Re-descriptions of Amblyseius decolor (Westerboer) and Proprioseiopsis sororculus (Wainstein) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) based on the specimens collected in Turkey and France Author Çobanoğlu, Sultan Ankara University, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, 06110 Ankara, Turkey. Author Faraji, Farid MITOX Consultants, P. O. Box 92260, 1090 AG Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Author Cılbırcıoğlu, Cihan University of Kastamonu, Taşköprü Vocational School Organic Agriculture Department, Turkey. & Ankara University, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, 06110 Ankara, Turkey. text Acarologia 2018 2018-09-14 58 4 825 836 journal article 10.24349/acarologia/20184272 2107-7207 5399344 675A452A-38BB-4433-8A43-12439C746338 Proprioseiopsis sororculus ( Wainstein, 1960 ) For other names and synonyms see Demite et al ., 2018 . Female — Turkish strain of Proprioseiopsis sororculus (n=3) ( Figure 3 ) Idiosomal setal pattern: 10A:8E/JV–3:ZV. Dorsal idiosoma ( Figure 3A ) — Dorsal shield smooth 407 (360–430) long, 264 (250–270) wide at j6 level, with 18 pairs of dorsal setae ( r3 and R1 included); dorsal shield setae smooth, except for Z5 , slightly serrated; lengths j1 26 (25–28), j3 40 (38–42), j4 5, j5 4 (3–5), j6 4 (3–5), J5 7 (5–8), z2 17 (15–18), z4 11 (10–12), z5 4 (3–5), Z1 7 (5–10), Z4 82 (78–85), Z5 100 (95–105), s4 67 (66–68), S2 9 (8–10), S4 8 , S5 7 (5–8); setae r3 18 (16–20) and R1 13 (12–15) on lateral integument; Z4 and Z5 are the longest, dorsal shield with 7 pairs of solenostomes ( gd1 , gd2 , gd4 , gd5 , gd6 , gd8 , gd9 ), gd9 larger than the others and 15 pairs small poroids. Setae z2 slightly longer than z4 . Peritreme — Extending beyond the insertions of setae j1 ( Figure 3A ). Ventral idiosoma ( Figure 3B ) — Sternal shield wider than long, large, smooth, 63 (60–65) long, 81 (78–83) wide at level of setae ST2 , with a lateral stria, three pairs of setae and two pairs of pores ( iv1 and iv2 ), ST1 28, ST2 29 (25–35), ST3 22 (20–23); distances between ST1–ST3 64 (63–66) and ST2–ST2 72 (71–73); metasternal setae ST4 23 (18–30) and a pair of pores (iv 3 ) on small platelets; genital shield smooth width at widest point 87 (80–90), ST5 32 (30–33); distances between ST5–ST5 80 (79–81) two pairs of metapodal shields, primary 25 (23–28) Figure 3 Proprioseiopsis sororculus (Wainstein) -Turkey, female: A – Dorsal view; B – Ventral view; C – Spermathecae; D – Chelicera; E – Genu, tibia and basitarsus IV. Figure 4 Spermatheca of females of A – Amblyseius decolor (Westerboer) ; B – Proprioseiopsis sororculus (Wainstein) . long and accessory 13 (13–15) long; ventrianal shield subpentagonal, slightly striated all over the shield between JV1 and paranals, with crosswise lines between preanal pores, length 119 (113–128), width at level of setae ZV2 , 115 (113–118), and width at level of paranal setae 94 (93–98); with three pairs of preanal setae ( JV1 23, JV2 22 (18–25), ZV2 21 (18–23)); four pairs of setae surrounding ventrianal shield on integument JV ( 4 16 (15–18), JV5 67 (65–69), ZV1 19 (18–20), ZV3 12 (10–15)), three pairs of pores and