Givetian ostracods of the Candás Formation (Asturias, North-western Spain): taxonomy, stratigraphy, palaeoecology, relationship to global events and palaeogeographical implications Author Maillet, Sebastien Author Milhau, Bruno Author Vreulx, Michel Author Posada, Luis-Carlos Sánchez De text Zootaxa 2016 4068 1 1 78 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4068.1.1 b9c1e3a3-e591-4b34-9f30-d6d88a230673 1175-5326 270644 80E89736-33F2-4FF5-9B01-8B7239407875 Acratia ? sp. indet. (Pl. III: Fig. 19) 2013 Acratia ? sp. indet.; Maillet: 158, pl. XXIV, figs. 11–12. Material. 5 specimens (5 C). Description. Medium-sized elongated carapace, biconvex in dorsal view, sub-oval in lateral view. Slight overlap of the larger LV over the smaller RV along whole outline. Bow-shaped projection. Hmax at 2/5 anterior; Lmax at 2/5 ventral; Wmax slightly anterior. Dorsal margin straight in its middle, convex in its extremities. Slightly convex ventral margin. Ventral and dorsal margins converging both anteriorly and posteriorly. Regularly convex anterior margin. Convex posterior margin, more arched in its ventral part. Sharp posterior end. Anterior part of the carapace higher than the posterior one. Surface smooth. Discussion. Most probably belonging to the Acratia genus, these specimens are not well enough preserved to propose a more precise identification. Occurrences. Middle Givetian (Candás Fm, mbs A and C), Asturias (Peran-Perlora section), Lower Givetian?, Mouthoumet Massif (Berco Grando section).