Feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acariformes: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines and kingfishers in Canada Author Mironov, Sergey V. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya embankment 1, 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia Author Galloway, Terry D. Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R 3 T 2 N 2, Canada text Zootaxa 2021 2021-08-04 5016 1 1 55 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5016.1.1 1175-5326 5221702 22814DB2-5BDA-44C2-BC00-37773209DA9F Alaudicola eremophila sp. n. ( Figs. 22–24 ) Material examined . Male holotype , 3 male and 11 female paratypes from the Horned Lark, Eremophila alpestris (Linnaeus, 1758) ( Passeriformes : Alaudidae ), (HOLA/525/PWRC/11, SM 2173), CANADA , Manitoba , Winnipeg, 22 October 2011 , coll. T.D. Galloway and P.G. Snarr. Depository . Holotype , 1 male and 4 female paratypesCNC , remaining paratypesWRME and ZISP . Additional material . 7 males and 19 females from E. alpestris , (Z-2251), RUSSIA , Rostov Oblast , near Rostov-on-Don , 29 January 2013 , coll. A.V. Zabashta. Description. MALE ( holotype , range for 3 paratypes in parentheses) ( Figs. 22 , 24A–E ). Idiosoma, length × width, 400 (365–415) × 200 (175–205), length of hysterosoma 250 (230–265). Prodorsal shield: occupying anterior two thirds of prodorsum, split into anterior and posterior parts by wide transverse band of soft tegument at level of scapular setae ( se, si ), anterolateral extensions pointed, total length of shield 97 (96–100), length of anterior part along midline 65 (62–67), length of posterior part 21 (20–25), width of posterior part 118 (112–122), its posterior margin uneven and slightly convex. Setae ve absent. Bases of scapular setae se separated by 60 (60–63). Scapular shields narrow, scarcely developed dorsally. Humeral shields represented by small roughly triangular sclerites situated dorsolaterally and bearing bases of setae c2 ; in some specimens these shields absent. Bases of setae cp and c2 situated on striated tegument. Subhumeral setae c3 spiculiform, 26 (24–27) long. Prodorsal and hysteronotal shields separated from each other by broad area of transversally striated soft tegument, length of this area 90 (80–90) and similar to the total length of prodorsal shield. Hysteronotal shield: anterior margin slightly concave, surface without ornamentation, greatest length 220 (210–230), width at anterior margin 150 (145–155). Opisthosomal lobes roughly trapezoidal, slightly shorter than wide at base; posterior margins of lobes truncate, without extensions at bases of setae h2 and h3 . Terminal cleft approximately as equilateral triangle, 28 (25–33) long. Supranal concavity poorly outlined, extending to midlength between levels of setae e1 and e2 . Setae c1 on anterior margin of hysteronotal shield or on striated tegument. Setae f2 slightly anterior to bases of setae ps2 . Setae h1 situated at level of anterior end of terminal cleft. Setae h3 long spiculiform, 40 (38–40) long; setae ps2 65 (65–75) long. Setae ps1 filiform, about 10 long, situated on margin of terminal cleft at level of setae h2 . Distances between dorsal setae: c2:d2 98 (90–105), d2:e2 83 (82–87), e2:h3 37 (37–48), d1:d2 30 (30–40), e1: e2 43 (38–44), h1:h2 28 (25–33), h2:h2 70 (67–73), h3:h3 48 (45–50), ps2:ps2 80 (80–83). Epimerites I fused into a V strongly narrowed posteriorly, fused part with a pair of minute lateral and one medial denticles. Coxal fields I, II without sclerotized areas. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa absent. Coxal fields I–III open. Coxal fields IV without sclerotized areas at bases of trochanters IV. Epimerites IVa present. Genital arch small, with sclerotized area connecting its tips shaped as a V, size of arch together with sclerotized area 23 (20–23) × 30 (28–32); aedeagus sword-shaped, 78 (76–80) long, extending to posterior margin of adanal suckers; basal sclerite of genital apparatus with posterior end large, U-shaped ( Fig. 24A ). Genital papillae rudimentary, not connected at bases, situated posterior to genital arch, approximately at midlevel of basal sclerite. Genital and adanal shields absent. Adanal suckers 13 (13–14) in diameter, corolla with 16–18 small denticles, surrounding membrane with radial striae. Opisthoventral shields large triangular, completely crossing bases of opisthosomal lobes forming translobar apodemes; setae ps3 situated in middle of these shields. Setae 4b situated posterior to level of setae 3a , setae ps 3 in centers of opisthosventral shields, approximately at level of anterior end of terminal cleft. Distance between ventral setae: 3a:4b : 18 (17–23), 4b:4a 38 (28–38), 4a:g 40 (38–42), g:ps3 50 (49–52), ps3:ps3 55 (48–55), ps3:h3 33 (28–33). FIGURE 22. Alaudicola eremophila sp. n. , male. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. Femora I with narrow ventral crests, other segments of legs I, II without processes ( Fig. 24B, C ). Solenidion σ of genu I half as along as this segment and situated in its anterior half. Genual setae cG I, II and mG I filiform, setae mG II slightly thickened basally. Setae d and f of tarsi II, III subequal in length. Solenidion φ of tibia IV extending to distal third of tarsus IV. Tarsus IV 30 (29–30) long, without apical process; setae d and e button-like, seta d in basal half of this segment ( Fig. 24E ). Length of solenidia: ω1 I 19 (18–20), ω1 II 13 (11–15), σ I 16 (15–18), σ III 12 (11–12), φIV 22 (20–23). FIGURE 23. Alaudicola eremophila sp. n. , female. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. FIGURE 24 Alaudicola eremophila sp. n. , details. A—opisthosoma of male, ventral view, B–D—legs I–III of male, respectively, E—tibia and tarsus, IV of male, F—tibia and tarsus IV of female, G—spermatheca and spermaducts. FEMALE (range for 10 paratypes ) ( Fig. 23 , 24F, G ). Idiosoma, length × width, 515–565 × 215–225, length of hysterosoma 325–345. Prodorsal shield: split into two pieces as in male, anterolateral extensions long and pointed, total length of shield 112–125, length of anterior part along midline 75–80, length of posterior part 25–35, width of posterior part 135–150, its posterior margin unevenly sinuous. Setae ve absent. Bases of setae se separated by 78–85. Scapular shields narrow, developed dorsally in anterior part of prodorsum. Humeral shields shaped as small sclerites of irregular form, situated dorsolaterally, rarely absent. Setae c 2 in anteromedian angles of humeral shields or on stritated tegument. Setae cp on striated tegument. Setae c3 spiculiform, 28–30 long. Prodorsal and hysteronotal shields separated from each other by broad transversally striated area of soft tegument, length of this area 100–130. Anterior and lobar parts of hysteronotal shield separated dorsally by narrow transverse band of soft tegument. Anterior hysteronotal shield wide anteriorly and strongly attenuate posteriorly, anterior margin convex, surface without ornamentation, greatest length 240–260, and width at anterior margin 145–160 ( Fig. 23A ). Length of lobar region 58–68, greatest width 75–78; lobar apices widely rounded. Terminal cleft narrow V-shaped, 35–48 long. Lobar shield split longitudinally, area of soft tegument between its pieces small, triangular, surface without ornamentation. Supranal concavity poorly outlined. Setae h1 on lobar shields near their anterior margins; setae h1 and f 2 in trapezoidal arrangement. Setae h2 represented by macrosetae, strongly enlarged basally and gradually narrowing to filiform apex, 210–230 long. Setae ps1 situated on inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, close to lobar apices. Setae h3 13–15 long, about 1/5 the length of terminal appendages. Distances between dorsal setae: c2:d2 120–135, d2:e2 115–120, e2:h2 40–45, h2:h3 28–35, d1:d2 40–43, e1: e2 50–55, h1:h2 15–20, h1:h1 30–34, h2: h2 60–65, h2:ps1 16–20. Epimerites I fused into a U strongly narrowed posteriorly, fused part with minute median extension ( Fig. 23B ). Coxal fields I, II without large sclerotized areas. Epimerites IVa absent. Translobar apodemes of opisthosomal lobes present, narrow, not fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Epigynum without lateral ledges, greatest width 78–80; apodemes of oviporus fused with epimerites IIIa. Pseudanal setae filiform, setae ps3 at level of anterior 1/3rd of anal slit, setae ps2 situated at level of posterior end of anal slit and widely separated from each other (in some specimens absent); distance between pseudanal setae: ps2:ps2 48–55, ps3:ps3 25–35, ps2:ps3 28–33. Copulatory opening situated immediately posterior to anal opening. Head of spermatheca conical, proximal half of primary spermaduct monotonously enlarging to head of spermatheca, secondary spermaducts 18–20 long ( Fig. 24G ). Legs I, II as in male. Solenidion σ of genu I approximately half the length of this segment and situated at its midlevel. Genual setae cG I, II, mG I, II as in male. Seta d and f of tarsi II–IV subequal. Genu IV not inflated dorsally, with narrow dorsal crest. Lengths of solenidia: ω1 I 25–28, ω1 II 13–15, σ I 18–20, σ III 10–12, φ III 37–40, φ IV 8–10. Differential diagnosis . Alaudicola eremophila sp. n . is very similar to A. bilobatus ( Robin, 1877 ) from the Eurasian Skylark, Alauda arvensis Linnaeus , in having the opisthosomal lobes short with a truncated or bluntly rounded posterior margin ( Gaud & Atyeo 1996 ; Mironov 1996). Alaudicola eremophila differs from A. bilobatus by the following features: in males, the lateral margins of the terminal cleft are distinctly divergent, the terminal cleft is shaped as an equilateral triangle; in females, the secondary spermaducts are 18–20 long, setae ps3 situated approximately at the level of the anterior one third of the anal slit. In males of A. bilobatus , the lateral margins of the terminal cleft are almost parallel, the whole terminal cleft is nearly U-shaped, and 8–10 wide at midlength; in females, the secondary spermaducts are 25–30 long, and setae ps3 are situated approximately at the midlength of the anal slit or slightly posterior. Etymology . The specific epithet is taken from the generic name of the type host and is a noun in apposition. Remark . The new species described above was previously reported from E. alpestris in Canada (Galloway et al . 2014: 170) under the name A. bilobatus .