two pairs of small platelets posteriad to ZV1 . Ventrianal shield with a pair of small round pores wide apart, posteriad JV to 2 , distance between these pores 51 (48–58) and muscle marks posterolaterally. Spermatheca — Calyx conical, saccular, flared distally 23 (18–25) long and 12 (10–13) width, atrium large, nodular ( Figure 3C & 4B ). Chelicera — Fixed digit 36 (35–38) long with four small teeth and pilus dentilis ; movable digit 32 (30–33) long with one tooth ( Figure 3D ). Legs — Leg IV ( Figure 3E ) with three macrosetae, all pointed apically, SgeIV 67 (63–70), StiIV 56 (53–58), StIV 67 (63–70) long; distance from base of macrosetae to slit like organ 51 (48–58); chaetotatic formulae of genua and tibiae I–II–III–IV with 10(2-2/1, 2/1-2) – 8(2-2/1, 2/0-1) – 7(1-2/1, 2/0-1) – 7(1-2/1, 2/0-1) and 10(2-2/1, 2/1-2) – 7(1-1/1, 2/1-1) – 7(1-1/1, 2/1-1) – 6(1-1/1, 2/0-1) setae respectively. Specimens examined — 3♀♀ , 28 April 2016 Taşköprü-Kastamonu (41°34′53.64″N 34°16′29.93″E) ground weeds ( Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., ( Asteraceae ) (Garlic growing areas), collected by Cihan Cılbırcıoğlu. Female — French strain of Proprioseiopsis sororculus (n=4) Due to the similarities in features with Turkish strain, only the measurements are provided. Dorsal idiosoma — Dorsal shield 388 (370–400) long, 221 (200–230) wide at j6 level, setal lengths j1 32 (25–38), j3 41 (35–48), j4 5, j5 5, j6 5, J5 9 (8–10), z2 24 (20–25), z4 12 (10–13), z5 5, Z1 6 (5–10), Z4 81 (75–88), Z5 96 (85–110), s4 61 (55–70), S2 8 (8–10), S4 9 (8–10), S5 8 (8–10), r3 17 (13–23) and R1 13 (8–18) on lateral integument. Ventral idiosoma — Sternal shield 65 (55–73) long, 83 (78–90) wide at level of setae ST2 ; ST1 29 (25–35), ST2 28 (25–30), ST3 26 (23–28), ST4 24 (23–30); distances between ST1 –- ST3 62–64 and ST2– ST2 73–74; genital shield 84 (78–95) width at widest point, ST5 29 (28–30); distances between ST5 –- ST5 80–88; primary metapodal shields 26 (23–30) long and accessory 13 long; ventrianal shield 117 (113–128) long, width at level of setae ZV2 115 (110–120), and width at level of paranal setae 107 (100–110); JV1 19 (15–23), JV2 20 (18–23), ZV2 19 (18–23); JV4 13 (10–18), JV5 57 (55–60), ZV1 19 (18–20), ZV3 11 (8–15); distance between preanal pores 47 (43–51). Spermatheca — Calyx 19 (18–28) long and 11 (10–13) wide. Chelicera — Fixed digit 34 (33–35) and movable digit 32 (30–33) long. Legs — SgeIV 58 (50–65), StiIV 47 (40–53), StIV 61 (58–63) long; distance from base of macrosetae to slit like organ 55 (53–58). Specimens examined — 4♀♀ , 21 August 2003 ; 3♀♀ 17 October 2003 Buzet, Lot-et- Garonne, Southwest France (44°15′53.6″ N 0°17′57.5″ E), ground weeds (apple orchard), Mitox, collected by F. Bakker. Distribution — Hungary ( Ripka et al ., 2005 ); Moldova ( Kolodochka 1980 ); Russia ( Wainstein, 1960 ; Meshkov, 1999 ); Serbia : ( Kropczynska & Petanović, 1987 ); Spain ( Escudero & Ferragut, 1998); Turkey (this study) and Ukraine ( Kolodochka, 1981 ). Remarks — This is the first report of P. sororculus from Turkey . All the measurement and morphological features are similar for the Turkish and French specimens.