Measurements af humerus. | |
M. | |
Extreme LL / LAD length u.. \ y 27ı inches | .683 |
Breadth at lower end of radial crest. | .165 |
Circumference midway between lower end of radial crest and distal end | .265 |
Breadth across head and outer tuberosity. | 140 |
“ “ inner tuberosity. | .130 |
Breadth across inner anrl outer tuberosities.. | 145 |
Breadth of outer condyle. | 100 |
Breadth of inner condyle (imperfect). | .080 |
Thickness at centre of condyles | .092 |
Thickness of radial crest near lower end. | .034 |
Measurements of | |
M. | |
Extreme length of ulna (28 inches) | .708 |
Circumference at middle of shaft. | .190 |
Greatest breadth across coronoid process. | .145 |
Greatest thickness at proximal end. | .094 |
Greatest diameter of carpal end | .074 |
Shortest diameter of carpal end. | .057 |
Extreme length of radius (25 inches). | .632 |
Circumference at middle of shaft. | 155 |
Long diameter of head | .086 |
Short diameter of head | .054 |
Long diameter of carpal end. | .087 |
Short diameter of carpal end. | .050 |
Measurements of femur. | |
M. | |
Length from top of trochanter to bottom of outer condyle.. | l 1825 |
Length from top of head to bottom of inner condyle ... | 1 1698 |
Breadth of upper extremity‘. | .2464 |
Breadth of lower‘ extremity ... | .2497 |
Transverse diameter at middle of shaft.. | .145 |
Antero-posterior diameter at middle of shaft. | .134 |
Circumference below third trochanter. | .4048 |
Circumference above third trochanter. | .4774 |
Anter‘o-posterior‘ diameter of head (imperfect). | 127 |
Antero-posterior diarneter‘ of trochanter. | .209 |
Antero-posterior diameter of inner condyle. | .300 |
Length of third trochanter. | .377 |
Height at centre of third trochanter.. | .047 |
Measurements of tibia. | |
‘nI.M. | |
Length of tibia externally. | 1.018 |
Length in front. | .980 |
Circumference at narrowest part of shaft, just below the middle.. | .379 |
Breadth of upper extremity | .272 |
Diameter of middle of head antero-posteríoriy. | .2024 |
Breadth of tarsal extremity. | .337 |
Diameter‘ at middle of tarsal surface. | 123 |
Measurements of left ramus of lower jaw. | |
M. | |
Extreme length | 630 |
Depth at middle of magazine. | 095 |
\Virlth at base of magazine. | .034 |
Length of nngazine | "400 |
Depth of same at its mid-length | ' 088 |
Width through magazine at middle of magazine | " 068 |
Elevation of coronoid process above lower border | 232 |
Elevation of coronoid process above upper border | 158 |
Antero-posterior diameter of coronoid process above. -. | 080 |
Transverse diameter of coronoid process above | ' 015 |
Thickness of inner alveolar wall | ' 002 |
Forty-six alveolar grooves. | |
Diameter of dental foramina (largest) | ' 0C5 |
Diameter of dental foramina at ends of series ... | 040 |
Elevation of grinding surface of teeth above edge of outer wall | 075 |
Distance from front of magazine to anterior end of symphyseal surface.. ...... | 182 |
Measurements of right maxilla | |
M. | |
Extreme length | 300 |
Extreme depth of same (imperfect above) | 1 1 |
Length of dental series | 316 |
Tliickness of maxilla at mid length | 078 |
Distance apart of lower edges of alveolar walls at mid-length ... | 025 |
Distance apart of same near anterior end | 016 |
Distance apart of same near posterior end ... | 015 |
Distance of row of foramina (forty in number) above edge of inner alveolar wall at centre | 055 |
Projection of outer edge of grinding surface of teeth below edge of outer alveolar wa'l at centre | -019 |
Projection of inner edge of same below edge of inner alveolar wall at centre ... | 007 |
Average horizontal diameter of foramina in inner alveolar wall | 047 |
Measurements of pubis. | |
M. | |
Length of acetabular border along curve | .235 |
Distancc from centr‘c of ischiac facct to centre of iliac facet. | .205 |
Breadth at narrowest part of anterior‘ expansion. | .092 |
Thickness at centre of narrowest part | .027 |
Breadth of specimen anteriorly (imperfect). | 174 |
Circumference of base of postpubic process. | .092 |
Vertical diameter of ischiac facet. | .045 |
Greatest thickness slightly in advance of acetabular border. z | .022 |
Greatest thickness at centre of anterior end (imperfect) of specimen. | .018 |
Length of specimen frorn ischiac facet to anterior end. | .485 |
Estimated length of pubis, when perfect, from anterior end to posterior end of postpubic process (37 inches). | .940 |
Measurements of ischium. | |
M. | |
Extreme length from iliae facet | 1.050 |
Distance from upper‘ end of iliac facet to lower end of pubic facet. | .332 |
Length of acetabular border measured on concavity. | 140 |
Length of iliac facet. | 135 |
Breadth of | .060 |
Length of pubic facet. | .040 |
Breadth of same. | .020 |
Length *of postpubic facet. | 122 |
Breadth of same. | .013 |
Circumference at mid-length | .162 |
Breadth of expanded distal end. | .0217 |
Thickness of lower part of same | .070 |
Thickness of upper part of same. | .040 |
Thickness of proximal 'expansion at centre | .016 |