Lady Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) From Chinese Hemlocks Infested With The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelges Tsugae Annand (Homoptera: Adelgidae) Author Yu, Guoyue Author Montgomery, Michael E. Author Yao, Defu text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2000 2000-06-30 54 2 154 199[0154:lbccfc];2 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X(2000)054[0154:LBCCFC]2.0.CO;2 Shirozuella nibagou Yu , new species ( Fig. 22 ) Description. Male. Length width 2.10 mm ; width 1.35 mm . Form oval, moderately convex dorsum. Elytral pubescence short, simple in arrangement. Head black, antenna black with terminal segment brown, mouthparts dark brown with maxillary palpi black, eyes black. Pronotum black with lateral margin brown. Scutellum black. Elytron black, with large, brown, curved mark situated between 2/5 and 4/5 elytral length to apex, closer to suture than to lateral margin; elytral apex narrowly brown. Underside including legs black. Head with frontal surface of capsule flattened, slightly convex; eyes relatively large, width slightly less than interocular distance. Clypeus sub­trapezoidal, distinctly shorter than interocular distance. Antenna 9­segmented ( Fig. 22g ). Maxillary palpi ( Fig. 22f ) very long, terminal segment distinctly securiform, apex obliquely truncate. Pronotum relatively small, strongly narrowing anteriorly. Humeral calli distinctly raised. Prosternum slightly convex anteriorly, mesosternum emarginate anteriorly. Postcoxal line of first abdominal sternum complete, reaching 1/2 sternum length. Genitalia: Sipho ( Fig. 22a ) stout and short, without distinct siphonal capsule; apex of sipho ( Fig. 22b ) surrounded by membrane. Tegmen ( Fig. 22c, d ) moderately stout; median piece of tegmen parallel, apical 1/7 converging sharply to teat­like tip in ventral view. Lateral lobes of tegmen longer than median piece, with a few setae, and without appendix. Female. Same as male except color of pronotum entirely black, terminal segment of maxillary palpus distinctly securiform, slightly divergent apically, apex obliquely trun­ cate; postcoxal line extends to 3/5 sternum length. Hemisternite ( Fig. 22h ) elongate, with distinct stylus. Fig. 22. Shirozuella nibagou Yu , n. sp. a ) sipho; b ) apex of sipho, ventral; c ) tegmen, ventral; d ) tegmen, lateral; e ) first abdominal sternite; f ) maxillary palpus; g ) antenna; h ) hemisternite; i ) outline of the body; j ) scale for a–f = 0.25 mm; k ) scale for g, h = 0.1 mm. Type Series. Holotype : (Ƌ), Sichuan : Baoxing : Nibagou ( 30.3 N , 102.8 E ), VIII­1997 , Guo H. et al. leg. ( BAAF ) . Paratype : ( 1 ♀ , same data as holotype) ( BAAF ) . Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality. Remarks. The previous species, Shirozuella quadrimacularis Yu , new species , differs from the known species of the genus in having brown elytra with two pairs of light markings. It differs from S. nibagou new species by the terminal segment of the maxillary palpus being slightly divergent distally, the stout hemisternite of the female, and the short, black body. Both S. nibagou and S. alishanensis Yu and Pang have the lateral lobes of the tegmen without an appendix whereas the type species of the genus, S. mirabilis Sasaji (1967) , and S. appendiculata Yu and Pang (1992b) have the lateral lobes of the tegmen with a long appendix at the tip. Further study may show that S. quadrimacularis , S. nibagou , and S. alishanensis belong in a genus separate from the latter two species. The recently described Ghanius schawalleri Canepari (1997) resembles S. nibagou in many respects. Because the former has a complete first abdominal sternite postcoxal line, it would not be a member of Ghanius Ahmad , but belongs in Shirozuella (Canepari, pers. comm., agrees with this). Subfamily Coccinellinae Tribe Coccinellini Genus Hippodamia Dejean Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) Coccinella variegata Goeze 1777 ( France ) . Adonia variegata : Mader 1928 (Palearctic region, North and Central Africa); Liu 1963 ( China ); Bielawski 1984 ( Mongolia ); Kuznetsov 1997 (Russian). Hippodamia variegata : Iablokoff­Khnzorian 1982 ; Gordon 1987 (North America); Gordon and Vandenberg 1991; Cao et al. 1992 . Distribution. China (Jiling, Laoning, Inner Mongolia , Ningxia , Xinjiang , Gansu , Hebei , Shandong , Shanxi , Henan , Sichuan , Shaanxi , Fujian , Yunnan , Tibet ), Palearctic Region, North and Central Africa, India , Nepal , North America (introduced). Specimens Examined. Yunnan : Lijiang : Wenbishan (1 Ƌ, 2 ♀ ) . Genus Propylea Mulsant Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (Linneaus) Coccinella 14­ punctata Linneaus 1758 (Europe). Propylea quatuordecim ­punctata : Mulsant 1846 ; Sasaji 1971 ( Japan ); Iablo­ koff­Khnzorian 1982; Gordon and Vandenberg 1991 (North America) Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata : Mader 1933 ; Liu 1963 ( China ); Bielawski 1984 ( Mongolia ). Distribution. China (Northeast and Northwest China , Beijing , Jiangsu , Guizhou , Yunnan ), Palearctic region, North America (introduced). Specimen Examined. Sichuan : Baoxing ( 1 ♀ ) . Genus Adalia Mulsant Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus) Coccinella bipunctata Linnaeus 1758 (Europe) . Adalia bipunctata : Mader 1929 (Europe, Asia, America); Liu 1963 ( China ); Belicek 1976 ( Canada , America); Bielawski 1984 ( Mongolia ); Gordon 1985 (North America); Pope 1988 ( Australia ). Adalia ( Adalia ) bipunctata : Iablokoff­Khnzorian 1982 . Adalia fasciatopunctata : Mader 1929 ( Asia Minor , Caucasus); Bielawski 1984 ( Mongolia ). Distribution. China ( Heilongjiang , Laoning, Jiling, Hebei , Shanxi , Shandong , Henan , Xinjiang , Ningxia , Gansu , Shaanxi , Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Jiangxi , Fujian , Sichuan , Yunnan , Tibet ), Holarctic Region, North and Central Africa, Australia and New Zealand (introduced). Specimens Examined. (11 total), Yunnan : Lijiang: Wenbishan. Remarks. The specimens examined here are the form fasciatopunctata. Specimens were collected in late September, some under hemlock bark where they appeared to be hibernating.