New species and records of Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from mainland China and Taiwan Author Löbl, Ivan Muséum d’histoire naturelle route de Malagnou 1 CH- 1208 Geneva, Switzerland text Vernate 2023 2023-12-31 42 135 142 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10452458 10452458 Scaphisoma asper Löbl, 1980 Material: TAIWAN : Nantou county Huisun Forest res. Wading trail , 24.8921N , 121.0297836E , 700 m 28.ii.2021 ; Hu & Chen lgt. / Stony forest on slope small leaf accumulation / Duplicate to voucher 21-03HS121 ; 4 specimens ; TAIWAN : Nantou county Huisun Forest reserve, track to Xiaochushan Mt. , 24.0847025N 121.0274161E , 1000 m 24.ii.2020 FA Hu lgt. / mixed conifer/broadleaf forest sparse broadleaf forest on the slope : sifting / DNA voucher 20-02HS319 OTU1 , 1 specimen ; TAIWAN : Nantou county Huisun Forest reserve, track to Xiaochushan Mt. , 24.07446N 121. o366337E, 1150 m 1.iii.2021 ; Fikáček, Hu , Peng / primary forest on the slope with sparse undergrow: sifting of small accumulation of leaves / Duplicate to voucher 21-03HS521 , 3 specimens ; TAIWAN : Taichung county Heping distr. , Bashianshan Mts Bashian Recreation Area between upper parking an Jinja ruins , 5.i.2018 , 24.19058°N 121.01277°E 1020 m Fikáček, Liang & Hsiao lgt.2018-TW02 / individual collecting on rotten logs in mountain mixed forest with bamboo stands , 2 specimens ; TAIWAN : Taichung Wufeng , Beikeng Creek trail , 24.045 120.7827 , 420 m 24 May 2023 FS HU , YJ Chen TW2023-018 / low lowland tropical forest with large accumulation of leaf litter and sparse understory / duplicate to voucher WF1-28 , 4 specimens ; with the same data but 410 m and duplicate to voucher WF1- 29 , 7 specimens ; Taiwan : Kaohsung Zuoying district Banpingshan , SW slope M. Fikáček TW2023-016 / large accumulation of moist leaf litter at stones in lowland forest ca 2 weeks after the first small rain / Duplicate to voucher BP9-24/BP9-25 , 2 specimens (all MHNG ). The species was based on a single specimen collected at Fenchihu.