New Records Of Helminths Of The Corncrake, Crex Crex (Aves, Rallidae) From Ukraine Author Syrota, Ya. Yu. Author Korol, E. M. Author Kuzmin, Yu. I. text Zoodiversity 2020 2020-03-02 54 1 11 16 journal article 53628 10.15407/zoo2020.01.011 d8146c19-5f8b-4390-a6e0-16d890253e9c 2707-7268 6377534 Brachylaima fuscata (Rudolphi, 1819) Six specimens were collected from the intestine of one bird. L o c a l i t y: Nizhyn District ( Chernihiv Region ). Description (based on 4 mature specimens). Body elongated ( fig. 1 , A), with maximum width 476–542 anterior to ventral sucker; body length 2,487 –2,849 . Oral sucker larger than ventral sucker. Oral sucker 241–288×211–282. Ventral sucker 150–182×145–180. Distance from anterior end of body to centre of ventral sucker 890–960. Pharynx well-developed, round, 102–174×123–168. Gonads in posterior quarter of body. Ovary between testes. Anterior testis 160–272×167–261, posterior testis 164–269×122–245. Ovary 131–162×136– 171. Vitellarium distributed in two lateral fields, extending from posterior extremity of ventral sucker to level of anterior edge of anterior testis. Eggs oval, numerous, 28–35× 16– 18 in size.