Checklist And Bibliography Of The Amphisbaenia Of The World Author GANS, CARL text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-03-08 2005 289 1 130 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2005)289<0001:CABOTA>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5361528 Amphisbaena cunhai Hoogmoed and Avila­Pires, 1991: 78. TYPE LOCALITY: Brazil : Rondonia : Cachoeira de Samuel (08 ° 45 ̍ S, 63 ° 28 ̍ W). Ho­ lotype: MPEG 15436. Paratypes : MPEG 15437, 15438, 15441, 15442, 15443, 15455, RMNH 24470–244713. DISCUSSION OF FORM: Hoogmoed and Avila­Pires (1991: 78–87). RANGE: Rio Jamari, western Brazil . Amphisbaena darwini Duméril and Bibron Amphisbaena darwini Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 490 . TYPE LOCALITY: Uruguay : Montevideo : Montevideo (34 ° 55 ̍ S, 56 ° 10 ̍ W). Lectotype : MHNP A3112. Lectoparatypes: MHNP A3107, A3113. Amphisbaena darwinii Boulenger, 1886: 428 . Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1879: 777 . DISCUSSION OF FORM: Gans, (1966c: 234). See also Achával (1976, distribution), Klappenbach (1960, embryos), Montero (1996b, distribution), and Vaz­Ferreira et al. (1975 [1973], ecology). Gans (1966b) proposed suppression of the name Amphisbaena mildei , which was subsequently rejected in priority but not homonymy according to ICZN Opinion 1131 ( Melville, 1979 ) and has been placed in the ‘‘Official Index of Rejected and invalid specific names in Zoology’’ as name number 1051 (after Bauer et al., 1995). RANGE: Southern and central Uruguay . Amphisbaena dubia Lorenz Müller Amphisbaena dubia L. Müller, 1924: 86 . Type locality, Brazil : S.Pauto: Piracicaba (22 ° 42 ̍ S, 47 ° 38 ̍ W). Holotype : ZMB 26394. Not A. dubia Rathke, 1863: 126 ; cf. Gans, 1961a: 12; China , 1963b: 197. DISCUSSION OF FORM: Gans (1964a: 2). See also Beçak et al. (1971b, 1972, chromosomes), Cruz Neto et al. (1987, diet), and Hochstetter (1898, anatomy). RANGE: Brazil , states of São Paulo , Parana , and Santa Catarina . Amphisbaena fenestrata (Cope) Diphalus fenestrata Cope, 1861b: 76 . TYPE LO­ CALITY: ‘‘ The West Indian Islands of St Thomas and Santa Cruz’ ’; restricted to ‘‘ St. Thomas , Virgin Islands’ ’ (Gans and Alexander, 1962: 131). Holotype : USNM 11715 . Amphisbaena antillensis Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862: 224 . TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘ St. Thomas og St. Jan’ ’; restricted to ‘‘ St. John’ ’, Virgin Islands ( Gans and Alexander , 1962: 131). Lectotype : KM R­449. Lectoparatype: KM R­4411 ( Virgin Islands ). DISCUSSION OF FORM: Gans and Alexander (1962: 131) See also Carey (1972, distribution), Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Lazell (1986, general), MacLean (1982) , Philibosian and Yntema (1978) , Schwartz and Henderson (1991 , distribution), and Schwartz and Thomas (1975 , distribution). RANGE: Virgin Islands , Tortola , St John, Dorothea, St. Thomas. Amphisbaena frontalis Vanzolini Amphisbaena frontalis Vanzolini, 1991c: 368 . TYPE LOCALITY: Brazil : Bahia : Alagoado (09 ° 29 ̍ S, 41 ° 21 ̍ W). Holotype : MZUSP 72989. Paratypes : MZUSP 72990–72997. DISCUSSION OF FORM: Vanzolini (1991c: 348–350). See also Montero (1997b , 1997c , skull), and Rodrigues (1996, distribution). RANGE: Brazil ; Bahia . Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linné Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linne´, 1758: 229. Type locality, ‘‘America’’. Vanzolini 1951a (subspecies). Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linne´, 1758: 229. TYPE LOCALITY : ‘‘America’’ = Guianas (cf. Vanzolini, 1951a: 58). Syntypes : Stockholm Museum, Uppsala Museum (Andersson, 1899: 7). Amphisbaena vulgaris Laurenti, 1768: 66. TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘America’’. Holotype : ‘‘Museo Illustris. Com. Turriana Viennae’’; lost, according to Vanzolini (1951a: 59). Amphisbaena magnifica Laurenti, 1768: 66 . TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘America’’. Holotype : Seba (1743– 1735) specimen; lost. Amphisbaena flava Laurenti, 1768: 67 . TYPE LO­ CALITY: ‘‘America’’. Holotype : Seba (1743– 1735) specimen; lost. Amphisbaena americana Gray, 1844: 70 . TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘ South America ; Demerara ; Berbice’’. Lectotype : By present designation, BMNH V.2.1.d:RR1960.1.4.56 ( Berbice ). Lectoparatypes : BMNH V.2.1.a:RR1960.1.4.59 ( South America ); BMNH V.2.1.b:RR1960.1.4.57, ( Demerara ). DISCUSSION OF FORM: Vanzolini (1951a: 60). See also Carey (1972, distribution), Cen­ drero (1972, distribution), Jared et al. (1998, cytology), Rieppel (1979 , musculature), Vaz­ Ferreira et al. (1970 and 1973, oviposition), Villa et al. (1988, distribution), Vitt and De la Torre (1996, ecology), and West (1975, ecology). RANGE: From Trinidad to French Guiana.