A new genus and three new species of free-living marine nematodes from the Yellow Sea, China Author Huang, Y. Author Zhang, Z. N. text Journal of Natural History 2006 2006-04-13 40 1 - 2 5 16 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930600617781 journal article 10.1080/00222930600617781 1464-5262 4669014 Paramphimonhystrella elegans sp. nov. ( Tables I , II; Figures 2 , 3 ) Table I. The modification of Filipjev’s standard formula of Paramphimonhystrella elegans sp. nov.
Holotype male 1: 220 M 1480 1778 mm; a553.9, b58.1, c56.0, Sc526
6 33 33 27
Paratype female 1: 176 V 1522 1830 mm; a550.8, b510.4, c55.9, V555%
7 32 36 32
Table II. Measurements of Paramphimonhystrella elegans sp. nov. (in mm).
Characters 1 2 ♀1 ♀2 ♀3
Total body length 1778 1916 1830 1866 1286
Maximum body diameter 33 34 36 38 29
Head diameter 6.5 7 7 7.5 6.5
Buccal cavity length 13 16 14 18 12
Buccal cavity width 3.5 5 5 4 3
Cephalic setae 4 5 4 5.5 5
Amphid length 11 12 9 12 8
Amphid width/c.d. 0.5 0.47 0.38 0.44 0.5
Nerve ring from anterior 120 108 102 128 98
Nerve ring c.d. 29 31 29 33 26
Oesophagus length 220 196 176 212 154
Oesophagus c.d. 33 34 32 36 27
Anal diameter 27 31 32 32 29
Tail length 298 280 308 296 250
Tail length/a.b.d. 11 9 9.6 9.3 8.6
Spicule length as chord 26 23
Vulva from anterior 1015 920 684
Vulva c.d. 36 38 24
V% 55 49 53
a 53.9 56.4 50.8 49.1 47.6
b 8.1 9.8 10.4 8.8 8.4
c 6.0 6.8 5.9 6.3 5.2
Type material Two males and three females collected from Stations 11594, 11794, 12494, and 14394 ( Figure 1 ). Holotype : 1 (ZB030190) slide number ZB030112213, Station 11594. Paratypes : 2 (ZB030191) ZB030113122, Station 11794 and three females (ZB030192, ZB030193, and ZB030194) ZB0301122234, ZB030115213, and ZB030120321, Station 11594, 12494, and 14394 . Type locality Benthic in the Yellow Sea. Station 11594: 34 ° 29.749N , 122 ° 30.219E , 63 m , MdØ 6.01, organic matter 2.02%; Station 11794: 34 ° 29.869N , 123 ° 29.109E , 78 m , MdØ 8.91, organic matter 4.15%; Station 12494: 33 ° 59.769N , 122 ° 59.859E , 68 m , MdØ 7.54, organic matter 2.78%; Station 14394: 33 ° 00.379N , 124 ° 29.229E , 64 m , MdØ 3.64, organic matter 1.1 %. Etymology This species is named after the beautiful slender body. Description Figure 1. Map of distributed stations of new species in the Yellow Sea. Body length 1286–1916 mm ; maximum body diameter 29–38 mm . Cuticle smooth. Head tapering. Buccal cavity conical, strongly elongated, and cuticularized. Ten cephalic setae in one circle, 4–5 mm long each. Two circles of ten cervical setae each, first group at the level of the amphids, 7 mm long; the second circle about 14 mm behind amphids, 10 mm long. Amphids ovoid, 8–12 mm long, about 14 mm from the head end. Oesophagus 154–220 mm . Tail 250–308 mm long, conico-cylindrical. Conical part about two-thirds of tail length; anal diameter 27–32mm . Three caudal glands, and the proximal two large and obvious. Three terminal caudal setae, about 20 mm long. Male. Spicule 24–26 mm long, with a small hook at distal end. Gubernaculum and precloacal supplement lacking. Female. A single anterior ovary, about 430 mm long; vulva at about 49–55% of body length. Diagnosis and discussion Paramphimonhystrella elegans sp. nov. is characterized by ovoid amphids, the spicules with a small hook at distal end. It is close to Paramphimonhystrella minor sp. nov. But the principal differences between the two species are the body size, the shape of the amphids, the structure of the head, buccal cavity and spicules. In this species, the body length is more than 1200 mm ; the amphids are ovoid. In P. minor sp. nov. the body is shorter than 800 mm ; amphids are circular; spicules with sharp tip. It is similar to Paramphimonhystrella sinica sp. nov. in body size, but amphids are circular, and spicules have a blunt tip in the latter.