River drainage; D. Turan & R. Buyurucu , 3.vii.2007 . – FFR 1994, 15 , 88–137 mm SL ; Turkey : Kayseri Prov.: Zamantı Stream at Sıradan Köyü, Seyhan River drainage; D. Turan & Z. Bostanci , 12.vi.2005 . Table 1. Morphometry of three species of Squalius from Euphrates River drainages: S. semae sp. n. from Toprakkale, Sırlı and Serçeme, S. seyhanensis from Tohma, and S. berak from Merzimen and Hilvan. Values in parentheses: mean. Values of the holotype included in range. H = holotype, ant. = anterior, post. = posterior.
S. semae sp. n. S. seyhanensis S. berak
N 31 H 16 16
Standard length (mm) 120-226 197 142-227 114-188
In % SL
Head length 26.0-32.2 (27.7) 27.0 24.5-27.8 (26.0) 28.4-30.7 (29.4)
Body depth at dorsal-fin origin 20.7-23.9 (22.0) 23.9 21.6-25.7 (23.8) 21.9-25.7 (23.9)
Predorsal length 52.4-56.2 (54.5) 55.9 52.5-56.1 (53.8) 55.0-58.0 (56.1)
Prepelvic length 49.4-56.0 (51.9) 53.0 49.7-51.8 (50.6) 49.8-53.8 (52.6)
Preanal length 68.9-74.8 (71.7) 73.2 70.9-73.2 (71.9) 71.9-75.6 (73.6)
Pectoral-fin origin to anal fin 45.3-51.4 (48.1) 51.0 46.3-51.6 (50.2) 47.7-50.6 (49.0)
Pectoral-fin origin to pelvic fin 25.3-30.1 (27.1) 29.9 24.6-29.7 (28.1) 24.4-28.4 (26.8)
Pelvic-fin origin to anal fin 19.1-23.6 (21.2) 22.1 21.5-24.2 (22.8) 21.1-24.3 (22.6)
Dorsal-fin height 15.4-22.5 (18.0) 16.3 14.8-19.7 (18.0) 16.6-22.5 (19.3)
Anal-fin height 14.3-18.4 (16.1) 14.5 14.1-18.4 (16.2) 14.8-18.3 (16.5)
Pectoral-fin length 16.4-20.0 (18.1) 17.6 16.0-19.7 (17.9) 17.2-20.3 (18.7)
Pelvic-fin length 13.7-16.5 (15.0) 14.5 13.6-16.1 (15.1) 14.1-16.8 (15.6)
Length of upper caudal-fin lobe 16.0-23.7 (19.9) 17.5 17.3-21.1 (18.9) 20.3-24.5 (22.1)
Length of middle caudal-fin rays 11.1-16.2 (13.6) 13.6 12.4-15.8 (14.0) 12.2-15.0 (13.8)
Length of caudal peduncle 18.5-22.7 (20.3) 20.1 19.7-22.0 (20.9) 17.7-21.1 (19.0)
Depth of caudal peduncle 10.5-12.3 (11.5) 12.2 10.4-12.3 (11.4) 10.7-13.0 (11.8)
In % HL
Snout length 28-34 (30.5) 31 28-35 (30.8) 27-32 (29.0)
Eye diameter 15-20 (17.8) 17 15-20 (17.1) 15-20 (17.5)
Interorbital width 33-39 (35.9) 37 31-39 (36.3) 32-37 (34.2)
Head width1 at ant. margin of eyes 38-44 (40.3) 43 39-46 (41.8) 36-44 (38.6)
Head width2 at post. margin of eyes 49-58 (53.7) 58 51-61 (55.9) 48-56 (51.9)
Head width3 at middle of opercle 55-63 (59.1) 67 55-68 (61.8) 54-62 (57.5)
Head depth1 at eye 43-48 (45.9) 47 44-51 (47.1) 40-48 (44.0)
Head depth2 at nape 58-65 (61.3) 63 61-69 (65.0) 56-64 (59.8)
Snout width at nostrils 34-42 (37.1) 39 37-42 (38.9) 30-40 (35.1)
Snout depth at nostrils 29-37 (32.3) 33 26-37 (32.7) 24-33 (29.0)
Width of mouth gape 28-34 (29.6) 33 27-33 (30.7) 22-32 (26.8)
Length of mouth gape 26-34 (30.5) 30 26-33 (29.7) 27-35 (29.8)